Office Layout Ideas: Types, Pros & Cons with Tips
Workplace Inspiration

Office Layout Ideas: Types, Pros & Cons with Tips

|Sep 16, 2021

The office has the potential to be more than a place of work. It can truly transform businesses across several areas, changing the way they present themselves to the world.

A well-designed office layout plan lets you create a business statement, providing the perfect first impression whenever clients, customers, or prospective ones walk inside. Furthermore, it can also improve your employees’ work environment. For that reason, this article looks into office layout ideas, including their pros, cons, and some design tips. 

What Is an Office Layout?

An office layout plan design exhibits your business’ corporate statement. Additionally, it allows you to create the ideal environment where workers can feel at ease while remaining efficient at their tasks. For that reason, it’s a good idea to design an office floor plan while envisioning the atmosphere you want to foster in your workplace. 

The term office layout usually deals with an office’s decor and design. It considers all the office supplies, equipment, accessories, and arrangement designs the workplace requires to function correctly. All of these should be available within your current office floor layout so that your workers can work and carry out their procedures effectively. 

In other words, the office layout is the blueprint of the workplace. It can only be practical when it manages to make employees complete their tasks more effectively. For example, let’s consider an office layout idea where all the employees of a specific department get grouped into one floor or area after considering the available space. This plan might help them carry out their tasks quicker and easier as they now can communicate between themselves without issue. 

What Is an Office Layout

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Why Is It Important to Have an Effective Office Layout Plan

While the office layout ideas might appear like a simple term, thinking about everything that goes into it can be pretty overwhelming. It might be good to know how it affects your employees to understand how important it is to have a practical layout. 


Does the current layout work in favor of your employees? It can be hard to get things done if your employees constantly search for office equipment and supplies needed to perform their jobs. Having little space can be detrimental as well in some cases.

It’s vital to think about your company’s main objectives and the tasks each job has to do. This way, you can figure which type of office layout might be better for your workplace. At least, employees need a dedicated workspace with enough room for a computer, paperwork, and other tools that most office jobs regularly use. 

Filing cabinets and other storage options with materials near desks can improve productivity. Having a specific location near shared resources can do so as well. A good example would be placing an administrative assistant’s workspace close to a printer as it’s highly convenient for their job. 


Collaboration and Teamwork

If your company has teams that need to collaborate, you need to create an office layout design that fosters these interactions. A conference room with a large table or a lounge-style room are good options for your office layout idea, but it mostly depends on what image you want your company to project. 

For example, open offices are crucial in a flexible workspace and, consequently, for teams, but they may take away some of the workers’ privacy. Having common areas alongside private workspaces gives your employees a chance to enjoy both aspects. 

Occasionally, how much your staff collaborates may depend on where you position your employees’ desks. Putting payroll personnel close to the HR director and the staff accountant makes sense as these roles frequently interact in the office. Likewise, having software testers and developers nearby can improve communication and collaboration on their projects. 

Collaboration and Teamwork

Safety and Comfort

The type of office layout and its features can impact employee safety and comfort. Having heavily traversed areas away from hazards, such as those present in an industrial environment, can prevent workplace accidents and injuries. 

Even office-only spaces benefit from having cubicles or workstations with plenty of space surrounding them as it prevents workers from bumping into things or getting tangled into the occasional cord. 

An office layout plan can impact sensitive lines of work as well. If you have employees working with delicate files, you might need to arrange their workspaces with desk privacy panels or place them further from the rest of the team. Additionally, some high-risk environments might benefit from implementing a keyless entry system. 

Finally, ergonomic office equipment and well-thought layouts can keep employees comfortable, reducing their strain and other possible pain sources. You can bulk buy office furniture to outfit your workplace with great ergonomic equipment quickly. It isn’t necessary to look for an opportunity to purchase an office desk or an office chair wholesale. These bulk orders offer deals tailored to your necessities and are highly beneficial to all office layout ideas. 

Safety and Comfort


The office layout design principles often focus on functionality, but aesthetics can have an impact as well. Having a visually pleasing, well-lit space makes working a better experience for everyone. It may encourage creative and positive thoughts throughout the workplace, giving employees a much-needed morale boost. 


Types of Office Layouts

Nowadays, companies employ a broad range of office layout ideas that support different work styles and necessities. Here are some examples: 

Open Office Layout Plan

In this office floor plan, there aren’t privacy walls or room dividers between workstations. Instead, the furniture in each area, such as cabinets, shelves, desks, and chairs, defines the workspaces in this office layout ideav. You can stack desks side-by-side or replace them entirely with worktables that can accommodate multiple employees at any moment. Here is some pros and cons of open office layout:

Open Office Layout Plan

Pros of Open Office Layout Plan

  • Encourages communication and collaboration among employees.
  • Offers flexible seating arrangements that are easy to configure.
  • Can save space and reduce overhead costs.

Cons of Open Office Layout Plan

  • Has many visual and auditory distractions due to the lack of privacy.
  • May increase anxiety among certain employees that don't feel too secure about being in the open at all times.

Cubicle Office Layout

This is one of the interesting office layout ideas. Cubicle layouts were probably the most used type of office layout until recently. It’s a kind of open floor layout where partitioning walls are the only thing that separates workspaces. These dividers often form shapes of cubes, hence the name. 

