Good Work Habit Inspiration to Adopt in the Workplace
Work Wellness

Good Work Habit Inspiration to Adopt in the Workplace

|May 7, 2024

Spending long hours in the office doesn’t mean you have to put your health and well-being on hold. Adopting healthy work habits and integrating them into our office life can help keep your mind and body in good shape and can even improve productivity as you strive toward success.

This guide covers 10 great ways a good work habit can improve your health- and 10 habits designed to help you achieve success and productivity. If you are looking for ways to look after yourself better while you work, you are in the right place.

Why Are Healthy Work Habits Important?

Healthy office habits are important for everyone- no matter how much or little time you spend behind the desk. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of sitting still and staring at a screen for hours on end. Doing so could be detrimental to your well-being.

Some of the benefits of healthy workplace habits include:

  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced aches and pains
  • Improved fitness
  • Better job satisfaction
  • Clearer thinking
  • Feeling happier and healthier

Why are Healthy Work Habits Important?

10 Workplace Habits to Keep You Healthy

Let’s focus on health first. There are plenty of things you can do to stay active at work that won’t get in the way of you doing your job. In fact, adopting healthy work habits can keep you focused and help you work more effectively.

Here are 10 good work habits to keep you healthy.

1. Use a Standing Desk to its Full Potential

The introduction of a standing desk into your work setup offers excellent health benefits. Not only can you reduce the time you spend sitting and getting stiff and sore, but you can integrate standing desk exercises to really make the most of it.

Try to get into the good habit of setting standing goals each day and week- and sticking to them! Work in some stretches and simple exercises that suit your fitness level and working environment- and don’t forget to bring some comfy shoes!

Use a Standing Desk to its Full Potential 

2. Put a Treadmill Under Your Standing Desk

Desk exercise equipment is one of the best inventions of recent times for fitness buffs who don’t want to let office hours get in the way of their routine. Whether you work from home or have a private office, using fitness equipment in tandem with your standing desk is the perfect way to stay active and get fit.

Treadmills are the easiest choice- especially if you choose a compact model that tucks out of sight when not in use.

Put a Treadmill Under Your Standing Desk

3. Take Regular Light Exercise Breaks

Light exercise is better than no exercise - and is a great first step for those looking for ways to introduce healthy habits into their working life. Weighted stretches, lunges, and squats are some examples- find something that works for you and adopt it as a lasting healthy habit.

Take Regular Light Exercise Breaks - work habit

4. Get Daily Fresh Air

Breathing fresh air is incredibly healing. Physical health is far from one-dimensional. Many things work together to keep your body feeling great. Getting out of the office- even for a short break- and going outside helps the body and mind refresh and reset.

5. Practice Active Sitting

Active sitting is a technique that involves engaging core muscles and using your body while sitting down, rather than slouching and letting the body be lazy. It is a small change that can have a big impact- especially if you don’t have time for much additional fitness activity.

6. Stretch and Move 

We said it before, and we will say it again- the most important thing is to move. You don’t need to plan a whole, high-octane circuit training session - even basic leg exercise while sitting has an impact.

Whenever you have an opportunity to move around or stretch out a bit- do it. It can be while sitting down, when you are using your standing desk, or around the office.

7. Try to Limit Your Screen Time

Step away from the computer to give your eyes and brain a break. Too much screen time can leave you feeling tired and weak- making it harder to stay active. Think about what work you can do that doesn’t involve a computer, laptop, or smartphone- and schedule these breaks throughout your day.

Avoid spending your breaks scrolling on your phone- especially if your job involves long stretches at a screen. It is bad for your eyes and can overstimulate your brain- making it more difficult to go back to a focused and productive mindset when the break is over.

Try to Limit Your Screen Time

8. Take Part in Office Wellness Activities

If your workplace offers wellness activities, get involved! These are great for integrating fitness and health into your working life- and have other benefits, such as team building. Find out who is responsible for employee wellness in your office and find out what is on - or suggest some new activities you think would add value.

9. Watch Out for Poor Posture

Bad posture is detrimental to office workers' health - and only gets worse over time. Prioritizing good posture is an essential work habit to adopt if you want to avoid lasting aches and pains.

Investing in an ergonomic chair is the best first step to better posture, but you also need to arrange your desk setup to optimize comfort and minimize muscle strain.

10. Look After Your Mental Health, Too

Considering your physical health is important - but don’t forget about your mental well-being. Stress, over-tiredness, and emotional strain can have a knock-on effect on your body. The more you look after your mental health, the easier it is to maintain an effective fitness plan.

Look After Your Mental Health, Too

10 Good Work Habits for a Productive and Successful Career

Healthy workplace habits are great for the mind and body - but they can also benefit your career. Staying active helps you keep your mind clear and focused - ultimately improving productivity and making it easier to give your all at work.

