10 Common Physical Health Problems at Workplace
Work Wellness

10 Common Physical Health Problems at Workplace

|Mar 3, 2022

Overtime work sometimes results in adverse physical health problems. Unhealthy lifestyles linked with working extra hours, such as excessive alcohol intake and lack of physical exercise, are explanations. Furthermore, employees who work long hours might not have had the time to pursue necessary medical attention if they become unwell. Working full time also increases the risk of hypertension, diabetes, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular diseases, leading to stroke and death.

Employees who worked long hours experienced negative mental health consequences and physical health issues. Work overload causes exhaustion in employees, which has a detrimental impact on their emotional and behavioral views. Anxiety and despair are also more frequent among those who work full time.

In this article, we will go through the top ten employee health issues usually caused because of working in an office and talk about some easy physical problem-solving activities that could help in knowing how to relax at work.

10 Most Prominent Physical Health Problems Found in Employees

Employment is vital to the majority of us on a variety of levels. Working in a career that we like and find fulfilling may give a significant purpose for our lives while also providing a source of money. Our earnings determine our style of life, and work often influences our identity and subconscious. Workplace issues can have a negative influence on the physical and psychological. Her

1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) physical health problem

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is defined as compression on the nerve root by medical specialists. It can cause nerve damage, numbness, paralysis, or muscular damage in the arm and hand (albeit it won't blind you). Although other variables can contribute to that, the countless hours spent in the office on spreadsheets, word docs, and emails have contributed to the disease's exponential growth over the last two decades. Physiotherapy may be an alternative for those suffering from CTS.

2. Lower-Back Pain

Experts believe that the rise in physically inactive positions, such as reclining on your buttocks for more than a few hours per day, is to blame for chronic back pain. When you bring in an increase in poor posture, the end consequence can be disastrous for your body as a result. Therefore companies need to be aware of this too because back pain is one of the most frequent reasons employees miss work.

3. Eyestrain

Eyestrain physical health problem

Here is another physical health problem you should know. Those of us who have to stare at charts for hours and hours have undoubtedly felt as if the digits were scorching flames in our eyeballs for some point. The 'melty eye' phenomenon is a physical problem caused by technology, and it is well known among programmers combing through hundreds of program code lines throughout the day.

4. Noise stress

Work stress causes noise stress, and it can be caused by ringing phones, noisy printers, obnoxious employees, and certain other office disturbances. Noise in open-plan offices might contribute to increased stress and decreased task motivation. There could be an explanation why certain workers become postal because of the commotion of an office.

5. Viruses/Bacteria

Viruses/Bacteria physical health problem

When it comes to the dirtiest occupations globally, most people don't think of sitting in an office, but your office is worse than your bathroom regarding bacteria and germs. As per some experts, the cellphone is the dirtiest object on your workstation, followed by your keypad, mouse, and computer. After the day, your office is a battlefield for microorganisms.

6. Exposure to Exceptionally Low Frequency (ELF) Electric and Magnetic Fields

PC and smartphone emissions have become so prevalent that they can also appear harmless. However, the radiation they release has the potential to cause damage. Some people believe that excessive levels of EMF radiation might induce leukemia, malignancies, reproductive and developmental issues, and depression.

7. Obesity

Obesity physical health problem

This is one of the detrimental physical health problems you should notice. While obesity is not a recent issue, it has become a more prevalent physical problem caused by anxiety due to a lack of physical exercise and the strong influence of unhealthy food in workplaces all around the world. Higher amounts of bad blood cholesterol, blood clots, and other serious medical issues are linked to obesity. It could also affect your musculature and posture, leading to a downward mental and physical health cycle.

8. Colon Cancer

It is a type of cancer that affects the colon of the human body. While specialists are divided about whether office employment can have a conclusive link to colon cancer, it is undeniable that being seated and having anxiety about work performance for long periods is a major contributor to the global rise in colon cancer.

9. Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases

Physical problems caused by stress can be a huge concern for many. Even when your heart is not really in your job, you're constantly exposed to it. Sitting at a workplace can also cause workers to experience high levels of stress, get less rest, and indulge in other habits that increase cardiovascular risk, such as nicotine addiction.

10. Diabetes

It usually has little or no effect on an individual's ability to perform their job, and companies may or may not be aware that the person has diabetes. Diabetes has different effects on different people. Many people control their diabetes by eating well, exercising regularly, and weight maintenance, while others keep making mistakes at work.

Tips to Overcome Physical Health Problems At Work

Being healthy is only one aspect of well-being. It includes not only physical capability but also psychosocial wellbeing. It's the "positive component," in a nutshell. Here are a few work etiquettes' tips that you should follow to overcome health issues:

  • Avoid sitting in a chair for long hours, work on a sit-stand desk to make your job more convenient for yourself.
  • Bring in more activity into your commuting systems. For instance, cycle to your workplace if it's not that far.
  • Keep taking regular breaks from staring at the computer screen throughout the day because it can save you from getting an eye strain or even a headache.
  • Try to be more active during lunchtime. After finishing your meal, go outside for a walk with a colleague and this way, you will also be working on your employee relationship management.
  • Keep track of your diet. Try incorporating fruits into your office snacking routine instead of junk food.
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