Best Home Office Desk Organization Ideas
Workplace Inspiration

Best Home Office Desk Organization Ideas

|Nov 30, 2021

If you think that a clean and tidy place is just about looks, then you are wrong. Our surroundings have far greater roles to play than just being pretty to our eyes. Several studies highlight how the surrounding plays a major role in impacting the mood. And when it comes to the workplace, the work environment and atmosphere have a lot to do with the level of productivity you see in an employee.

Ever since this is known, the home office desk organization ideas have become a common area of interest for many people partly because we love to spend our time personalizing our home desk organization and partially because it plays a major role in inspiring us to work better.

Either way, whatever the motivation behind your home office desk organization and how much you need to settle those office accessories properly, you need some office organization for desk ideas that work great for your workplace. 

Here are some work from home desk organization ideas to reach the closest level of organization and professionalism, even in your home office.

Some of the Best Home Office Desk Organization Ideas

Start with the Files

Start with the Files

No matter how virtual your work has become, there are some physical files, papers and documents you deal with daily. And this is where the organization comes in first. Maybe you have lots of documents you use every day. Maybe some of them are used every week while some by a fortnight.

Either way, you cannot do with a clutter of files greeting and being on your work desk every day. Hence, it would help if you started classifying the files; for starters, get a filing cabinet, so all your work papers are in a single place, and when you need to locate something, there is no rushing around the house.

Color Code

Ensure color coding to organize your work documents. Color coding can help you sort out priority and reach a particular file in a matter of seconds, whereas all the identical files can take you minutes to find the one needed. Color coding will also give you a sense of control, and you will feel confident about the work you do.

Arrange the Items by Priority

Arrange the Items by Priority

There are certain items you use every day; some are used every week while some of them you don't even think about for weeks at a time but still cannot throw them away. Arranging items based on priority – where the most used are placed the closest and the less used are kept the farthest is a good way to avoid clutter in your workstation.

Keep Hold of the Tiny Items

In the middle of workday chaos, tiny things such as binders, paper clips, highlighters and staplers are very important. And these items are the ones that you are most likely to lose. Hence, it is important to keep hold of these tiny desk accessories. If your work desk has a drawer, then doing a DIY cardboard partition is a good idea. Or, in case your desk doesn't have one, this swivel desk drawer from autonomous serves as a great storage option.

Organize your Stationery

Organize your Stationery

Here is another home office desk organization idea for you. If you don’t have storage drawers or a cabinet or the existing ones aren’t enough to hold all your stuff, you can get a desk organizer. The Oasis desk organizer from autonomous has it all. It has enough compartments to hold all your important stationery items, and the magnetic ability makes it good enough to stick to the work desk surface, so it doesn't keep on sliding.

Be Prepared to Take Notes

Your stationery in the workstation includes pens, papers, pencils and even post-its. You are likely to need this stationery very often, especially during meetings and important work calls. Imagine you need to note down an important phone number but cannot find a pen? That has to be stressful.

And do you also not find a pen when needed? Accessories like the city pen cup by Lexon and the city pen on base by Lexon can help you keep hold of that pen, so it doesn't run away when you need it the most.

Avoid the Cable Mess

Avoid the Cable Mess home office desk organization

Here is one of the biggest problems on your work desk and home office desk organization. And thankfully, there are many ways to prevent the cable mess. You just have to find the one that works for you. For instance, some work desks come in with existing cable grommets for you to hold all the passing cables and keep them in place. But if yours doesn't have one, no need to worry as you can easily use several hacks. Here are some we swear by

  • Get an empty tissue roll and pass all your cables through it; you can also secure it with tape, so it doesn't move.
  • Get rubber bands to hold all the cable wires in a single place.
  • Use binder clips to bind the cables together and secure them to the corner of the table.
  • Use an empty shoebox to store all the long cables and charging adapters in one place.

Don't Let the Trash Pile Up

If you work with lots of papers and sticky notes, there will likely be a lot of trash every day. Make sure the trash doesn't pile up to the level it starts taking a toll on your efficiency. Daily cleaning is recommended when you leave the workstation, so you aren't greeted with a disastrous mess the next morning.

Keep Your Gadgets Safe

Keep Your Gadgets Safe home office desk organization

Your work table is likely to have lots of gadgets, and there will be coffee as well. No, judgments, but some people can have up to 3 mugs of coffee per workday (still keeping it on the low side). While you need coffee by your laptop, be aware of any sort of spillage. It is safe to get a desk pad so all your work gadgets are safe from coffee or water, or you should also buy coasters to prevent coffee trailing marks on the table.

Add some Personal Touch

When it comes to home office organization, you are the boss. Hence your workplace should be all about you. Add a personal touch with some important family pictures. You can use a DIY wall gallery to highlight the photos that take you down a happy memory lane. Having something that relaxes you and makes you feel happy nearby will bring a lot of positive thoughts.

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