Cyber Security Training for New Employees

Cyber Security Training for New Employees

|Aug 25, 2021

Enabling your workers to see the usual and regular cyber threats is important. You can protect the business' computer security by training employees on how to do it. Using various cybersecurity training, workers get to understand threats to business operations.

Every employee becomes aware of their responsibilities and liabilities. They get to know about threats to business and how to avoid them.

Data and network security training are important for new employees and refresher courses. The following should be part of employee training to create a data security culture:

1. Company Data Responsibility

company data

Have a continuous emphasis on the importance of data security and how it is critical to the business. Let every employee know their role in protecting that data.

Use various employee training ideas to get everyone on board. Have everyone respect the legal duties of privacy, integrity, and confidentiality. Use ideas such as on job and video training and tutoring programs.

2. Password Protection

Train all workers on how to select long and strong passwords. Guide them to form confusing but easy-to-remember passwords. They should not have cryptic passwords that need writing down to remember.

Set company systems to send periodic reminders to employees to change their passwords. Password protection training help answer the question, how do I handle my password?

3. Internet Use Training

internet use training

Cybersecurity training for employees requires creating awareness about fishy links. Workers should undergo training on avoiding emails and online links from unknown sources.

Suspicious links may cause harm to company computer systems. They carry malicious software that steals company data and infects computers.

To cut data security risks, companies should set up browsing internet rules. Employees should have limits to internet usage at work.

4. Email Routine

Employee network security training covers responsible email usage. Workers go through email manners meant to protect company data from theft. Training covers emails that are scams and how to avoid responding to them.

Workers may ask, what emails do we respond to? Educate them to accept and respond to emails that:

  • Are from someone they know.
  • They were expecting.
  • Are from individuals they are communicating with.
  • Are from people they have received emails from before.
  • Passes company anti-virus program test.
  • Are not oddly looking with unusual characters and spellings.

5. Notification Process and Document Care

notification process

Every company has a data incident reporting policy that employees should know. No worker should carry away any computer for repairs when it gets infected. Having cybersecurity awareness training for employees help in streamlining the reporting procedures.

Train employees to report unusual computer operations for immediate resolution. Why should you train employees about document management and notifications? They become aware of valid computer warnings or alerts. Immediate reporting is necessary to investigate and resolve the threat.

6. Disallowed Software

Some employees try out new technology in business without getting permission. Train your workers on the possible problems such technologies may bring.

Illegal downloads put the business at risk of malicious software attacks. Let every employee know of the dos and don’ts of your business to protect company data.

7. Mobile Devices

When training, communicate your company policy on mobile devices. The rule should cover personal and devices owned by the company.

When there are no clear guidelines, you lose important company devices. Some employees plug their devices into your networks and put them at risk. Allow use of only verified and threat-free company and personal devices.

8. Social Engineering and Phishing

social engineering

Most businesses are currently using virtual collaboration tools to operate. These tools place the business at risk of common cybercrime. Since most employees work away from the office, they need the training to avoid attacks.

Train them to recognize usual cyber threats and avoid information security risks. Cover web-browsing risks, social engineering, phishing, and online fraud in training.

9. Social Media Policy

Most companies are active on social media platforms. Educate employees on how to conduct themselves on social media. Let them know how to communicate.

Set guidelines and policies on using company email addresses for registration. Guide workers on safe posting and receiving social media communication.

10.  Computer Resources Protection

computer resources

Most employees often leave their computers on when they leave the office for home. This is a risk likely to cost the company. Train employees on protecting their computers.

Workers should back up and keep copies of critical information. The computers should be in safekeeping before leaving the office. Train employees to avoid accepting any virus protection software updates.

Pros and Cons of Cyber Security Training


The internet can be unforgiving for companies who are not ready for it. Training employees has its merits to the business and some disadvantages.


  • It is a long-term cost-saving avenue for companies.
  • Cybersecurity training protects a brand name. Cyber-attacks lower customer trust, leading to low sales.
  • The training is beneficial to the company because it deals with common cyber threats.
  • Employee training helps a company to set up strong security systems. Workers become obedient to set standards. Leaders can identify risky situations before they strike.


  • Behavioral change is not guaranteed. Old habits take time to break, becoming a weak point for cyber attackers.
  • The training requires a lot of time, resources, and employee dedication.
  • Cybersecurity training has a lot of information to grasp in a short time. This could lead to improper information use, causing more harm than good.

The Bottom Line

You can take your employees through training courses that deal with cyber threats. Take time to analyze employees' development methods ideal for your company when training. Be conscious of the continuing changes brought by scammers and hackers. These cheats are becoming creative every day, so must you with your training courses to beat them.

Respond to employee questions like why this training and not that? Let them know of your goals and the importance of specific training to the business. Map out the training to cover current and possible future cyber threats.

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