A Comprehensive Standing Desk Buying Guide: Everything You Need to Know
Smart Products

A Comprehensive Standing Desk Buying Guide: Everything You Need to Know

|Jun 18, 2021

It’s widely known that sitting is the ‘new smoking’ with many office workers averaging more than nine hours seated at a desk. In fact, many studies have shown that approximately 85 percent of workers experience discomfort in their job. This is especially the case for employees who are unable to change postures during their working day.

With the focus of the corporate world being placed on wellbeing in the office space, sit-stand desks have rapidly increased in popularity. However, this furniture can be extremely complicated to navigate while failure to set up your ergonomic office desk properly can result in further discomfort later down the line.

Nonetheless, setting up this ergonomic adjustable workstation correctly is pointless if you haven't purchased the right home standing desk in the first place. That's why we have created this buyer's guide with useful considerations you should make before buying one. Continue reading to find out more about where to buy a standing desk.

Why Should You Choose a Standing Desk over a Normal Office Desk?

Although a standing desk design is more expensive and technical than a normal office desk, they have many amazing features. The most prevalent and well-liked function incorporated into the design of an ergonomic sit-stand desk is that you can effortlessly transition from a sitting to a standing position.

Why Should You Choose a Standing Desk over a Normal Office Desk?

Being able to change from sitting to standing can work wonders on your well-being. Firstly, you can decrease the amount of time you spend sitting each day without hindering your work progress. This brings a wide array of benefits, such as enhanced productivity, posture, and mood while reducing common aches and pains from sitting at your desk all day.

Overall, an ergonomic office sit-stand desk can help make your workspace more comfortable and supportive. Moreover, these adjustable office desks are equipped with great aesthetics. These can help you develop a more sleek and professional-looking workstation. Creating such office spaces encourages productivity and efficiency for better performance in the office. 

Why Is Sitting for Extended Periods Bad for You?

Extensive medical research has shown that sitting for long periods is linked to several health concerns. Some of these health problems include increased blood pressure, excess body fat, abnormal cholesterol levels, obesity, high blood sugar, and metabolic syndrome.

Why Is Sitting for Extended Periods Bad for You?

Furthermore, remaining seated for extended periods can cause you discomfort while working at your desk. Some common problems in your office might include back, neck, and shoulder pain, bad posture, leg and wrist fatigue, and increased headaches. All of these issues can lead to a decline in productivity and work quality.

What Benefits Can You Reap When You Buy a Standing Desk Online?

What Benefits Can You Reap When You Buy a Standing Desk Online?

Studies have shown that standing desks can help office workers regulate their blood sugar levels faster after eating a meal while also aiding in reducing the risk of back or shoulder pain. Additionally, using a power standing desk each day is linked to negating the adverse effects of sitting for extended periods. Some of these negated issues are:

  • Premature death
  • Cancer (especially of the breast or colon)
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

What Are the Considerations You Should Make When You Buy an Electric Standing Desk Online?

The benefits associated with a standing desk can’t be maximized if you don’t buy the right ergonomic standing desk. However, navigating the construction of these desks can be challenging, which is why we have highlighted the crucial elements you need to consider before you buy a standing desk online. These considerations are:


One feature you should look at when you buy a standing desk is the brand that manufactures it. This can help you identify if the product is worthwhile or not. The brand’s reputation can help you understand the type of standing desk you’re getting. Additionally, it helps you identify the warranties offered and the specific return policies.


For instance, you want to avoid any brands that have a bad reputation for offering low-quality standing desks that break apart while still being relatively new. Going for a brand that’s known for offering exceptional ergonomic furniture, like Autonomous, is always a good idea. A trusted brand should be first on your list.

Understanding what brands are trustworthy and what brands aren’t can help you eliminate possible options from your list, which makes it easier to identify what is the best one to buy from a standing desk store.


The design of your desired standing desk should align with your preferences while being compatible with the existing office workspace you wish to include in this product. It is an important factor you need to consider if you want to buy a standing desk. For example, if you're working with a small space, a bulky design isn't the best option. Instead, you should look for compact constructions.


Moreover, you want the design of this desk to fit with the existing décor of your workstation. In most cases, a versatile design is the best option, as you can effortlessly include this ergonomic standing desk into your workspace without it disrupting the existing appearance.


The type of material used in your standing desk construction dictates the durability offered. You want high-quality materials, like stainless steel, incorporated into the desk's foundation while 3D lamination or MDF wood vs solid wood is included in the desktop.


This stainless steel helps offer enhanced stability when making height adjustments. Such additions also offer a robust lifting mechanism when transitioning from a sitting to a standing position. Additionally, the MDF wood and 3D lamination offer an easy-to-clean surface that's water-resistant, stain, and scratch-proof.

Materials you want to avoid for the most part are plastics included in the frame and high-pressure lamination used in the desktop’s construction. This seriously hinders the durability and performance offered when you buy a standing desk.

Height Range

Height Range

It's recommended that you should search for an optimal height range of between 22.6 inches and 48.7 inches. However, it's also vital to note that this range depends on the needs and height of the specific office worker. Hence, you should consider what you do in a typical working day and your seated/standing height ranges before you buy an electric standing desk online.