This arrangement is likely the most cost-efficient office layout plan, but it has several detriments. You can usually see it in workplaces that also implement private office layouts for senior staff and other meeting rooms.

Cubicle Office Layout

Pros of Cubicle Office Layout

  • Offers employees some visual privacy at their workstation.
  • Allows workers to personalize their workspaces.
  • It's a significantly cost-efficient option for the company.

Cons of Cubicle Office Layout

  • Can hinder communication and interactions between employees due to the partitioning walls.
  • It may make claustrophobic people feel uncomfortable.
  • The room and desk dividers make it unsuitable for departments that require more supervising than usual.

Private Office Layout

Private office layout ideas tend to use cellular-style workspaces. In this design, the interior walls of an office reach the ceiling, providing a completely separate space from the rest of the workplace. 

It’s one of the most preferred arrangements for senior team members and managers. However, it does have some variations. For example, multiple managers could share a private office.

Private Office Layout

Pros of Private Office Layout

  • Provides a private space where it’s possible to discuss projects and other things in confidentiality.
  • Makes it easier to focus and work on projects as it’s a comfortable space that's separated from the rest of the office.

Cons of Private Office Layout

  • Occupies a considerable amount of space.
  • Very uneconomical office floor plan.
  • Communication and supervision between managers and subordinates might be hindered due to the workspace's isolation.

Coworking Office Layout

This office layout design is one of the most popular options for people who work remotely, are part of small teams, or are self-employed. These workplaces are popping up pretty much everywhere, so it isn’t hard to find one nearby. The best aspect of a coworking office is that you don’t need to meddle with their design. All you have to do is pay a small fee and find the workspace that best fits the work you’re planning to do.

Coworking Office Layout

Pros of Coworking Office Layout

  • Flexible workspace arrangement that provides every amenity necessary.
  • Excellent cost and workstation options.
  • Provides higher networking chances as you may get to know other professionals.
  • One of the best choices for start-up companies and freelancers.

Cons of Coworking Office Layout

  • Abundant distractions unless you opt for private rooms.
  • Lack of workspace customization may be discouraging, causing negative impacts on work.
  • It might affect the cultural growth of start-ups and small enterprises due to shared spaces and the general restrictions in place.

Hybrid Office Layout

The hybrid work office is one of the most recent office layout ideas. It combines elements present in other styles to develop the best solution based on your company’s needs. In most cases, it’s a layout with a mix of collaborative and private spaces. 

hybrid office layout tends to have easy-to-configure furniture, high-quality teleconferencing gear, and technologies that make it easy to reserve spaces within the workplace. Overall, it often reduces overhead costs while offering excellent support for employees working remotely and in-office.

Hybrid Office Layout

Pros of Hybrid Office Layout

  • Reduces operating costs by lowering the number of employees that need to be in the office.
  • Prioritizes the well-being of employees and redefines collaboration.
  • Emphasizes productivity instead of efficiency.

Cons of Hybrid Office Layout

  • Makes it hard to maintain a productive work routine, which may cause employees to burn out over time.
  • Increases the reliance on technology, leading to an unsafe digital footprint.
  • May lead to an over-politicized workplace, further increasing employee isolation.

Office Layout Design Tips

While the main objective of a good office layout plan is to create a workplace with a streamlined workflow that keeps in mind employee satisfaction, there are some design tips that every layout should follow: 

  • Try to include as much natural lighting as possible while arranging the office floor plan, as studies have shown it positively affects a person’s circadian rhythm. Nonetheless, artificial light doesn’t have substantial detriments. If you like Vastu Shastra, it might be a good idea to customize the layout so that desks face North or East directions.
  • Utilize most of the available space and place computer cases, worktables, and other equipment while keeping certain factors in mind, such as ventilation, lighting, hazards, etc. This way, you can create a healthy and productive workplace environment.
  • Design the office floor layout only after carefully studying the tasks your employees have to complete. Additionally, ensure it favors a proper, unidirectional workflow.
  • Don’t forget to make it at least somewhat aesthetically pleasing. First impressions matter, making it significantly crucial for companies that frequently receive clients.
  • Improve your employees’ productivity and efficiency by putting necessary tools and equipment near workspaces. Ensuring essential amenities are in place or near shared areas is also significantly important.
  • Enhance employee morale by handing out provisions they need to complete their tasks with ease.
  • If you’re implementing private offices, restrict their number after considering the need for them. They’re pretty costly and come with some disadvantages.
  • Include several emergency and standard exit routes in your layout plan. After all, it’s crucial to consider the safety of your employees should something eventful ever occur.
  • Distribute formal and informal spaces throughout the office as best you can.
  • Always consider that your company might expand in the future, so be ready for it. 

Office Layout Design Tips

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The Bottom Line

Creating a good office layout plan is a relatively complex process. Every company has to think for themselves as there is no situation where the same office layout solution fits multiple cases. Sure, they could follow general considerations and principles, including natural lighting, optimizing space usage, and buying discounted chairs and bulk office desk wholesale, but these are just basic guidelines. 

Moreover, when it comes to arranging office layout ideas, some technologies make it significantly easier. Follow the type of office layout that seems to fit your company the best, and check out some of the tips listed afterward for some help during the process. If you read them thoroughly, you can end up with a highly efficient layout that makes the most of your team!

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