Effective One on One Meeting with Employees

Effective One on One Meeting with Employees

|Apr 19, 2021

As an employer, it is your sole responsibility to keep an account of each employee in your organization. If you are genuinely working upon enhancing the productivity of your employees at work, through an effective and productive one on one meeting with employees, you can enhance the level of productivity at your workplace. The basic idea of conducting such meetings is to ask your employees strategic questions so that you can focus on the right things.

Moreover, it is only through such a productive and effective 1 on 1 meeting that you get the opportunity to talk to your employees and make them realize that they are essential to both you as well as the organization as a whole. Also, it is one of the best ways to make them understand that you value them and do care for them too, at the same time.

Of course, it requires a lot of actual and cognitive ability to uphold such meetings. You would never be able to acknowledge the challenges your employees have been facing until and unless you haven't talked to them in person. To increase productivity at work, you cannot expect them to come up every time and talk about their issues before you. However, a manager's job is to pull out the words from their mouth, even while some of the employees seem to be hesitant about addressing their concerns. If you are planning to do productive things at your workplace, you need to have the same coordination among all the employees in your team.

What is one on one meeting?

What is one on one meeting?

Too often, conducting a team meeting leads to a scenario when the employees feel nervous or hesitant to speak up. Under such situations, the employer treats the whole batch as one instead of finding out the strengths and weaknesses underlying each individual. However, it is essential to understand that every employee is different, and so are their strengths and weaknesses.

This is when a one on one meeting with employees comes into the picture where none feels criticized or embarrassed in front of the public but rather gets an opportunity to discuss their worries and botherations. Accordingly, the employer can chalk out the driving factors in the employees to enhance their performance.

Why does every business need to conduct one on one meeting?

A 1 on 1 meeting checklist needs to be prepared, wherein the employer will be the best person to decide the frequency of the meeting as per the size of the team. Depending on the team size, he or she will arrange the lots and book the calendar to schedule the events.

Here are a few reasons why every business needs this:

To enhance productivity

To enhance productivity

Suppose you want to enhance productivity at your workplace. In that case, a 1 on 1 meeting is the best way where you will be able to discuss different issues. Thus, enhance the productivity of each employee by way of finding solutions to resolve such issues.

For instance, having seated at one place is one of the troubles that most office goers have to face! If you come to know about this problem through one on one meeting, you can find a solution to it. Thus, you can manage to place an ergonomic office furniture order to fetch the desired amount of comfort for your employees.

Besides, if you aren't sitting in the correct position for long hours, you will have to face many health complications. A bad posture will not just give you neck and backaches, but it will also accelerate your health issues. Of course, bringing the right kinds of office standing desks is essential. A comfortable place to work in will always encourage the employees to devote more time to their work. Indeed, an ergonomic office chair will probably be the best deal that you can think of buying to increase productivity.

To nurture individual skills

This is the perfect time when an employer is more likely to set expectations from the team members so that the latter people are well aware of the pressing points to focus on from now onwards.

Guide on how to make one on one meeting

Prepare discussion points

Prepare discussion points

The best way to prepare your discussion points with the team or for one on one meeting with employees is to jot down the list of bullet points that you are planning to talk about. Once you come face-to-face with your employees, you can even ask for direct reports from them and cover all the areas you have wanted to talk about!

Be active

Note that this productive one on one meeting with employees isn't just an activity on your to-do list, but it is an opportunity for both the employer and the employee to connect with each other and have a more productive day. Make sure that you aren't distracted by anything and are physically and mentally present in the meeting.

Solve issues

Solve issues

When you know that you have a meeting scheduled and one on one meeting with employees, it's the responsibility of the employees to prepare a template so that they can refer to the hardships that they are encountering with their seniors and then take it forward.

A token of appreciation

A token of appreciation

When you talk about the areas of improvement to your employees, you as an employer should also take charge of highlighting their efforts and appreciate them as they do well. Also, take care of their comfort so that they aren't struggling with anything.


Now you know why one on one meeting is essential to increase productivity at the workplace.

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