As well as the ideas listed above, these 10 good work habits can benefit your productivity and increase your chances of success in the workplace.

1. Keep Your Desk Setup Organized and Tidy

The old cliche of a tidy home meaning a tidy mind translates to the workplace. An organized desk does help keep your thoughts organized - just as a messy desk can lead to confused, disorganized thinking.

Try to steer clear of clutter and unnecessary obstacles on your desk. Only have the things you need or that add genuine value to your working life. Clear your work when you finish a task, and think about smart ways to organize your stationery and desk accessories.

Keep Your Desk Setup Organized and Tidy

2. Switch Up Your Routine Sometimes

Routine is important for success, and having a clear schedule helps keep productivity high - but it can also grow stale and lead to complacency. Switching up the schedule sometimes can be the kick you need to feel refreshed and reenergized at work- especially if your job involves a lot of repetition.

3. Make To-Do Lists

It may seem like a simple idea, but listing the things you want and need to achieve each day is a powerful tool for inspiration and motivation. There is something about seeing your to-dos written down in a list- and seeing them crossed off as the day progresses- that really stimulates productivity at work.

Successful people are highly aware of their responsibilities and everything that needs to be done, and they use it to drive them throughout the day.

Make To-Do Lists - work habit

4. Remove Distractions Where Possible

Life is full of distractions - many of which are often unavoidable. Others, however, can be reduced through your actions and decisions while working. Try to remove the distractions that you can- such as your phone, TV screens, or chit-chat with colleagues - during periods when focus and attention are required.

This lets you stay productive and maximize your efficiency- and sets you up for a more balanced and successful life in and out of work.

Remove Distractions Where Possible

5. Take Regular Brain Breaks

Nobody’s brain can go full speed ahead nonstop all day- nor should it have to! It is important to understand limits and pay attention to them. Brain breaks don’t necessarily mean you need to stop working, but they do mean stepping away from mentally demanding tasks for a short time to let your thinker reset and recharge.

Combine them with some light physical activity where possible - or use the time to reflect and unwind while you prepare for the next part of your day.

6. Pay Attention to Your Energy Levels

Managing your time is one thing, but monitoring your energy levels is equally important. Think about the times of day when you tend to be at your most motivated and energized - and identify the times when you are most likely to experience a bit of a slump.

 Arrange your day in a way that puts big tasks that require plenty of focus at the times of day when your energy is at its fullest. Schedule breaks where possible for the times you tend to wither. If you can’t take a break at that time, set yourself a task that doesn’t require quite as much brain power or physical energy.

Pay Attention to Your Energy Levels

7. Avoid Multitasking

The habit of trying to do too many things at once has the opposite effect from what people want to achieve. You may think multitasking could save you time, but it is more likely to cause confusion and lead to mistakes. It is far better to focus on one thing at a time and give it your all- ensuring your best work is delivered for every task before moving on to the next.

8. Set Achievable, Measurable Goals

Goal setting is vital for success in any line of work. The best way to use goal setting to your advantage is to have a series of small, achievable goals with clear success markers to help you track progress. Set timeframes for when you want to achieve things- and have a few bigger goals for the future to help keep you focused on long-term ideals for your career.

Set Achievable, Measurable Goals

9. Give Yourself a Great Work Setup

It is easier to stay focused and productive at work if you have an enjoyable setup that is comfortable, convenient, and inviting. Investing in a great ergonomic chair and desk combination is a good place to start - and make sure you adjust the settings for optimal comfort, support, and ease of movement.

Style your work zone with simple desk accessories and just enough personalization to make it feel like you. Keep it minimalistic and organized, and pick items that enhance your workflow.

10. Make Your Health and Well-Being a Priority

It all ties together. Looking after your mental and physical health goes hand in hand with achieving a productive work habit and successful working environment and energy. Prioritize your well-being and be conscious of things that get in the way of a healthy happy work experience for you.

Make Your Health and Well-Being a Priority


To summarize, staying active, healthy, and productive at work is easier than you may think. There are plenty of steps you can take that have a major impact on your well-being in the workplace- and these 20 good habits can help get you started.

People often underestimate the importance of adopting good habits at work - or overestimate how difficult it is to make changes. The trick is to start with small, simple habits that are easily manageable. From there, you can take the motivation you feel from each good habit and use it as inspiration to make bigger changes!

Your health should always be a priority. Looking after your mind and body makes it easier to focus and stay productive at work. In turn, it helps you maintain positive habits that can help you strive toward success in the workplace and your personal life.

This guide is an introduction to good working habits for health, productivity, and success- and we hope these ideas inspire you. Remember, there are many more possibilities- but it all starts with the decision to prioritize healthy and productive workplace habits and make them part of your daily routine!

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