Noise Generation Speed

Although you want to make your workspace more ergonomically beneficial, you want to do so while not disturbing others around you. This might be difficult if the motorized system is noisy when moving from a sitting to a standing position.

Noise Generation Speed

Luckily, Autonomous standing desks produce very little noise of 45 decibels when making transitions. Failing to choose a standing desk with this low noise generation speed can result in you not utilizing this mechanism for fear of disturbing your colleagues.  


Some standing desks are equipped with exceptional programmability features to help make transitions more effortless and convenient. Models are commonly equipped with a digital controller and four pre-set height adjustments. This helps you set the height where your most comfortable seated and standing positions are present. All you need to do from here is click one button and your desk adjusts to your optimal height.

Additional Features

Additional Features

When buying an electric standing desk online, you might want to consider a few other features to ensure you’re purchasing the right standing desk. These include:

  • Weight: Standing desks are equipped with a specific weight capacity range, which is why you should identify if your desired ergonomic office desk can hold your required weight capacity.
  • Power: Electric adjustable desks require energy, which is why you should ensure your desired standing desk comes with a suitable cord length to reach your power outlet.
  • Speed: A quicker transition rate means that you’re more likely to frequently switch from a sitting to a standing position throughout the day. Hence, you should look at the transition rates before you buy a stand-up desk online.


Of course, one of the most crucial elements you need to consider when buying a standing desk is the price, which can dramatically vary when looking at various height adjustable desk categories. To buy the best standing desk for your specific workspace, you should balance functionality with the various features mentioned above and your budget to understand what is the right option for you.

How Do You Use an Electric Standing Desk Properly?

How Do You Use an Electric Standing Desk Properly?

Okay, so you know what to look for when you buy a stand-up desk online. However, you’re not sure how to use this adjustable office desk. Don’t worry because we have listed some critical elements that you should implement when standing or sitting at your adjustable desk. These are:

Positioning Your Monitor Arm

Positioning Your Monitor Arm

Your monitor arm should be approximately one arm’s length away from you to ensure you aren’t leaning forward and hurting your posture trying to see the screen or damaging your eyes.

Don’t Forget About Your Monitor’s Height

Pressure can build up if you're looking at your monitor and it isn't placed at the right height. Having your monitor at your eye level ensures you aren't constantly and unnecessarily moving your neck up, forward, down, or backward.

Use the Correct Posture When Using a Standing Desk

A disengaged and soft core accompanied by tense shoulders are signs that you're using the incorrect posture. This can reduce blood circulation and make your seated experience less comfortable. Instead, keep your back straight and your head aligned with your spine for a better-seated posture.

Monitor Tilt

Your monitors should be tilted between 10 and 20 degrees, as this helps to stop reflections or glares. Such adjustments help reduce neck pain and eye strain.

Elbow Placement

Elbow Placement

When you’re working at your ergonomic desk workstation, you should ensure your elbows are placed at a 90-degree angle. Simultaneously, your hands and wrists should rest comfortably on your desk throughout this process.

Why Buy the Autonomous Desk?

The Autonomous Desk Eureka electric adjustable desk is equipped to offer office workers exceptional performance and attractive aesthetics. It consists of a heavy-duty and extremely durable stainless-steel frame that’s designed to effortlessly transition from a sitting to a standing position. This standing desk is sold at the Autonomous standing desk store.

Moreover, this durable stainless-steel desk frame incorporates a robust dual-motorized system into its foundation, which helps transition from a sitting to a standing position resiliently and smoothly.

If that’s not good enough, this motorized system conducts these transitions with very little noise generation. When measuring the noise created from adjusting the desk's height, the dual-motor system doesn't generate more than 45 decibels of sound.

You’re also assured to comfortably fit everything you need during your working day on this Autonomous Desk Eureka’s desktop.  This is because the desks’ construction is equipped to hold a weight capacity of 330 lbs.

Why Buy the Autonomous Desk?

Moreover, reaching this weight capacity doesn’t hinder the desk’s performance to transition from a standing to a sitting position.  When you buy this standing desk, you're also gaining an amazing appearance. The versatility offered in the design ensures you can incorporate this standing desk into a variety of workspaces.

Finally, the desk comes with a high-quality MDF desktop that’s cost-effective, durable, and customizable. When you buy your standing desk from Autonomous, you have the option of either white oak, black, and walnut. You can match the color of your Autonomous Desk Eureka frame and the material of the desktop to your existing décor to ensure everything fits in your workspace when you buy this standing desk.

Pros of Autonomous Desk Eureka

  • The frame is equipped with a weight capacity of 330 lbs.
  • Less than 45 decibels of sound are produced by the motor when transitioning from a sitting to a standing position.
  • You're guaranteed a quality and cost-effective product when you buy this standing desk because of the durable materials included in its design.

Wrapping Up Our Standing Desk Buying Guide

Now that you’ve read through our comprehensive standing desk buying guide, understand how to buy a standing desk online, and how to implement the correct standing desk position in your workspace, you’re golden!

You’re ready to reap the endless benefits associated with this ergonomic furniture. Be prepared to watch your productivity and comfort soar when using this Autonomous Desk Eureka in your office workspace!

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