About us

About us

It was the summer of 2015. A few friends got together and hacked a prototype of an AI-powered office desk. They raised $285,422 on Kickstarter from 468 backers who believed in their vision.

An AI consumer hardware product was way ahead of its time in 2015. But it gave these kids the idea to reinvent the way people work.

Autonomous was born in January 2016.

Fast facts

customers are using Autonomous products daily.
as of May 31, 2024
offices trust Autonomous for their teams.
as of May 31, 2024
products sold globally.
as of May 31, 2024
Autonomists are with us, building a healthier community.
as of May 31, 2024
countries have Autonomous footprints.
as of May 31, 2024
warehouses worldwide.
as of May 31, 2024