10 Tips for an Effective Homeschool Year Schedule For Children

10 Tips for an Effective Homeschool Year Schedule For Children

|Nov 16, 2020

Homeschooling your children has many benefits compared to sending your children to public school. However, it goes without saying that it requires a lot of work on your part. You need to cover a lot of content to make sure you can get through the curriculum. One of the most crucial parts of this is developing a homeschool year-round schedule.

How Can I Plan a Year of Homeschool?

When you homeschool your child, you can’t just take part of the year off. If you’re wondering how to schedule year-round homeschool, then you’ve come to the right place. This article covers ten of our favorite year-round homeschool schedule ideas. With a homeschool year-round schedule, it should be easy for you and your child to cover the curriculum you’ve designed.

Our Top 10 Year-round Homeschool Schedule Ideas

By using these tips and tricks for scheduling your homeschool year, you should be able to plan out the curriculum and when you are going to cover different topics and subjects. This should help both you and your child keep on track. Having a strong homeschool year-round schedule is crucial in this regard, so make sure you put in the time to develop the perfect schedule.

1. Choose Between a Daily Schedule or Routine

Part of having a homeschool year-round schedule that you can adhere to is having a daily plan, too. If every day goes more or less according to plan, then you should be able to stick to your yearly plan, too. By deciding whether or not you and your child work better with a daily goal or schedule, then you can make it much easier to get through the academic year on plan, too.

Choose between a daily schedule or routine

2. Expect Disruptions

Life is unpredictable! This is why you should expect some level of disruption to your plans, especially to your homeschool year-round schedule. When you combine your personal life with schooling, things are bound to get complicated every now and then. If you expect this, then it’s easier for you to bounce back and get back on track. If you’re thinking about how to schedule year-round homeschool, try not to be too devoted to your schedule.

Expect discruption

3. Choose Something and Commit to It 

Change doesn’t happen overnight. One of our top tips for adhering to a homeschools year-round schedule is giving it a chance. It might take more than a month for you and your child to get used to the new plan. One con of working this way is that you may get a bit burnt out before you both adjust.

4. Give Yourself You Time

You’re more than just your child’s teacher- you’re also your own person. Sacrifice is a large part of being a parent, but if you get totally burnt out, then you may not be in a position to teach well. When thinking of how to schedule year-round homeschool, make sure you plan in holidays and lulls, so you have time to recuperate and get some energy back.

5. Track Time Every Day 

Try using an app or diary to track the time you spend on each subject. To adhere to a homeschool year-round schedule, you need to make sure you stay on track and tracking the time you spend on everything crucial if you want to ensure that you don’t run out of time. When considering how to schedule year-round homeschool, tracking time should be a habit for you.

track time every day

6. Pick Goals and Stick to Them

Depending on the curriculum you use, your child may have deadlines or standardized testing to complete. One of the most critical year-round homeschool schedule ideas is planning for your goals so that you can meet them. Make sure you allow you and your child enough time to prepare for and complete assessments or tests if that is part of your curriculum.

Pick goals and stick to them

7. Talk to Other Homeschoolers

One of the best ways to get year-round homeschool schedule ideas that work is by talking with other homeschoolers. They can tell you what works for their family and what doesn’t, and this is a great source of inspiration. If you’re ever at a loss for how to schedule year-round homeschool, don’t be scared to phone a friend!

8. Let your Child Lead 

While it’s all well and good having great year-round homeschool schedule ideas, there’s no point forcing your child to go through content faster than they can manage. One of the advantages of homeschooling is that you can go at your child’s pace. If the two of you need more time to go through something than you expected, adjust the plan accordingly, and don’t skip it.

To some, this may seem like a con of homeschooling, because you might not cover all the content that you need to. If you’re worried about this, you can always prioritize and adjust. You don’t need to follow your homeschool year-round schedule religiously.

Let your child lead

9. Use Apps or Other Technology

One of our favorite year-round homeschooling schedule ideas is using apps or other technology that can help you with planning. There are apps that you can use to plan out the academic year, as well as track how much time you spend on a particular subject or area. You can use features like these to adjust your schedule, too, if necessary. If you’re wondering how to schedule year-round homeschool, then apps should be a crucial part of your strategy.

10. Give Your Child Transitional Time 

Something you must consider when thinking about how you plan to schedule year-round homeschool is giving your child enough time between subjects. Your child should have a break between lessons so that they have time to adjust and unwind before diving into something new.

Give your child transitional time

If you’re wondering how to schedule year-round homeschool, then these year-round homeschool schedule ideas are hopefully going to be of some help. The most important thing to remember with a homeschool year-round schedule is that it isn’t gospel. It should be a structure for your year, but a homeschool year-round schedule should be flexible enough that you can deviate from it a bit if you need to. Even the best year-round homeschool schedule ideas can be dropped when appropriate.

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