5 Principles for Hybrid Workplace Decision-Making Process
Hybrid Working

5 Principles for Hybrid Workplace Decision-Making Process

|Jul 22, 2021

Organizations managing hybrid teams for the first time realize how hard it is to deal with this particular work arrangement. Hybrid work culture has its perks and many short-term and long-term benefits for an organization, but the implementation might seem hard without the right principles.

Especially if you are a large organization with hundreds of employees, this sudden change could stress the employees hence affect productivity. Thankfully, you can easily adapt the hybrid work model and transition your current organization into a hybrid workplace with the right set of practices and hybrid workplace principles.


Development of Hybrid Workplace Model after Covid-19

As the vaccines have started to roll out, the day is not far when everything will return to normal. Though social distancing has now become a norm, it is also true that organizations wish to proceed with the common ways of working. However, many organizations observed shocking rates of productivity when employees were asked to work from home, which has instilled some thoughts.

hybrid workplace

More and more businesses are now thinking about going hybrid because they want to keep wellness a priority and meet its expectations. In addition, some employees want to go remote entirely, while some cannot wait to get back to work; in such cases, a hybrid work arrangement seems like the only workable solution.

List of Principles for a Hybrid Work Office

While the term "hybrid" is important in understanding the future of work, it includes a wide range of systems. When it comes to hybrid employment, you have greater flexibility in when and where you work. It typically gives employees greater freedom to fit work around the rest of their lives rather than arranging the remainder of a weekday around office hours.

It's the best of all worlds in the ideal scenario: structure and sociability on the one hand, yet independence and flexibility on the other. As a result, existing firms with hybrid work models have begun to designate some days for in-office meetings and cooperation, as well as remote days for work requiring individual attention, as the epidemic has spread.


Orientations, team building, and project kick-offs may need physical attendance, although this is not always the case for other tasks. Nevertheless, this practice is seen to work in organizations, and many businesses are now transforming how they operate around the hybrid arrangement.

Not only the flexibility in the hybrid workplace but organizations also experience reduced costs in terms of less seating required. If your organization is also planning to make this shift in the work routine, following the below-mentioned principles is a must to get desired results.

1. Experience

Hybrid work culture has an impact on how employees and managers engage with one another and with consumers in the hybrid work office. In the near term, one of the most difficult problems is establishing worker equity, ensuring that people who work remotely feel as involved as those in the office. This might include everything from communication consistency to having the appropriate connections and capacity.

Also, the employees working in-house should not be given any extra importance compared to the employees who choose to work remotely or work in a hybrid workplace. This emphasizes the idea that employee experience is about more than simply a job. Traditional customer/employee experience tools will be useful in the future. Employees' wants and feelings of feeling connected, heard, and recognized for their work are among them.

2. Empowerment

The second important principle and hybrid guide in a hybrid work arrangement is empowerment. The team leaders should take the employees as assets to the organization rather than just treating them as workers. Employees must be motivated to accomplish what is required for success by promoting a common purpose.


As a result, developing the proper norms for a hybrid workplace and then using them to guide decisions should receive a lot of attention. While hybrid work is focused on flexibility, employees must not forget their duty and the importance of being productive. Most organizations will also need to introduce tools that measure productivity. Not to be too intrusive in the work routine but must keep track of the employee's performance.

3. Environment

Workplace culture is a significant defining factor in terms of productivity. Without the right culture and proper implementation, your organization could suffer in terms of poor employee satisfaction.


Consider a thorough examination of how a hybrid work environment influences culture and behavior, as well as any necessary modifications. How will you assess performance when staff is working away from the office? However, could you not go too far with it? This usually entails evaluating outcomes rather than how individuals operate.

4. Enabling

Many employees faced a hard time getting on board with the hybrid work model because of the lack of tools and technological awareness. Last year, businesses threw a variety of technologies at the problem, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and others, to meet a variety of demands and enhance connection. Employees, however, think that after more than a year of working from home, they might require improved communication in the hybrid workplace.


Other than focusing on creativity, there is also a need for cloud storage tools, reliable security features that maintain confidentiality in a workplace, and desk booking software if you are taking turns for teams to come and work in an office. Using these tools will only help synchronize the processes more efficiently.

5. Excellence

This idea relates to future company operations in the hybrid workplace and the technology that allows them: contemporary cloud platforms, analytics, collaboration platforms, and automation to increase productivity and provide a good experience regardless of where people work.


Because this will last longer than the next several months, it will be necessary to be adaptable and iterative. Developing a minimum viable product concept is a smart way to start. This can assist you in accelerating your vision for a genuine digital hybrid workplace and then building on it as you learn more.

Implementing a Hybrid Guide

Each organization varies from the other in several ways. It is also true that no size fits all. Thus, you should be open about failing various templates and then finding the best one. Ensure you educate your employees about the importance of this change so they are ready to cooperate in the experimental phase.

Since a hybrid work arrangement offers many benefits for employees, it is important to highlight that aspect. Moreover, you can always follow a basic hybrid workplace model in order to make this approach work. A great way is to start with the Autonomous hybrid work model that entails all the basic and required focus areas.

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