7 Easy to Do Computer Neck Exercises at Your Office Desk
Workplace Inspiration

7 Easy to Do Computer Neck Exercises at Your Office Desk

|May 1, 2021

Whether you are working from or at the office while comfortably seated in your ergonomic office chair, you are very aware of the negative effects sitting for extended periods staring at the computer can cause. Have you been experiencing any physical pains at work? Do you know any computer neck exercises you can do to give you relief?

Getting an ergonomic chair with a headrest, such as a reclining chair with a headrest could be a more permanent fix to your problem. However, that alone cannot stop the pain. Research supports the notion that poor posture, repetitive motion, or remaining in one position can result in musculoskeletal and other work-related disorders.

As an office worker, some chronic pain is almost expected, as you find yourself staying in the same position when doing tasks, such as typing. You cannot avoid it sometimes, which is why doing neck stretches at work or other neck exercises at your desk to prevent and relieve headaches or neck pains is so essential. Your office chair with neck support combined with neck pain exercises at work can be a great way to combat this issue.

Simple Neck Pain Exercises You Can Perform at Your Desk

Sitting at your desk all day can result in neck pains from having rounded shoulders and having your head in a forward position as you stare at your computer. Most office workers are guilty of the position as they sit for extended periods in a position too far from the computer. 

The good news here is that stretching and moving is a habit you can get into. You can begin by setting reminders and taking a quick back stretch or walk. If you are strapped for time, you can do it right from your desk. Here are some simple computer neck exercises you can do at your desk.

Neck Retraction

You can start by tucking your chin in gently and slightly slide your head backward, aligning it with the cervical spine. This stretch is often known as “making a double chin” and feels as if you are pushing against an imaginary headrest. You should hold this for a few seconds and repeat it five to 10 times for best results.

Neck Retraction

Head Tilt

Here is another simple option when looking for neck and shoulder stretches at your desk. To start this one, you should sit tall with your shoulders back and relaxed away from your ears. From this position, slowly tilt your head to the left side in a position that has your left ear leaning toward the left shoulder. While you are doing this, the right side of your neck should feel as if it is stretching.

Next, try your best to roll your right shoulder down away from your right ear, which is going to get you even deeper into the stretch. Hold it for a boat 20 seconds before returning to the center position and doing the other side.

Shoulder Shrugs

Ironically, there is a weightlifting exercise people often perform in the gym known as shoulder shrugs. However, this variation uses no weights and is not intended to help you build muscles. The idea here is to mitigate neck and shoulder pain while helping you to have good posture

Take a deep breath and as you are doing so, roll your shoulders up toward your ears. Next, do a long and slow exhale while rolling your shoulders back and lifting your chest. You want to repeat this exercise about 10 times.

Shoulder Shrugs

Armpit Smell

After reading this heading, you are probably wondering when the smell of your armpit became a part of computer neck exercise to prevent computer neck pain. Realistically, it is just the most appropriate name to describe the motion you are going to be doing. 

Imagine that you want to smell under your armpit as if to check your freshness. In doing so, you would be stretching the levator scapula muscle, which is one of the biggest culprits where neck pain is concerned.

Begin by sitting on your right hand. Turn your nose to the left and bring it down to your armpit. Pull your head towards the left armpit using your left arm. As you are doing this, you should be feeling the stretch on the right side. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and do it on the same side thrice. Once you are done, repeat this on the other side.

Thoracic Extension

This one is a specially designed computer neck exercise for those who tend to round their backs as they work. When you do this exercise, it should help you straighten things out in your back area. Additionally, you may end up normalizing not inching your head forward to get closer to your screen.

Begin by putting your hands behind your head as you sit. This is best performed on a chair that reaches the middle of your back. Push your chest bone forward as far as you can to force yourself to lean back. Hold that leaning position for about 10 seconds and repeat the motion 10 times.

Thoracic Extension

Upper Trapezius Stretch

The upper trapezius is another muscle group that tends to be focused on by gym-goers. As far as office workers go, when your neck is stressed, your upper trapezius is one of the most likely areas to get tight and painful. Additionally, you may even find that there is a headache around your eye that accompanies your neck pain. The upper trapezius can cause all of this. 

Upper Trapezius Stretch

You are going to begin by stretching the right side of your neck. It helps to reduce neck and back pain. To do so, sit on your right hand. After that, use your left arm to pull your head to the left, bringing your left ear as close to the left shoulder as possible. Hold your position for 10 seconds and do the stretch thrice on each side. It is a useful computer neck exercise you should practice.

Open the Chest and Shoulders

The final of these computer neck exercises is a very simple one. Sit at the edge of your chair or stand if you wish. Ensure that your spine is as straight as possible. Interlock your fingers after clasping your hands behind your back and try to press your palms together. As you are doing this, roll your shoulders away from your ears. 

Open the Chest and Shoulders

Tilt your chin towards the ceiling slightly if you are comfortable enough to do so. Repeat this three times, holding each for about 10 seconds

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