A Complete Productive Guide for Freelance Writers with 7 Tips
One of their most significant obstacles to writing for freelance writers is the knowledge on how to be a more productive writer. Even when an author knows what the subject is, there may be noticeable difficulty in turning the idea into reality. Productivity is a broad topic to cover, so applying it to a freelance writer’s capabilities may have many similarities to other professions. As a freelance writer typically works at home, one should expect this guide to cover various tips and tricks that most writers can apply to their everyday life.
Why Does Productive Planning Matter?
Before diving into the topic of why productive planning matters, it is imperative to go over what it is. Typically, this sort of planning focuses on a specific plan that can increase one’s productivity. It may seem like a plan for a plan, but in essence, this sort of thinking breaks down several, easier to digest ideas. A goal may seem complicated at first, so breaking it down can make it seem more realistic to obtain, further motivating a writer to do their best.
Now that the definition of productive plans has been discussed, it’s important to discuss why these plans matter in the grand scheme of things. Generally, more productivity leads to getting done with work faster. This, in turn, leads to more financial opportunities. Considering freelance writers often start off with limited forms of income, they must get work done quickly and efficiently.
Consider some jobs: if a writer is working two hours for $5, that is merely inefficient! Ideally, a $5 job takes about 10 minutes to complete. Now, a person could always build a reputation first, before charging higher prices. Naturally, this scenario may be unavoidable for many first time writers. However, improving productivity as soon as possible can prevent situations like this from occurring.
How to be More Productive At Work
Once a writer knows why it’s essential to be productive, they need to figure out some methods to apply to their everyday life. It can be extraneously challenging to achieve complete focus while writing; however, a freelance writer can complete tasks excruciatingly quickly once it occurs. In most scenarios, a writer may only have some focus, which is still better than no focus. It’s best to work on productivity gradually if applying all of these tips proves to be too arduous at first.
One vital element to freelance writing is the ability to remove distractions of digital from ruining their work. Any interruption can cost a writer minutes of their time. Considering freelance writers are paid for the work they submit and not an hourly wage (most of the time), it is crucial to complete work as soon as possible. There are numerous ways to be distracted while working, whether it’s a cute pet, social media, or the neighbors outside causing a racket.
1. Eliminating Distractions
If a freelance writer finds themselves on social media too much, then it’s best to turn off the phone. Unless the topic requires them to research Twitter or Instagram, there is no need to see a platform that can potentially cause the freelance writer to forget about the task at hand. On a similar note, exiting out of programs such as Zoom and Discord can limit interference, as one doesn’t need to hear the dinging sounds associated with those programs. Anything that has a notification should be turned off.
If the distractions come from an outside source, such as neighbors yelling, the author needs to figure out a way to minimize noise. One method is by closing all the doors and windows in the home. Should the noise travel through the walls, then playing ambient music in the background can draw out the sounds. In addition, instrumental music can help a person focus more on their works. Music has many benefits, some of which include calming an individual down and reducing their stress levels significantly.
2. Stress and How It’s Relevant to Work
It’s one thing to be productive in the workplace, but it’s another on how one should cope with the stress associated with work. This productive guide focuses on several vital aspects, one of which is how a freelance writer can reduce stress. As previously mentioned, playing calming music can assist an individual in relaxation. Any productive guide should focus on how harmful stress can ruin a person’s work.
Consider the following possibility: As a freelance writer, they may be angry due to some outside event. In turn, this anger translates into their work, which may be inappropriate if the topic does not suit an aggressive tone. Something like child planning, for example, shouldn’t come across as violent. As a result, the best productivity comes from authors who try to minimize stress from affecting their work.
Stress management is a viable strategy to improve one’s productivity. Some people may use a stress ball to reduce stress, while others may play calming music for relaxation. Different people have different coping methods, so one freelance writer may prefer something else entirely. Regardless of the medium used, the author mustn’t let potential stress from affecting their work.
3. How to Stay Productive in the Workplace
There are two important details to go over regarding the workplace. The first tip from this productive guide is about how to adjust the workplace to be more favorable towards productivity. The latter trick involves how to stay productive in the workplace, regardless of the setting. Productivity can determine the overall workflow a freelance writer has, so it’s valuable to know how one’s environment can influence it.
