6 Important Keys for Your Return-to-Work Plan
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6 Important Keys for Your Return-to-Work Plan

|Mar 25, 2021

Many companies are working to develop more and better vaccines to cure COVID-19; many of them have even proven themselves useful and are being developed worldwide, so business owners and managers need to create a return-to-work plan. We want you to have an efficient plan that works perfectly for your company, so dive into this page to know the most important keys for your return-to-work plan.

Naturally, the return-to-work guidelines vary depending on the company that applies it and its needs, but there are general subjects that need to be addressed to have a healthy and productive workspace. Take the tips and recommendations on this article as something that every office should have to return to its normal activities.


What to Focus on When Preparing a Return-to-Work Plan After COVID-19

It's in your best interest to care about your employees' well-being since it's essential to determine their productivity and creativity. We want you to know how to make your back-to-work plan comfortable for you and your employees, so here are six important keys for your return-to-work plan:

Have a Return-to-Work Planning Team

It's not easy to make all the arrangements of a workplace by yourself, let alone doing it after using a whole different hybrid work model for almost a year. If you've been hybrid working with your company for a long time, you must have some employees you trust enough to delegate leadership activities to them. Doing that is essential to take a lot off your plate and increase your productivity with more opinions and points of view.

Have a Return-to-Work Planning Team

That also applies to the development of a back-to-work checklist, so we recommend that you create a team that helps you develop new work strategies that make the company as productive as possible when going back to onsite working. That team can also help you when it comes to taking other company decisions and organizing your schedule.

Try a Flexible Working Condition

Since they've been working on their own houses and with a more workplace flexibility problem and flexible working schedule, it could be difficult for your employees to transition to a more organized and strict work model. That's why many successful companies established flexible working conditions in their offices and adapted their work model to them, providing visible advantages.

Try a Flexible Working Condition

Trying flexible working conditions in return-to-work guidelines for employers can help you and your employees adapt better to the transition from remote to onsite working. We recommend you start with flexitime, which means letting them work on a more flexible working schedule as long as they keep finishing their assignments on time, giving you other opportunities, such as working overtime and even allowing them to telework sometimes.

Investing in your Workplace Safety

We know that you want to go back to work as soon as you can, but you can't forget that we are still in a world pandemic, so you need to adapt your workplace with the corresponding biosecurity guidelines to make it safe for you and your employees.

Invest in face masks for Covid-19 and hand sanitizers for your employees in back-to-work checklist at least as long as the pandemic goes on. By doing that, you are making your workers feel safer, so they focus on working instead of on the fear of catching an illness. However, when the pandemic ends, you still have the things you invested in, so you are ready for any outbreak or health problem.

Investing in your Workplace Safety

Employees Training

Your employees have been remote working for a long time, so they probably need a little help to adapt to onsite working with the new biosecurity guidelines. You can't risk that someone spreads the virus through your business, so everyone must be on the same page. You should provide them return-to-work training to help them know how to deal with work as well as epidemics in the office.

Employees Training

Things such as the fact that everyone should be wearing a mask while working and that they have to be at a considerable distance from each other are essential to keep everyone safe.

You also have to tell them that they can't go to work if they are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms, so the best is that you organize a little training to let them know how the work environment is on this new return-to-work strategy.

Care About Your Employees’ Benefits

You need to take good care of your employees to encourage them to keep doing their work properly in return-to-work guidelines. There are many ways of doing that; one of them is providing your employees decent health insurance to make sure that they feel safe while working in a place where their boss is concerned about their well-being and safety.

Care About Your Employees’ Benefits

Assuring your employees' health insurance is an investment that can give you excellent advantages in the long run since it can make job vacancies more desirable when looking for new workers. Many managers worry every day about their workers quitting their work positions and looking for other opportunities, don't let that happen to you and take care of your workers!

Invest in Ergonomic Products

Ergonomic products are the best investment you can make in a return-to-work plan when it comes to increasing your workers' productivity and creativity. The issue with offices is that if you sit for long periods, you can adapt to a bad posture, which produces back pain, neck pain, and other health problems.

Invest in Ergonomic Products

If your employees suffer from those problems, they can stop focusing on their work to focus on their pain, which decreases their work quality. However, you can prevent that from happening if you choose the right adjustable standing desks and ergonomic office chairs to create the productive desk setup for your office, so try looking for chairs that offer back support and are adjustable to your workers' personal choice. You can purchase adjustable desks too since they make a great team when combining them with ergonomic chairs.


As you could see, there are many things to consider when talking about the development of a return-to-work plan but don't stress out about the tricky details, just focus on the guidelines and recommendations you read in this article to have a successful return to your onsite office. Remember that you have to adapt each recommendation to your specific line of work, but you can also try to think of new things that could help.

A productive workplace is based on productive workers, so do as much as you can to provide them with a healthy environment and safe office space that they can work in without being worried about any external agents.

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