A Complete Return to Office Checklist COVID-19
Hybrid Working

A Complete Return to Office Checklist COVID-19

|Jul 25, 2021

We all have forgotten how a normal workday looks like. From getting up in the morning, dressing well, and booking a ride to the workplace, everything seems like a distant memory. Sure, work from home has provided a lot of flexibility to workers over the past year and is part of the reason why organizations are planning to switch to a hybrid work policy.

hybrid work arrangement makes a workplace efficient and flexible in many ways. From offering control over work hours to other well-known benefits, a hybrid workforce is no less than a bunch of happy employees. And we all know how happy employees are productive employees.


No matter what type of or modification of hybrid remote work you have chosen, everyone must follow a return to office checklist. To make sure you don't miss a thing, especially in complicated times of post-Covid, it is important to define a return to work plan.

Covid-19 Checklist for Business

Making employees feel cared for and making their health a priority isn't the only aim of a Covid-19 return to office checklist for businesses. It is also true that we have almost overcome this infectious virus with many sacrifices and help by frontline heroes. Organizations that are heading back towards normalcy are asked to follow certain guidelines by the government. This is to ensure that no organization sees an upsurge in the infection and everyone follows health guidelines.

When workplaces are accessible to the public, steps must be taken to protect both workers and the general public. This return to office checklist will assist you in putting measures in place in your workplace to ensure the safety of both staff and consumers.

Remote Work

The only and most effective way to stay safe amidst the pandemic is to stay at home. As encouraged by medical professionals and healthcare workers, not going out unnecessarily is being a responsible citizen in this pandemic. For a work place, the scenario isn't much different.

Remote Work

Organizations are encouraged to keep the employees working remotely if they are not able to manage social distancing. However, since the pre-Covid world didn't know a hint about social distancing, there is no workplace designed to accommodate a large number of employees in a tiny workspace. This is where hybrid work arrangements come into use.

With the system to call only the important employees on-site while others are encouraged to work from, the 2-meter social distancing rule is to be practiced at all times. Other than social distancing, organizations must carry out regular disinfection, training of employees, and use of masks and sanitizers.

Quarantine Guidelines

It is a crucial part in the return to office checklist. Though the initial symptoms of Covid are much similar to the common cold, and it takes some time for the virus to show, it is important to educate employees properly. In addition, if someone they live close by or any family member faces symptoms and is self-isolating, the employee must inform the workplace.

Quarantine Guidelines

Even though the person hasn't faced any symptoms, organizations must provide them the chance to self-quarantine at home rather than calling them to the office and risking everyone else. To keep your employees safe, remind them regularly that they should only come to work if they feel well and that no one in their family is self-isolating.

Commute Concerns

Many employees use public transport and crowded places to commute to the workplace. While your organization could be doing everything in control to ensure following SOPs and making hygiene the top-most priority, if your employees are concerned about the spread of the virus on the way, then their concern is valid.

Commute Concerns

Rather than forcing them to commute, there must be flexibility for employees to either work from home or search for a safer and better means of transport, provided that the organization's productivity and mission aren't seriously compromised.


Even after resuming the after Covid operations, organizations must not stop taking suggestions from the employees. In what ways can a workplace do better? What are the concerns employees face every day when coming to the office? Do you see someone violating SOPs, or is the organization living up to its promise of maintaining social distancing and disinfecting the place regularly?


Taking such feedback anonymously will help employees be open, and organizations ensure employee satisfaction to a greater level.

Personal Responsibilities

Gone are the times when everything was normal. Kids went to school or daycare; old parents weren't exposed to deadly infections because their family members went out. Many parents have a lot of responsibilities to deal with, especially when the schools are still closed. For little kids, the concept of daycare isn't as comfortable and safe now as it used to be.

Employees who cannot yet resume working from the office and are also fulfilling responsibilities well from home; must be provided a little flexibility. This sense of empathy will encourage employees to do better with work.



Surveys are important for any organization. While there should be no particular reason to conduct surveys as they are productive and help identify underlying issues, a return to work survey can do a lot more benefit than imagined. Asking employees about their insights and thoughts about coming back to the office will help organizations decide proactively.

Importance of Checklist Post-Covid

Returning to the work checklist after Covid-19 helps your organization prepare for the workplace coming back and ensures employee satisfaction. When your employees find out the importance you have paid to make sure they are safe and healthy, they will feel valued hence productive.

Importance of Checklist Post-Covid

Since the pandemic, everyone is concerned about their health and the negative repercussions of stepping outside the home. But, no matter how reasonable it sounds, there has to be some point when things should get back to normal. And if you do not make your employees feel understood and taken care of, they will always have a level of uncertainty and thus stress in the workplace.

As per a type of research, 27% of remote workers wish to continue this routine, and 45% of employees are anxious about working from home. Therefore, making a return to office checklist after Covid-19 will help organizations address many issues in the workplace. And in order to make a hybrid work office run smoothly, it is important to address these issues.

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