How to Control Your Flexible Work Day & Improve Productivity?
Hybrid Working

How to Control Your Flexible Work Day & Improve Productivity?

|May 12, 2021

Having a flexible work day can be a great way to balance your home life and still get things done. In fact, you can boost productivity with this option. Though there are many flexible work hours benefits out there, it’s important that you don’t get dragged into the pitfalls.

Therefore, you need to learn how to control your work day with the right work from home schedule. On top of that, you may want to consider working in the office at times.

How Flexible Work Can Affect Productivity If You Don’t Have a Plan

Many companies now have a flexible working model for employees. That means, when you’re at the office, you have all the tools you need. You can carve out blocks of time for the meeting room or work at the back of the office where it’s quieter.

How Flexible Work Can Affect Productivity If You Don’t Have a Plan

Generally, these flexible workspace solutions let you pick and choose where you’re going to work. Sometimes, that means working remotely (from home), too. However, it’s important to plan your flexible work day so that there are no snafus. The worst thing you could do is not booking the right space, which means you’re stuck trying to work in less-than-ideal conditions.

Typically, everyone enjoys flexible work hours. Benefits far outweigh the negatives for most people, but that can change in an instant if you’re not prepared.

Have a Set Space for Working at Home

Your flexible work day may mean that you work from home. This can be a great thing, but it’s going to go poorly if you don’t have a specific place to work. You’re likely to need a computer, comfortable chair, second monitor, and desk space. Plan ahead to have all of this set up for when you start working.

Have a Set Space for Working at Home

Don’t Blur the Work/Home Balance

Many people choose a flexible work day for remote working, but that can aggravate the work/home balance. Make sure that you start working at the right time. At the end of your day, turn off work and focus on your family and unwinding. Otherwise, it could lead to more stress.

Use Time-tracking software to Reduce Procrastination

The goal is to improve productivity, or your employer isn’t going to see the flexible work hours benefits. Therefore, stay on the path by tracking your time. Only take your allotted lunch break and get as much or more work done at home.

Use Time-tracking software to Reduce Procrastination

Eliminate Distractions

When working from home, it’s easier to get distracted. The neighbor might pop by, you may have the dogs barking, or the kids may be off of school for the day. These things can lower productivity and make you more stressed out.

Try hard to eliminate the distractions you’re likely to face. That way, you can get your work done on time.

Focus on Finding and Booking the Right Workspace for the Day

A flexible work day doesn’t just focus on working at home (though it can). Many companies are starting to use the office hoteling style. That means there are specific workstations set up throughout the building. You can book time at a particular workspace when you need it most. Generally, this is done through office hoteling software.

Focus on Finding and Booking the Right Workspace for the Day

Make sure that you know how to use it so that you find and book an ideal workspace for your day (or certain parts of it). This can also be used for remote workers. You may need to pop into the office to use the fax machine. Book a time when you know you can be there so that you can work uninterrupted.

Flexible Work Day Samples for Employee

Flexible Work Day Samples for Employee

There are many different flexible work day arrangements out there. These can include:

1. Flexible Schedule

Flextime lets the employees start and end their work days at nonstandard times. Management might say that it is okay for you to work anywhere from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. You can pick the eight hours that work best for you. Sometimes, you are even allowed to split the hours. Work a four-hour block from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and a four-hour block from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Each company is different, so you should find out what flexible work day schedules yours offers. If there are no options, consider asking. Most employers are willing to help you find the right schedule for your needs.

2. Compressed Work Week

Compressed work weeks let employees work 40 hours (full-time) in less than five days. Therefore, you may work 10 hours four days a week. The hours can be broken up differently based on your needs.

3. Alternative Site

Your flexible work day can also mean that you don’t work at the office. Remote working is the top choice for people who have a long commute or otherwise don’t want to go to the company location every day.

There can be some concerns with this, such as technical support, home computer security, and how meetings are going to be handled. Most companies that offer remote working have a policy in place to avoid confusion. If yours doesn’t, make sure that you ask about these things instead of waiting until issues pop up.

 Alternative Site

4. Part-time Hours

Sometimes, a flexible work schedule means that you want to reduce your work hours altogether. In general, you want to move to part-time status. This could be for a few weeks or for an extended period of time. Just note that this option may reduce your benefits and eligibility for certain programs.


If you are like most people, you want flexible work hours. Benefits abound here, but there are a few drawbacks. It’s important to focus on productivity while you use a flexible work day. That way, your employer sees that you are still doing your job. Having a plan is the best way to go about things. You also found a few samples for flexible work days and learned how to create your hybrid remote work schedule.

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