A workplace can significantly determine how much work a writer can get done. If the setting is noisy, then it may prove to be challenging regarding efficient work. In this scenario, a freelance writer needs to work at a different time where there won’t be as much noise. For example, working at night may prove to be more beneficial regarding one’s time usage. Other factors to include:
- Workplace items and accessories
- Lighting
- Color of the objects around the freelance writer
- Noise
- Size
- Workspace efficiency
Aside from how one’s setting can influence their work, it’s also important to know what an author can do regardless of their location. Something like writer’s block can affect any writer, regardless of how pretty their room is. Unfortunately, writer’s block can hamper any attempts at productivity, but fortunately, this productive guide may assist those suffering from it.
4. Writer’s Block
Writer’s block is one of the most significant obstacles to writing productively. If a freelance writer doesn’t know what to write, they may end up writing filler or fail to write anything for their task. Consider the following assignment: a freelance writer is assigned a task to write 500 words on a pet store. If the writer is suffering from writer’s block, they could end up taking hours writing for something as simplistic as a pet store.
Hence, it is paramount that an author seeks to overcome writer’s block. To reiterate some points in that article, a writer should try to establish a flow of some kind. Even writing slowly can eventually lead to them writing a whole lot more! Trying to stick to a schedule can also alleviate some of the negative traits associated with this condition. Even something as strange as changing rooms can help reduce writer’s block, so a freelance writer needs to adapt and experiment with their style.
Above all else, a freelance writer should aim to have fun. It’s difficult to be productive when an author feels forced to write about something they don’t care about. Not only that, but their content can come across as dry and a chore to read through. Instead, they should implement some tone into their works. It’s okay to be knowledgeable in a formal setting, but acting like an expert in an informal setting for a sentence or two can get the writer back on track.
5. Some Tools to Help a Writer Out
Both the Autonomous Desk 2 and the Autonomous Chair 2 are excellent investments sure to impress any struggling freelance writer. An employee can work about as well as the tools they are given. In the same vein, a freelance writer focuses on their work involving a computer. A computer is typically on a desk, and a chair is often the instrument used for comfort. As a result, both options perfectly complement a freelance writer’s job.
The Autonomous Desk 2 is a heavy-duty desk designed to hold a surprisingly heavy amount of work. Considering this standing desk is perfect for writers who need to have several documents around them for various assignments. The Autonomous Desk 2 is also adjustable so that a writer can change the elevation to a more comfortable position.
The Autonomous Chair 2 is both highly comfortable and adjustable. Just as reducing stress is crucial to improving productivity, so is the ability to work without hurting one’s back. This ergonomic chair with Korean mesh is designed to support up to 350 lbs, while allowing air to circulate through, thus reducing the possibility of overheating. Both products are simple and easy to assemble; therefore, one can get to work right away while using these two fantastic options.
6. Other Tools
This productive guide is also willing to give its readers knowledge on various freelance writing tools. All freelance writers should have an understanding of how the Internet works and where to work. Freelance job sites such as Fiverr and Upwork are excellent for finding a job. Still, there are alternative sites such as Indeed that can occasionally offer a position for an author.
The single most critical tool a freelance writer can use to improve productivity is Grammarly. Grammarly is a fantastic website that any writer can use to fix various problems related to their work. Sometimes, it can offer an alternate word in place of one commonly used. Other times, Grammarly can correct spelling mistakes and other crucial phrases. Using Grammarly is more time-efficient than relying on a separate editor to handle everything. Instead, using both Grammarly and an editor can make a freelance writer’s work excel compared to their competition.
Frequently, an employer is interested in how the freelance writer completed their work. Plagiarism is not tolerated in the business world, so this productive guide offers CopyScape as a viable solution. CopyScape only costs a few cents to use per assignment, but it can reassure an employer that the work wasn’t stolen from a website. Nothing can be more frustrating for a freelance writer than finding out that their work is too similar to a pre-existing one.
7. Productive Time Guide
Time management is a crucial skill to learn for all freelance writers. This skill ties into all other aspects regarding how productive a freelance writer can be. Even with the best equipment and an ideal room to work in, if a person cannot handle a proper schedule, then they may be unable to complete work efficiently. Time can fly, especially when under the affliction of writer’s block.
Schedules are important to follow. If a writer haphazardly works at random times, then they may lose motivation from time to time. Likewise, it is entirely possible that the author may miss out on some crucial deadlines. Missing deadlines can cost freelance writers important opportunities. Timing is everything, as a writer needs to focus on dividing time between work and breaks when necessary.
Time management also includes when a freelance writer works. Dates are one aspect of work, but the time of day can also greatly influence how much work the contracted worker can do. If working at night, the freelance worker should have plenty of peace afforded to them. Alternatively, they should focus on working when there are limited distractions. For example, they shouldn’t work when they need to pick up a child from school.
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