Top 5 Standing Desks in Australia for Work and Study
Smart Products

Top 5 Standing Desks in Australia for Work and Study

|Apr 30, 2021

We're all spending a lot more time sitting down these days. Whether you're working from home, playing games, or studying for your degree, you can expect to spend a handful of hours at your desk every single day. 

The effects that this is having on your body might not be immediately noticeable, but they are there. Over time, you're going to notice your spine has taken on a bit of a bend, you're not going to be able to stand up straight for long and bending over to pick things up is going to become difficult. 

All of this is a direct result of spending so much time sitting down at your desk. While sitting is unavoidable, you should take some precautions to minimize the damage as much as possible, especially if you spend 5+ hours per day at your desk. 

To help you do that, we've put together five standing desk Australia models that we think are worth buying right now. 

Before we jump into that list of adjustable standing desks in Australia, though, let's talk a little bit about what you should be looking for in your standing desk. 

What to Look for in a Standing Desk

what look

There are a lot of options for adjustable standing desks in Australia. So much, so that actually shopping for one can be quite overwhelming. If you're not a fan of our picks, we want to make sure that you have the ability to go and find one for yourself, so we've put together this buyer's guide to help you do just that. 

Size and Space

The most obvious thing that you should consider with your standing desk frame in Australia is size and space. We're not just talking about the size of the desk, either, but the size of the area that the desk needs to fit into. 

You would be surprised by how many people buy the best sit-stand desks in Australia only to return it because it doesn't fit in their room. This is especially true if you're working with limited space, like a small bedroom or box room, and not an entirely custom office. 

Before you invest in any sort of desk or even shop for one at all, make sure you have the dimensions of your room ready to go. 

This isn't an issue for any office workers that are still working out of a communal space, but for the rest of us, we need to factor in dimensions. 

size and space

The trick here is balancing the space that we have with how much surface area we need on the electric standing desk in Australia. 

You might need room for a computer as well as an area for you to study on, in which case you need to look for a desk that can accommodate that. 

Once you find a set of adjustable standing desks in Australia, you're able to start being a little pickier with what desk you want. 


If you're buying a standing desk for your communal office and productive office environment, then chances are management is going to take care of it, and you don't get a say in what the desk looks like. 

If you do, though, then try to keep your desk in theme with whatever is going on in the rest of your office. 


There's no point getting a sleek minimal black and white adjustable standing desk in Australia if you've got a wooden, greenery, nature-inspired office. In that case, you would want to get a nice wood deck instead. 

This doesn't affect the practicality of your best sit-stand desk in Australia too much, but trust us, if you're spending 8+ hours in that room every day, not having a matching desk is going to start getting on your nerves. 

All the Extras

Once you have a stylish and adjustable standing desk in Australia that's the right size, the only thing you should really be worrying about is the extra stuff that the desk comes with. 


Things like shelves, monitor stands, and desk drawers are all included in this. What you need is going to be determined by your unique position, and all of these extras can be purchased separately in one form or another, but it's important to mention it regardless. 

Don't let this be the make-or-break point in your decision. Instead, look at it as something like a tie-breaker between two home office standing desks that you want to buy. 


Unfortunately, we do need to talk about price. Again, if management is taking care of the expenses for you, then this isn't much of an issue. If you have to foot the bill, though, then it's something you should give some thought to. Electric standing desks in Australia can get expensive, so you should prepare for that. 


Give yourself a budget before you start shopping, and be prepared to pay a high price tag for whatever desk it is that you're getting. 

The Top 5 Standing Desks in Australia

Hopefully, you're not going to need to make use of all that information. 

We've included that guide as a backup for you in case you don't like any of our picks. We've made a point of trying to include something here for everyone, though, so the chances are that one of these best sit-stand desks in Australia is going to strike your fancy. 


1. The Autonomous Desk Eureka (Standard) (Home Office)

Last but not least, we have the Autonomous Desk Eureka (Standard). This best sit-stand desks in Australia is the pinnacle of standing desk technology and is significantly cheaper than any other motorized standing desk on the market. 

Autonomous both manufacturers and retailers the equipment that it makes, including the best ergonomic chair in Australia. This means that there is no supplier, wholesaler, or retailer pumping the price up to make a profit, allowing the company to sell to the customer directly for a fraction of the cost you would get it from a regular furniture store. 

The Autonomous Desk comes in a range of different desktop finishes, meaning it's a desk that can suit any style of office. 

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The built-in motor is powerful and shouldn't have any issues lifting whatever you leave on your desk, regardless of what height you wish to set it at. 

