6 Return to Work Survey Questions After Covid-19 for Employees
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6 Return to Work Survey Questions After Covid-19 for Employees

|Apr 4, 2021

Even as the world slowly starts to reopen after the craziness of Covid-19, you might find that some of your employees might not be fully ready to return to work. They might still be worried about catching the virus, concerned about exposing their families to it or only want to return to an office that is doing everything they can to prevent exposure.

One of the easiest ways to gauge your employees’ desire to come back into the office and get used to a new normal is to use a return-to-work survey with return to work survey questions. A survey is anonymous and a great way for every single employee to figure out what your reopening plan should look like.

Return to Work Survey Questions

Pros and Cons of A Survey

Pros and Cons of A Survey

  • icon checkAnonymous Feedback
  • icon checkEasy for Everyone To Use
  • icon checkEasy to look over
  • icon timesQuality of Feedback can Vary

Best Return to Work Survey Questions for Employees

Here are some of the best Covid-19 survey questions that you should make sure that you ask your employees before they come back to work.

1. Are You Looking Forward To Returning To Work?

re You Looking Forward To Returning To Work?

This might be the most important question of all, as you need to make sure that your employees actually want to come back to work. Some of your employees might be working from home and really enjoying the increased freedom and flexibility it offers, while others might want to come back to work right away.

Depending on the answers to the Covid-19 questionnaire for employees, you can easily gauge the mood around coming back to work and reopening. If some employees aren’t looking forward to coming back to work and want to continue working from home, ask the next question on this list.

2. How Productive Have You Been While Working From Home?

How Productive Have You Been While Working From Home?

One of the biggest things you need to measure is employee productivity while working from home. If some of your employees want to continue working from home, you need to gain an idea of how productive they are when they work from home. Some people are more productive in an office environment, while others need the sanctity of a comfortable home work environment.

You are going to have a mix of both types of employees, and you might even have enough to split your workforce down the middle! Let's ask this return to work survey questions. 

3. What Safety Measures Would You Like To See?

What Safety Measures Would You Like To See?

It is one of must-have return to work survey questions. The safety measures that you have around the office are important in the post-Covid world. Not only can they make everyone working in the office feel much safer, but they can also prevent another wave of Covid from shutting down your business. Get your employees to get into the discussions so they make themselves feel even safer.

Ask them how they feel about things like social distancing, deep cleaning every single day, face mask for Covid-19 requirements, or temperature checks once they enter the building. For some people, these things can be common things to do to prevent the spread, and for others, it can be more of an annoyance than a help.

You won’t be able to please everyone whenever you implement safety measures but take all of your employee responses from the return to work Covid-19 survey into account. If your team wants or doesn’t want a certain type of safety measure implemented, then you can abide by that.

4. How Flexible Can You Be For Social Distancing?

How Flexible Can You Be For Social Distancing?

If social distancing is something that you need to get your team to do, you can go one of two ways for the employees who might come into the office. First, you can have 6 ft of separation, glass partitions, and restricted access to shared communal areas. You can also do social distancing with a staggered schedule and graphene antiviral mask handouts.

A staggered schedule limits the number of workers in the workplace at any given time, and also can give you some time for deep cleaning. See how flexible your employees’ schedule can be. They might be able to come in early, stay late, or make other sacrifices to limit the number of people on site.

Before you start showcasing the different types of ways to social distance in the office, it is important to make sure your employees can handle it.

5. How Would You Like To Share Your Concerns?

How Would You Like To Share Your Concerns?

Even with everything that a survey can do to facilitate the chance of good communication, there’s going to be an adjustment period for everyone, and some procedures might cause your employees to start having questions. Make sure to have some sort of communication in place so your employees can bring those concerns to you.

See what your employees would like to do when going back to work after quarantine. Some like to communicate during team meetings, others like to send emails, and some more enjoy talking to you directly over the phone or in person. Figure out the best way to have your employees send their concerns to you, and make sure that those channels are left open.

6. Can You Handle Your Personal Responsibilities?

Can You Handle Your Personal Responsibilities?

This is one of the most important return to work survey questions.  The workplace might be opening back up, but a large portion of the world could still be closed down. If your employees have childcare or need to care for an elderly parent because schools and nursing homes are closed down, then make sure they can handle those responsibilities and your work for them.

If they need to constantly take time off to take care of their kids or handle other responsibilities in their life, then you might want to see if they can keep working from home. Now more than ever, you need to remember the human behind the employee and make sure to take all that into account.

Preparing For The Return


Once most or all of the surveys are turned in, make sure to really take the time to read them. Try to avoid workplace fatigue and scan your way through all the surveys and try to make notes about what each employee wants out of their work return. Even though they might all be different, you should find enough similarities to come up with a work plan that everyone can enjoy.

Then, put the plan into action and start bringing your people back to work! The return to work for your employees is going to be equal parts bittersweet and refreshing, and make sure to put the focus on employee safety. Provide them with a return to work training to help them know how to protect their health at the workplace. Once all your workers feel comfortable with the new workplace normal, you can start doing your jobs again!

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