Do Air Purifiers Really Help With Allergies?
Work Wellness

Do Air Purifiers Really Help With Allergies?

|Nov 12, 2021

The routine of stepping outside, without a mask, has made most of us habitual of covering our faces, but as soon as we step inside, we take off the mast first thing. But is the air inside the home pure? After all, these considerations count as we spend most of our time in our homes – confined within the four walls – and with the pandemic hitting, the home has been our safest place to be.

Not to scare you but our indoor spaces, as proven by many studies, consist of various allergens and pollutants that lead to many respiratory health issues. Especially people prone to an allergic reaction need suitable care to prevent allergies from attacking them in their safe space.

And if you are working from home, then the radiation from your gadgets is only further deteriorating the quality of air inside your home. Hence, air purifiers for allergies seem like the only solution when the outside is even more populated than the inside.

Air purifier for pollen or a home air purifier has been under constant interest for years now. People who suffer from seasonal allergies and other related issues often use a small air purifier right beside their bed. But today’s world requires a large room air purifier as the impure air is not safe for anyone.

Do Air Purifiers Help with Allergy?

Do Air Purifiers Help with Allergy

Using an air purifier for pollen is common because air purifiers can filter out dirt and dust particles and provide clean, breathable air to the user, even though it is tough to claim that air purifiers directly help with allergies. Still, several studies prove that air purifiers can trap the large allergen particles and provide much cleaner and fresher air to breathe.

An air purifier works by trapping and removing the dirt and dust particles from the air. It can capture particles ranging from 0.25 to 10 microns and clean up the air within 30 minutes. This includes all kinds of bacteria, dirt, dust, and other allergens that might irritate the respiratory tract.

This happens with a simple mechanism. A filter, or numerous filters, and a fan that sucks in and circulates air are the most common components of an air purifier. Pollutants and particles are caught as air passes through the filter, and the clean air is pushed back into the living room. Filters are often made of paper, fiber (commonly fiberglass), or mesh, and they must be replaced regularly to remain effective.

Best Air Filter For Allergies

Best Air Filter For Allergies

Just when we realized the value of cleaner, fresher air and the deadly consequences of air-borne coronavirus, many people shifted towards making the air they breathe healthier and cleaner. Not only in homes but an ergonomic office design also consists of air purifiers so many employees working together do not fall sick, and the germs cannot transfer.

This also means that an air purifier for allergies should be an important part of a home office health spree, especially if someone suffers from allergies or reactions to pollen. Here are some of the best allergy air cleaners or home purifiers you can find in the market.

1. X5 Purifier by Air Dog

X5 Purifier by Air Dog

This air purifier for allergies uses removable and washable plates so you can take hold of the clean air supplied to you. Extremely affordable and made with all environmentally friendly materials, the X5 air purifier is ideal for tiny to large office or home settings. It has an efficient capability to clean air in a matter of a few seconds.

2. X8 Air Purifier

X8 Air Purifier

Ideal for large indoor settings, this air purifier for allergies is guaranteed to clean up the 99.99% percent air, and that isn't just a promise. With the ability to trap up to 15 nanometers of bacteria and dust particles, this X8 Air purifier is popular for many reasons. In addition, it comes in two pretty colors, black and white, so that the modern place can match its theme accordingly. However, this is a bit expensive.

3. X3 Air Purifier

X3 Air Purifier

Here is the right product for those who aren't willing to spend a lot on air purifiers and need a safe blockage from allergies. This type of air purifier comes with powerful TPA technology and has reusable filters. It allows you to catch small dust particles and enjoy that fresh upsurge of air. The X3 air purifier for allergies is also very light on the pocket.

4. Boneco Air Purifier

The BONECO Air Cleaner for allergies is a powerful device that converts water to vapor, which adds moisture to the air, and then uses that water as a filter to organically clean the air in your home. The Air Washer is meant to remove big particles so that it won't filter out things like scents, but it will get rid of dust and pollen. This is one of the most effective air purifiers for dry seasonal cough and similar seasonal allergies.

5. Rabbit Air HEPA Air Purifier

Rabbit Air HEPA Air Purifier

If sleep has been escaping you because of allergies, it's time to call it back. Both fine dust and volatile organic chemicals are filtered by the Rabbit Air HEPA purifier (VOCs). The AAFA has certified it as asthma and allergy-friendly.

An activated-carbon layer captures harmful gaseous chemicals in the air, in addition to the particle-catching HEPA filter. This low-profile Rabbit Air cleaner comes with an air-quality meter and may stand alone or be installed on a wall. When it's time to go to bed, a light sensor switches to a lower power mode.

6. LEVOIT Air Purifier

If you have a large room to purify, this product serves the best. This machine has three fan speeds to match the level of purification you require in rooms up to 360 square feet.

It also has a sleep mode, auto mode, and timer; the sleep mode allows the unit to run quietly and with minimal LED display light, while the auto mode switches between fan speeds depending on how much purification is required in the room.

7. Molekule Air Purifier

Molekule Air Purifier

The Molekule air purifier for allergies draws air in from all sides and works on a 360-degree spectrum. It's ozone-free, silent, and portable. In addition, it has a patented filter that removes contaminants at the molecular level using nanotechnology (Photo Electrochemical Oxidation, or PECO) and smart technology that makes it compatible with iOS and Android platforms for remote operation.

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