The 5 Best Indoor Garden Systems & Kits in 2024
Workplace Inspiration

The 5 Best Indoor Garden Systems & Kits in 2024

|Mar 16, 2022

In a study conducted in 2014, researchers found that having plants inside an office or workspace greatly improved the productivity of employees. If your business wants to improve on efficiency and you also care about the wellbeing of your employees, then investing in the best indoor garden is the way to go. 

When compared to employees who worked in traditional office spaces devoid of any greenery, the employees who had the best office plants showed higher levels of concentration and general satisfaction.

There is a certain pleasure that can be found in watching something grow and flourish, and now that feeling is no longer restricted to the outdoors, and instead, it can be a part of every office. Having your own indoor plant growing system has never been easier, and at Autonomous everything you need is just a mouse click away. 

The fight against global warming is well and truly on. Going green is the new trend, and what better way to play your part than with one of our lovely indoor garden kits. The day-to-day running of any business leaves a carbon footprint on our beautiful planet and a few plants scattered around the office is a good step in the right direction. 

From an aesthetics point of view, there is a wide range of designs that will suit your office decoration while adding a bit of life and color to an otherwise dull and drab workstation. From beautiful orchids to simplistic aloes, and bold Rex Begonias, there is something for everyone at Autonomous. 

What To Grow in Your Indoor Garden

What To Grow in Your Indoor Garden

When it comes down to selecting which kinds of plants would best suit your office, the sheer number of options available can be daunting. If you, like most people, are only familiar with the common varieties of plants the names like Raindrop Peperomia and Sansevieria Samurai will seem positively outlandish.

No need for concern though, because this quick guide will help you understand the different types of indoor garden plants and make it easier to narrow down your search to what best suits you. Office plants can be divided into three basic categories based on functionality which are office desk plants, Feng-Shui plants, and good luck plants. 

Office Desk Plant

A good choice for an office desk plant can be a beautiful accessory for any office desk. Not only does it add a touch of uniqueness, but it also says something about the person who placed it there. Brightly colored flowering plants suggest a positive and pleasant attitude, while unconventional and rare kinds of plants could mean you are a risk-taker and not afraid to walk your own path. 

Whatever choice you fancy, certain aspects of office desk plants should remain the same. The ideal desk plant should be small and produce minimum foliage so as not to dominate your entire desk space. It should also be low maintenance to suit a busy work schedule. Some great options to consider for your desk are as follows: 

1. Neon Pothos

Neon Pothos best indoor garden

This plant is the definition of low maintenance as it only requires weekly watering and does well even in low light environments…it’s a hanging plant that takes up very little of your workspace and looks very good hanging off the edge of your desk.

2. Aloe

Here is one you should be familiar with. Famed for hundreds of years for their gel, which contains many different healing properties, the aloe has evolved into a fascinating alternative for an office plant. 

3. Plant Terrariums

Plant Terrariums best indoor garden

To build the best indoor garden, you cannot miss this plant. If you want eye-catching plants that cannot be found in every office and are a great conversation starter, then these are definitely for you. The way they sit in their glass bowl is sure to appeal to everyone who steps into your office. 

4. Bonsai Tree

This cute little tree will be the darling of your office due to its miniature stature. The Bonsai can be a bit difficult to grow from seed to maturity for the novice gardener but a solution to that is to buy the fully grown plant and only worry about occasional watering.

Feng Shui Plants

According to Chinese philosophy, placing certain plants in certain areas around your office will promote positive energy through the work environment. While this might not be something you believe in, there are still plenty of reasons to have Feng Shui plants around your office.  They look good and clean the air, while at the same time, reducing stress and anxiety. 

Even without fully accepting the underlying claims made about Feng Shui plants, you will still appreciate the change in the atmosphere brought about by the introduction of these wonderful plants. Some good choices to consider are: 

1. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Fig best indoor garden

Good for bringing a sense of balance to the office, this plant can remain with you for years before its growth requires that it be relocated. The pace at which it grows can be easily controlled by adjusting the amount of light it is exposed to. 

2. Ficus Ginseng

This beautiful plant has a strong, rigid-looking trunk with exquisite leaves that add a touch of class to any room, especially for your best indoor garden. Also known as the drape fig, it can bear fruit when maintained properly and has long been considered a sign of wealth and prosperity. 

3. Flowering Jasmine

Flowering Jasmine best indoor garden

The wonderful aroma of a jasmine plant in full bloom is unmistakable. It has long been revered for its seductive fragrance that has been used for generations in making perfumes. They are most aromatic after sunset and can provide a pleasant working environment for those late nights behind a desk. 

4. Rubber Tree

With its low maintenance qualities and ability to thrive in low light, the rubber tree is ideal for a work environment. Long considered a good business omen, it also helps purify the air by removing contaminants from the air. 

