Holidays to Look Forward to, and Great Ways to Save from Autonomous!
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Holidays to Look Forward to, and Great Ways to Save from Autonomous!

|Dec 14, 2020

The holidays are fast approaching, and for many of us, they won’t look exactly like the holidays we’ve always looked forward to every year. It’s a challenging time for a lot of us, and with a new year on the horizon, we wait with anticipation and hope that a better year lies ahead.

Fortunately, despite these unprecedented challenges, the holiday spirit of love and joy is still in the air, and we can all find new, safe ways to celebrate with our families, even if it means having a Zoom party this year. With so many holidays this month, there’s no shortage of festivities to look forward to...whether you’re with your family and friends, or living that chill quarantined lifestyle. 

For those who work from home, there’s even more good news. Autonomous is celebrating the holidays with gifts and fun minigames for everyone to play together! There’s never been a better time for you to upgrade your home office and work smarter from home, thanks to some amazing deals and games that you can play to win prizes and more! 


Read on to find out about some holidays we have this month, as well as how you can save big and play to win with Autonomous holiday minigames and gifts!

1. National Letter Writing Day

Here’s a holiday I bet you didn’t know about! December 7th, which is already behind us, was National Letter Writing Day. While letters these days are typically just a nagging utility bill or spam mail, there’s something truly  magical and special about receiving a handwritten note from someone you care about, delivered the old fashioned way.

What better way to personalize your holiday greetings to friends and family who may  not be able to see for the holidays this year? Consider writing them letters, telling them how much they mean to you and the impact they’ve had in your life. Or keep it light hearted with a quick life update, a witty joke, and maybe even some stickers for the kids!

National Letter Writing Day

2. Hanukkah

This year, from December 10th-18th, Jewish communities all across the world celebrate their Hanukkah, traditionally known as “Chanukah”. Known for its iconic dreidel game, a menorah lit with 8 candles, and delicious traditional holiday treats, Hanukkah is an 8-day celebration typically enjoyed with large family gatherings.

Of course, this year looks a little different for those who celebrate Hanukkah, but the spirit of the holiday and the tradition lives on. It’s one of the world’s oldest and most revered holidays, tracing its origin all the way back to 164 B.C.E. when the Maccabeans successfully revolted against the Seleucid empire, which led to the recapture of Jerusalem and the dedication of the Second Temple. 

Hanukkah is a celebration of hope and victory. Perhaps no time is more appropriate than now to reflect on the accomplishments of our ancestors, and look forward with hope of victory in the future.


3. Green Monday (December 14th)

Green Monday is an important day in the business world, marking the last day most people are guaranteed to receive a gift in time for Christmas if they order it online. It’s typically accompanied by a surge in sales as people shop for last-minute online gifts.

Autonomous has a special Green Monday gift to help protect everyone this holiday season. Don’t miss Autonomous’ Green Monday promotion, a great way to score a great deal on affordable smart ergonomic home office tools and keep yourself and your loved ones safe at the same time! With any order over $399, Autonomous is giving away a Graphene antiviral mask ($30 in value) with a festive holiday theme. 

Shop today and get your free antiviral mask, available for giveaway in a limited amount on a first come, first serve basis!

Green Monday

4. Boxing Day (December 26th)

Boxing day is a little-known holiday in the United States, but it’s actually the second most popular holiday right after Christmas in the United Kingdom and other formerly commonwealth countries like our neighbors to the north, Canada, and way down under in Australia! 

It’s like second Christmas! And just because it’s not widely celebrated in the US doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of a great promotion from Autonomous. You’ll have a chance to play a fun pop-up game from December 26th all the way to New Year’s Eve, and all you have to do is flip some cards and try your luck to see if you win a discount, prize, or even free gifts from Autonomous! 

Stay tuned on our website for more upcoming details, or subscribe to our email list to get the latest updates before anyone else!

Boxing Day

5. Christmas 

Of course, the biggest day of the year for a majority of Americans is Christmas, a time where families gather together for the annual gift giving celebration. It’s a huge holiday for pop culture, inspiring folklore across the world about Santa Claus, as well as numerous holiday hits that you either love or hate.

Though the actual timing of the Christmas holiday and its folklore have pagan roots, Christmas is also a massive celebration for Christian communities around the world, celebrating the birth of Christ. Nativity scenes, angels, and the newborn baby Jesus are at the center of the holiday, with this religious emphasis having a huge impact on pop culture surrounding the holiday as well.


Regardless of how you celebrate, Christmas is a time for everyone to show affection and love toward each other, exchange thoughtful gifts big and small, and enjoy the seemingly endless array of holiday treats. This year will be challenging for many families who must balance a responsible, safe approach to gathering with a desire to bring everyone together for this most special time of year.

Fortunately, even if you can’t see your family this year, you can still give unforgettable gifts. With Autonomous, you’ll be able to purchase select items with hot discounts—perfect for anyone in your life who works from home and could use a few upgrades! Look out for these deals from December 15th-23rd only, and stay up-to-date on our website or by subscribing to our email list.

There will also be a fun ice breaker mini-game, a way to break the ice between you and your friends and family; to connect and shorten the spatial and emotional distance between you and your loved ones, only from December 16th until January 6th! During this time, you can play with friends and family to win fun prizes and discounts! Play together and score huge savings on your dream home office, or a dream home office for someone special in your life.


This year, connect with each other smartly and safely, and enjoy all the holiday cheer however you can as we all look forward to a new year full of promise and hope.
Don’t miss some great deals from Autonomous this holiday season, and get your family and friends the home office upgrades with smart standing desks and ergonomic chairs that will help them work smarter from home, built to last for years to come.

Cover image by freestocks via Unsplash

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