Flexible Work Schedule: The Pros & Cons Every Employer Should Know
Hybrid Working

Flexible Work Schedule: The Pros & Cons Every Employer Should Know

|May 14, 2021

Having a flexible work schedule can be advantageous to employees and employers. However, it is important to understand that there are drawbacks to using a flexible working model. Typically, the employer lets the employees work with flexible work schedules. Benefits include compressing work days, having flexible hours throughout the day, and having a better work-life balance.

However, challenges do exist for both parties. We’re going to discuss all aspects of flexible workspace solutions so that you understand what they mean.

Flexible Work Schedules – Benefits

Flexible Work Schedules – Benefits

Here are the benefits of using a flexible work schedule (for employees):

Flexible workspace

One of the greatest benefits of a flexible work schedule is the luxury of a flexible workspace. We all work differently and do our best work in different environments. So it only makes sense to work within a space that inspires our peak performance. Whether it’s your bedroom, your local cafe, the park, or at the office, a flexible work schedule allows the freedom to choose how and where you work. And the proof is in the pudding. As the second largest coworking market in the U.S. (after New York), the number of coworking spaces in Los Angeles is growing at a dizzying pace to cater to the legions of professionals with flexible work schedules. The major drawcard? Beating that L.A. traffic!

Flexibility for the Employee

With a flexible work week, employees can meet personal obligations and family needs when they arise. It’s easy to go to a necessary appointment, attend a parent-teacher conference in the day or wait for the repair person to come with a flexible work schedule.

Hybrid working

Flexible work configurations ensure that employees can work when they are going to be most productive. Most managers believe that hard workers get up early, and slackers stay up late. However, that’s not always the case. Still, it’s important to have a work from home schedule so that you stay on top of things and avoid procrastination.

Less Commute Time

When you’re working with flexible schedule options, you have a shorter commute. In fact, you may not get in the car at all! However, there can be instances where you need to go to the office. Check with your employer to see if office hoteling software is available. That way, you book the workstations you need to use while you’re there. It saves you from the hassle of waiting around for the space to be empty and helps you stay productive and work when it’s convenient for you.

Less Commute Time

Whether you’re working at home or coming into the office later, it’s going to be easier. On top of that, you can go into the office at 10 a.m., which saves you from having to travel during rush hour.

Employee Empowerment

Employees can have a feeling of more control over their work environment and schedule with a flexible work week. If you can set your own hours and choose your environment, you are going to be more focused on work. This can also reduce burnout caused by overload. When you need a break, you can take it without getting in trouble from the manager. That leads to more employee empowerment to do what’s necessary.

Fewer Childcare Costs

Depending on how your flexible work week is set up, you may incur fewer childcare costs. Working at home can be beneficial, but you must understand that you’ve got to put in the same amount of effort and time. If you have a spouse, he or she might be able to handle the kids while you’re working.

Fewer Childcare Costs

On top of that, you can hire a babysitter to stay in the house when the kids are there. If they go to school, most of your workday is finished when they get home. This can save a lot on childcare costs.

Employer Benefits

Employers can also benefit from allowing a flexible work schedule. You are sure to see more commitment from your employees when you give up some of that control. It can also reduce employee turnover, tardiness, and absenteeism because workers can use flex hours around their family and home obligations.

Employer Benefits

With a flexible work week policy in place, you can recruit more employees, too. Your company has an image of caring about the workers, and you’re seen as more family-oriented. In addition, employers can manage their time more efficiently and effectively by considering employer of record (EOR) which brings immediate effects in terms of cost structures, payroll, human resources operations, and overall compensation,...

Disadvantages of Working with Flexible Schedule Options for Employees

Many employees thrive in office environments, so they could find it challenging to work on a different schedule than their colleagues. It’s going to require more coordination and planning for team efforts.

While a hybrid remote work schedule can help you focus on what you’re doing and when, be prepared for employers to require core hours or days at the office. That way, everyone’s readily available to discuss needs.

Sometimes, it’s harder to see the line between home and work when you have a flexible work schedule. You may find yourself working all the time, which can be detrimental to your mental health and cause more stress.

Disadvantages of Working with Flexible Schedule Options for Employees

On top of that, some managers don’t mind letting you off for a while to run an errand. However, they also don’t feel guilty when they call you about work at 9:30 p.m.

Remote working also makes it easier for your friends and neighbors to pop in or call because they don’t think you’re really working. This can cause a problem with your personal relationships. To avoid that, consider telling your family and friends that you are working from home and make it clear that you’re not going to take calls or chats during working hours.

Employer Disadvantages for a Flexible Work Week

Many managers have trouble with a flexible work week, too. They’re used to checking up on their employees all the time and watching them. It’s often hard for them to let go of some of that control. A trusting relationship is needed here, and it might take time for it to happen.

With that, most departments are team-oriented, so they still have to meet. Therefore, guidelines should be in place to make it easier for everyone to collaborate in person when needed.

Employer Disadvantages for a Flexible Work Week

You may also find that fairness comes into play. Some people may always deal with certain clients or have jobs where they have to be present at the facility. Employees are going to get cross if they’re never allowed to work at home. One way around that is to offer a flexible work week where they can choose to come in later or work more hours Monday through Thursday to take off Friday.


Overall, working with flexible schedule options is beneficial to everyone. However, there could be some disadvantages that must be addressed. A flexible work schedule has become the norm and is what most employees want as part of their benefits packages. If you can let go of some control, you’re going to get rewarded

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