Good Luck Plants

A healthy-looking plant gives room and your best indoor garden a sense of wellbeing that encourages positive vibes in those who work in that area. The more comfortable and relaxed you are, the better equipped you are to deal with day-to-day office issues and the more likely you are to succeed. That leads people to associate these plants with good luck. 

Whether or not that is actually the case, one thing for certain is that good luck plants for offices promote positive energy by adding a bit of life to the office. Have a look at some examples we shared of plants that are ideal for creating a good vibe for your best indoor garden and your working corner. 

1. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo best indoor garden

The Fu Gwen Shu plant, sometimes called the lucky bamboo, is revered throughout China for its supposed ability to bring power, fortune, honor, and good luck. It is low maintenance and can generally prosper with minimum fuss. 

2. Snake Plant

The snake plant promotes positivity because of its ability to absorb harmful gasses and toxins. This equates to a clean environment and allows better focus. Traditionally thought to be able to repel snakes, this plant provides a surprisingly balanced atmosphere quite suited for a productive workplace. 

3. Peace Lily

Peace Lily best indoor garden

Thought to be able to bring good fortune by cleansing the environment, the peace lily is associated with a healthy, work-friendly office. As the name signifies, there is an aura of peacefulness that surrounds this plant that would benefit any room it is placed in. 

Why Choose The Best Indoor Garden System?

Why Choose The Best Indoor Garden System

As you have seen, the benefits of having a plant in the office are numerous and it is well worth investing in a few. However not everyone has a green finger, so gardening is not for everyone. An indoor plant grower or a hydroponic indoor garden would solve that issue by allowing you to reap the benefits of having plants around the office without getting your hands dirty. 

Autonomous has a wide variety of indoor gardening systems and kits to choose from.  The possibilities are endless when using this type of modern gardening tool and you can have your pick of either an indoor plant grower or an indoor planter with light among many other options. 

Pros and Cons of an Indoor Gardening System

Pros and Cons of an Indoor Gardening System

Like most things associated with technology, these best indoor garden systems have their advantages and disadvantages that we shall take a look at. 

Pros of an Indoor Gardening System

  • Allows you to have a garden even with limited space
  • Helps purify the air in the workspace
  • Produces a healthy positive environment for employees
  • Allows adjustments to suit a wide range of plants
  • Bring color and decoration to the office space 

Cons of an Indoor Gardening System

  • Expensive to set up
  • Affected by power outages
  • Plants susceptible to water-borne diseases 

The Best Indoor System for Your Office

Several best indoor gardens were tested to find out which are the best gardening systems and kits available in 2022. The list of options was staggering due to the rise in popularity of indoor gardens. However, we managed to trim it down to these 5 best indoor garden systems for you to consider for your office space. 

1. Click and Grow Smart Garden

Click and Grow Smart Garden

If you are looking for the best indoor garden that is compact and easy to use, then look no further. The smart garden is available at Autonomous and this is one purchase you will not be disappointed in. Among Click & Grow Smart Garden 9 many exciting features, it offers automatic watering and pro grow lights to make the maintenance of your plants easy. It also comes with a companion smart app and complementary plant capsules. 

2. Aerogarden

With room for nine plants on its compact frame, the Aerogarden allows you to indulge in all the different plants to produce a nice blend of colors and aromas for your office. It has an adjustable LED light that can be set according to the height of the plant, which is a great feature for fast-growing tall plants. 

3. Garden

Best suited for smaller plants, the Ingarden is small and compact enough to easily sit on your desk, bookcase, or window sill. This aeroponic garden is completely soil-free and has an LED light installed beneath the handles with a timer to control the light exposure to your plants. For the novice gardener, this option is compact, clean, and easy to use. 

4. Smart Growhouse

Smart Growhouse best indoor garden

This is a very basic system but one distinguishing feature is the elegant brass exterior. The design of this kit will add a bit of style and glamor to your office. This means you are free to display this garden anywhere you choose without worrying about a clash with the decoration. 

5. Tower Garden Flex Growing System

Even though the name is a mouthful, the garden itself is simple to use. As the name suggests this kit is a vertical system that uses a small pump to push water and nutrients to the top. The water/nutrient solution is then allowed to drip down the inside of the garden and so reaches all the roots of the plants growing within. One downside is that the LED lights have to be bought separately as they do not come with the system. 

Final Thoughts

With the ever-moving, slow but steady pace of technology, it was only a matter of time till gardening underwent a revolution and turned into an indoor hobby. It has come at a good time too when population increase continues to threaten the environment and the competition for land grows tougher each day. It is no longer necessary to have large tracts of land just to get a taste of what gardening is all about. A desk or a window sill will do just great. 

With the best indoor gardens like Smart Garden from Click and Grow, our cities will once again become green and environmentally friendly. Do yourself a favor and jump on the bandwagon today buy making the decision to go green at work.  Step into Autonomous and purchase a smart garden and smart home device for your office and become the change you want to see. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

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