Do Time Management Skills Training Really Work?

Do Time Management Skills Training Really Work?

|Apr 19, 2021

Being a manager comes with endless responsibilities in all fields. Be it handling your own tasks or that of your subordinates, chances are that you are always overworked. Some days, it simply feels like there is not enough time in the world.

To conquer this, a lot of people harp on the effectiveness of a time management training program for your subordinates. While organization and time management training might work for some people, the same isn’t true for others.

To understand why it sometimes fails and whether you should opt for it, it is imperative to understand what exactly time management training entails. Read along to find out so that you have a clearer picture for your own staff.

Every single human being on this planet solely has 24 hours on this planet. This is where time management comes in. It is the act of organizing ways and strategies to divide your day. Time management tools help you decide how much time to cater to which activity.

When done right, time management can make a manager and their teamwork faster, smarter, and more efficient. However, when done wrong, which creates time management mistakes, it can do the detrimental job of increasing your workload and stress.

The catch here is that you cannot always expect the time management training to go right. The chances are that it fails, and you as a manager have to suffer the consequences of the same.

Problems With Time Management Skills Training

A major problem that workers have cited while undergoing several rigorous programs and training is the fact that time management is simply a myth.

They believe that no matter how well you manage your time, the tasks are still going to remain plentiful. Furthermore, there is only so much one can do in a day, regardless of efficiency.

The second issue is the act of deciding what is more important than the other. This usually results in workers piling up every single task under the 'important' list and thus coming back right where they started from.

Problems With Time Management Skills Training

Last but not least is the dilemma of the digital era. Constantly staying connected on the internet and social media tends to zap our attention. This results in us quickly being distracted, no matter what the task.

Employees have also suggested that constantly performing tasks because of the fear of running out of time simply results in employees burnout. This, in turn, can be even more challenging to overcome, and they end up failing to meet their deadlines.

These, combined with a hundred more reasons, could be why your time management training program is not working. To conquer this, you must realize the importance of working as a team and perhaps trying alternative solutions like using time management techniques.

Solutions To Conquer Failure Of Time Management

There are several ways that you as a manager can tackle this situation, all of which will first require you to understand where you and your team are going wrong and then allocate resources to help them in the best way possible.

Diverse Time Management

Perhaps, what you could begin with time management skills training is trying a much more diverse and democratic time-management skills training program. Such programs are popular for the level of freedom that they offer.

Diverse Time Management

Through this, the program can be specific and personalized for each individual worker. This way, you will not only allow the entirety of your staff to do things the way they want but will also ensure efficiency and maximum productivity.

Change In Environment

Another thing of time management skills training that you are responsible for as a manager is their physical well-being at work. Spending hours in front of a computer screen makes things difficult for the best of people. The effects of the same can be felt on an individual’s back, neck, feet, etc.

To tackle this, you might want to try introducing ergonomic furniture with ergonomic office furniture order into the workplace. There are several different things you could try to improve their health and productivity.

For instance, you could begin with ergonomic chairs that are adaptable no matter how you want. These not only look great but will also feel wonderful to use. Ergonomic chairs have been scientifically proven to increase blood flow too.

Change In Environment

The next thing that you should opt for in your home and physical offices is an adjustable standing desk. Not only are they the most popular thing in the market today, but they also come with extremely positive feedback.

Smartdesks look extremely sleek in an office environment and do not take up a lot of space either. If workers are physically doing well, then they are less likely to take days off and more likely to get their tasks done on time.

Increasing Comfort

Lastly, you should indulge in the system of a constant feedback loop for time management skills training. As a manager, you could do this by organizing games every weekend so that most employees could get to know each other and feel more comfortable working.

sum up

Knowing what your staff is struggling with and what their concerns are becoming a lot easier to solve after building a positive and comfortable work environment for them.

There are a lot of things that you could do before opting for a stringent time management skills program. The best part is, even if you do go ahead and try it out, you could always look for other alternatives if things go south.

Summing Up

Now that you know what the common mistakes with time management skills training are, it is time to do some introspection as a head. Look at the position of your team and the engagement levels of each employee.

After this, the best thing of time management activities for training would be to recognize what each individual wants and provide just that. Doing so would not only ensure that they feel heard and understood but also get work done faster.

To conclude, time management skills training does not always fail for every team. However, you could always watch where you are going wrong and try to work upon that for the future. This could be through furniture, encouragement, time management, etc. You are the boss of what best works for you!

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