How to Get Rid of Wood Mites for Your Wood House?
Workplace Inspiration

How to Get Rid of Wood Mites for Your Wood House?

|Apr 11, 2023

Wood mites, also known as timber mites or furniture mites, are tiny pests that can cause significant damage to wooden structures and furniture. They are known for feeding on the cellulose in wood and causing small, tunnel-like holes in the surface.

If left untreated, wood mites can compromise the structural integrity of wooden buildings and furniture, causing costly repairs. If you own a great wooden house with a premium wood home décor, you must get rid of them now!

This blog post will explore practical and effective ways to get rid of wood mites for your wood house. Whether you prefer chemical control, natural remedies, or professional services, this guide will provide all the information you need to protect your home from these pesky pests.

What Are Wood Mites?

Wood mites are pesky little insects, usually measuring less than a millimeter in length. Wood mites are microscopic and cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Their go-to snack is cellulose, which is the main component of wood. As they feed, they can cause small, tunnel-like holes in the surface of wooden structures and furniture.

Over time, these holes can accumulate, causing significant damage to the wood. Additionally, wood mites can also attract other pests, such as termites, to your home.

People argue that wood mites are harmless and do not cause any damage to wooden structures. However, there is a strong debate on this topic. Even if they do not cause considerable damage to wooden foundations, they can be a nuisance if found in your home and can cause contamination.

Wood mites are frequently encountered in places with significant humidity, such as basements and crawl spaces. Additionally, they can be seen in wooden furniture, especially in antique or vintage pieces that need to be adequately cared for or preserved.

Firewood, wooden beams, and other wooden constructions can all get infested with wood mites. To avoid a wood mite infestation, it is crucial to remain watchful and monitor these areas frequently.

What Are Wood Mites?

Types of Wood Mites

Several wood mites include the Furniture Mite, the Timber Mite, and the House Dust Mite. Each type of wood mite has its distinct characteristics and habitat preferences.

The Furniture Mite is commonly found in old, untreated wooden furniture, while the Timber Mite can infest wooden beams and structural elements in homes. Building a shed is not easy; hence, you have to take care of it whenever needed.

Understanding the different types of wood mites can help you identify the source of an infestation and take the appropriate steps to eliminate it.

Type of Wood MiteCharacteristicsHabitatCommon Control Methods
Spider MitesTiny, usually red or black, spin webs, rapid breedersOn leaves of plants, wooden furniture, and structuresInsecticidal soap, miticides, removing infested plants
Dust MitesMicroscopic, feed on dead skin cells, allergenicMattresses, upholstered furniture, wooden surfacesRegular cleaning, dehumidifiers, hypoallergenic covers
Woodworm MitesFeed on larvae of wood-boring beetles, tiny and whiteInfested wooden furniture, beams, flooringTreating wood with insecticides, maintaining low humidity
Carpet Beetle MitesTiny, feed on carpet beetles, sometimes found on woodCarpets, wooden furniture, stored productsVacuuming, insecticide treatments, cleaning infested areas
Oribatid MitesSmall, slow-moving, feed on decaying organic matterForest floors, leaf litter, wooden structuresMaintaining cleanliness, reducing moisture levels
Predatory MitesFeed on other mites, beneficial in controlling pestsGardens, greenhouses, wooden areas with mite infestationsIntroducing predatory mites, maintaining natural habitats
Cheyletid MitesOften found on animals, can infest wooden areasAnimal fur, nests, wooden structuresTreating animals, cleaning living areas, insecticide sprays
Bark Beetle MitesLive under bark, associated with bark beetlesTrees, logs, wooden structuresRemoving infested wood, using bark beetle control methods

Types of Wood Mites

Signs of Wood Mites

Visible Holes in Wood

The most noticeable sign of wood mites is the appearance of small, tunnel-like holes in the surface of wooden structures and furniture. These holes are usually about the size of a pinhead and are caused by the mites feeding on the cellulose in the wood.

Wearing Out of Wood

In severe infestation cases, wood mites can cause warping or distortion of wooden structures and furniture. The weakened wood can become brittle and may break or split, compromising the structural integrity of your home. However, wearing out of wood depends on which different types of wood for furniture are used.

Foul Odor

A musty odor can also be a sign of a wood mite infestation. This odor is caused by the mites feeding on the cellulose in the wood, which can release a pungent smell. If you detect a musty odor in your home, it's essential to inspect your wooden structures and furniture for wood mites.

Signs of Wood Mites

How to Get Rid of Wood Mites?

If your house is also infested with wood mites, look nowhere else, as we have brought the best 4-step solution to get rid of wood mites effectively. Here is what you should do:

1. Identify The Source

Locate where the wood mites live, as they often prefer damp wood piles and moist tree bark. Narrow their source to one item in your home or firewood outside.

2. Reduce Moisture and Mold

Moisture attracts wood mites and results in mold, so it is crucial to monitor the moisture levels in your home and eliminate mold in wood furniture. This includes fixing leaky pipes, using a dehumidifier, and thoroughly cleaning your home.

Use a dehumidifier to lower the humidity inside your shed. Keeping the humidity below 50% can help discourage wood mite infestations

3. Clean and Declutter

Remove any clutter or unnecessary items from your shed, as these can provide hiding places for wood mites. Regularly clean the shed to remove dust, debris, and any decaying organic matter.

4. Seal Cracks and Gaps

Seal any cracks or gaps in the walls, floors, and around doors and windows using caulk or weatherstripping. This can help prevent wood mites from entering your shed.

5. Natural Predators

Consider introducing natural predators of wood mites, such as predatory mites or certain species of spiders, into your shed. However, be cautious as introducing new species can have unintended consequences.

6. Apply Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural insecticide that can be effective against wood mites. Sprinkle a thin layer of food-grade diatomaceous earth in areas where wood mites are present. Be sure to wear a mask to avoid inhaling the dust.

7. Use Pesticides

If the infestation is severe and other methods have failed, you may need to use pesticides. Look for pesticides labeled specifically for use against wood mites and follow the instructions carefully. Keep in mind that pesticides can be harmful to the environment and should be used as a last resort.

8. Regular Maintenance

Keep up with regular maintenance of your outdoor shed to prevent wood mites from returning. This includes repairing any leaks or damage promptly, keeping the area clean and dry, and monitoring for signs of infestation.

How to Get Rid of Wood Mites?


What do wood mites look like?

Wood mites are tiny insects, usually measuring less than 1 millimeter in length. They have six legs and a segmented body and are usually pale in color.

Are wood mites harmful?

Yes, wood mites are harmful to wooden structures and furniture as they feed on the cellulose in the wood, causing small, tunnel-like holes and weakening the structure.

Are wood mites harmful to humans?

No, wood mites are not harmful to humans, and they do not bite or sting and do not transmit diseases to humans.

Can wood mites live on humans?

No, wood mites do not live on humans; they only live in and feed on wooden structures and furniture.


Getting rid of wood mites requires a combination of reducing moisture levels, thorough cleaning, sealing gaps and crevices, and eliminating the mites with insecticides or natural remedies.

By following the step-by-step guide outlined in the text, homeowners can effectively eliminate wood mites in their homes. Also, check out some fantastic shed ideas in the modern shed and studio shed niche to upscale your living experience.

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