On top of all that, you're able to purchase the Autonomous Desk Eureka (Standard) through a monthly installment easy pay payment plan. So even if the reduced price is still out of your budget, you can break it down into manageable chunks to be paid every month rather than one lump sum. 

The Autonomous Desk Eureka (Standard) is the all-around best standing desk in Australia hand's down. Making a DIY standing desk frame is incredibly simple with this standing desk.If you're looking for the best equipment that money can buy, this is it. 

2. UpDown Bamboo Work Desk

Starting off the list of the best standing desks in Australia, we've got the UpDown Bamboo Work Desk. This electric standing desk in Australia is a sleek and simple model that focuses on practicality and performance over anything else. 

The desk features a powerful motorized powerlifting function that allows you to adjust the height of the desk at any point, meaning you can use this desk to switch between sitting down and standing up throughout the day. updown

The bamboo desktop is both strong and beautiful. It's got one of the best desktop finishes that we've ever seen and should go perfect with any nature-inspired office setup. 

Having said all that, this is one of the best best sit-stand desks in Australia which is incredibly expensive, especially for how simple it is. Compared to other desks that have the same functions for a fraction of the price, the UpDown Bamboo Work Desk is a premium option for those with a premium budget to match. 

3. MOVI Standing Desk Converter

This is another expensive option of standing desks in Australia, but this time around, the technology and versatility back up the price tag. 

The MOVI isn't strictly a standing desk for Australian office workers. Instead, it's a converter. It's a platform that you attach to your desk that turns it into a standing desk. 


It's motorized, so you can adjust the height however you want. More importantly, though, it essentially doubles the surface area that you get to work with by having a separate standing desktop and sitting desktop. 

If you're looking for a standing desk in Australia that gives you the most versatility, this is the model that you should be looking at. It might cost a pretty penny for what you're getting, but it's a revolutionary piece of hardware that is going to change the way you work forever. 

4. Stilford S2 Pro Desk

This standing desk is significantly cheaper than everything that we've covered so far. However, there's a reason for that. The Stilford S2 Pro Desk doesn't come with an adjustable motor or the ability to adjust the height of the desk. 


It's a simple budget option of an uplift standing desk in Australia that does exactly what it says on the tin. It cuts away all of the extras in favor of a reduced price tag, making it a good budget option, but not ideal if you're looking for a desk that can be used for sitting or standing. 

If you do decide to invest in this electric standing desk in Australia, keep in mind that you're not going to get to sit and work at it. You're committing to standing, which is not easy to do, especially if you've never used a standing desk before. 

5. Homemade Standing Desk

The Stilford S2 is a budget deck that costs around $300. This standing desk in Australia, however, is one that you can make for free. If you have no budget, rather than a tight one, this is an innovative solution that should hold you over until you can invest in a proper desk setup. 

Making a DIY standing desk frame is incredibly simple. You don't need to go out and learn how to woodwork to do it. All you need is to own a dresser. Yep, that's it. 


With this electric standing desk in Australia, you don't need room underneath the desk for your legs to fit into. This means that you can use any dresser that is high enough as a standing desk. 

You might think that this sounds too simple to work, but it really does. You might not have much room to work with, but it's a great starting place before you move onto a proper standing desk. 

Why You Need a Standing Desk

There are many health benefits of standing desks. Have you ever tried to stand up for a few hours consecutively after working a nine-to-five office job for several years? Maybe you were on holiday or playing some golf. Either way, you might remember getting a terrible stitch in your lower back that is preventing you from standing up straight. 

In extreme cases, it can actually feel like your back is trying to pull you forward into an arched position because it is. All of that sitting has put a natural bend in your spine, meaning when you try to act and move against that bend, your back has a problem with it. 

why do you need

This only gets worse as time goes on, so you should be trying to avoid it at all costs. To do that, you need a standing desk. 

You don't need to spend the entire day standing, but straightening out your spine for 10 minutes every hour or so is going to do wonders for you in the long term. 

It might seem like nothing more than an inconvenience now, but in 10 years' time, when you're still fit as a fiddle and all of your friends are struggling, you're going to be thanking yourself for it. Getting an uplift standing desk in Australia can help you have a good posture and prevent many health problems.

Wrap Up

That about covers everything we have to say on standing desks in Australia. Hopefully, that wasn't too much information to digest all in one go. 

We made a point of including desks to suit a variety of purposes in our list. We had desks that pushed up to $1000, as well as ones that you can make at home for nothing at all. 

By giving you variety, we're hoping that at least one of the uplift standing desks in Australia is good enough for you to make use of. 

If not, hopefully, you've found the buyer's guide we included helpful. We have plenty more to say about standing desks in Australia on our blog if you're curious, so head on over and give it a read. 

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