10 Simple Seated Back Stretches at Your Office Chair
Work Wellness

10 Simple Seated Back Stretches at Your Office Chair

|Jun 30, 2023

Out of all the things office workers share in common, back pain is probably the most common. Back stretches while sitting can help! When sitting in an office chair the entire day, it is no surprise that you are bound to experience lower back pain. With the correct ergonomic office chair with back support, you can reduce the probability of this. However, for those who find it challenging to cope, here are 10 simple chair exercises for lower back pain you can do in the office.

Ultimately, you should use a chair with lumbar support as it has various health benefits associated with it. If you are finding it challenging to concentrate or perform adequately in the office, it may be time to switch up your chair to an ergonomic chair for back pain.

What is an Ergonomic Chair?

An ergonomic chair has been built to provide the best possible support for the human body, taking into account factors such as health, comfort, support, and posture.

The ErgoChair Pro is an excellent office ergonomic chair that provides a great deal of support which works to reduce all tension and pain in the body.

The Advantages of an Ergonomic Chair

The benefits include:

  • Reduced pain throughout the body – including neck and back pain.

  • Increased energy levels, motivation, and productivity.

  • These chairs help to maintain the correct posture.

  • Ergonomic chairs can be completely customized to suit your body shape and type.

The Disadvantages of an Ergonomic Chair

The disadvantages include:

  • These chairs are relatively expensive.

  • The majority of these products require self-assembly.

10 Simple Seated Back Stretches at Your Office Chair

The 10 simple seated lower back stretches exercises at chairs you can attempt to relieve any pain include:

1. Abdominal Bracing

Start with your hands on your lower abdominal muscles in a seated position. Draw your navel to your spine with a steady, relaxed movement while bracing your abs. Hold for a moment, then let go.

2. Seated Marches with Abdominal Bracing

Continue to sit in your seat with an upright position and abs braced by pulling the navel to the spine while doing the activity.

As you raise one leg off the floor, drop it back down, and alternate with your other leg, keep your knees bent.

3. Seated Forward Flexion Stretch

Start by sitting in your seat with your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor.

Lean over as much as you can while keeping your back straight. Your arms should be dangling near the ground.

4. Seated Figure Four Stretch

Lift one of your feet and place it on your opposite knee when sitting straight in your chair with your feet on the floor.

Gently bend forward until you notice a stretch. Maintain this good posture by keeping your back upright.

5. Seated Knee to Opposite Shoulder

Place your feet on the floor and sit straight in your seat. Cross one leg over the other leg so that your foot is resting on your thigh on the opposite side.

Maintain an upright back as you pull the raised knee to your body to the opposite shoulder.

6. Spinal Twist

Keep your feet firmly on the ground and your hands on the armrest of the seat. Gently twist to the right after that. Stop when you reach your limit and take several deep breaths.  In this pose, remember to keep your back upright and your hips facing forwards. Stay in this position for 10 to 30 seconds before switching sides.

7. Small Spinal Roll

This is a condensed version of a standing spinal roll. Sit in your chair with your back straight and both feet on the ground. Then begin rolling down your spine, beginning at the top of your head. Fold the vertebrae one by one before you cannot any longer. You are free to rest in any position that is convenient for you. It does not matter if it is your knee, the ground, or the middle of your torso.

Then begin to roll back until you reach your starting point. Rep a few times more. The pain can become more intense during this exercise, but once you return to a straight stance, the muscles may feel comfortable.

8. Sitting Back Stretch

Adjust your chair to be a little farther away from the table. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground and your hands on the disk's surface. Inhale deeply, then lower your chest between your arms when you exhale. If you do not feel stretched enough, lower your chest even further. Return to the initial place after a few breaths. Repeat until the muscles are fully relaxed.

9. Torso Stretch

This exercise stretches out your entire back and is extremely quick to do. You should do it if you are stiff.

Intertwine your hands and lift them above your head. Start to shift as if you are attempting to get to the sky. In this location, take a deep breath, then release your hands and place them down. You can practice this activity a total of ten times.

You can keep your hands up for more than one breath if you like. Softly move to the left and the right side to get a deeper stretch.

10. Spinal Roll

This exercise is basic and effective for relieving lower lumbar pain and releasing muscle tension. Stand tall with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Then go back to the small spinal roll point and repeat the procedure.

The Final Verdict

If you have had enough of the stiffness and tension, it is time for you to buy an ergonomic chair. It all comes down to ergonomics. Learn how to better set up your workspace to avoid pain before it begins. Have you ever considered switching to a standing desk? An ergonomic office chair and standing desk could be the solution to all of your problems. 

In the meantime, it may be helpful to attempt the various back stretches for back pain options.

Autonomous ErgoChair Mesh

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