Autonomous Desk Connect Control Panel: Full Setup Instructions
Smart Products

Autonomous Desk Connect Control Panel: Full Setup Instructions

|Feb 19, 2022

You just acquired a Autonomous Desk Connect for your office! Congratulations on taking the step to improve not only your workspace but also your productivity. To get the most out of your manually adjustable desk from Autonomous, you must first follow this operating manual Autonomous Desk Connect. Here, you can find all you need to know about setting up the Autonomous Desk Connect control panel and its essential functions.

How to Set Up Autonomous Desk Connect Control Panel: A Guide to Basic Operations 

Different pieces support the Autonomous Desk Connect’s performance. Follow the installation instructions included with the pieces to ensure that you set it1 up correctly. There are images to guide you through the process. 

After constructing your Autonomous Desk Connect, you must manually reset the entire system. To do this, press the down button until the display flashes the symbols “E-1” and “rES,” alternately. After releasing the button, press the down button again until the display shows the number “60”. While doing this, the desk slowly moves down. After this, you can start using Autonomous Desk Connect! 

Autonomous Desk Connect control panel

1. Adjusting the Height  

To make your desk higher and archive the proper height of the standing desk, press the up key until it reaches the desired position.

Adjust the height

On the opposite, to make your desk lower, press the down key until it reaches the desired position.  

2. Saving the Desk Position 

Saving the desk’s position with the Autonomous Desk Connect control switch means that you can quickly return to a saved position with the press of a button. 

Saving the desk position

To save a position, adjust the desk to the desired height. Press the “M” button, which triggers the symbol “S—” to appear on the display screen. Press “1” to save the position. Use subsequent numbers, such as “2” and “3” to save more positions.  

3. Altering the High and Low Positions 

This function prevents excessive movement on the desktop.  

Press and hold the “M” button for three seconds until “S—” appears on the display screen. Press the up button until the display flashes “HLP.” Press “1,” which causes the display to flash “H-P” and the current height.  

Altering the High and Low Positions

Then, use the up and down buttons to reach the upper limit position. Press “M” to set the shelf stop position. Next, press “2” This causes the display to show “L-P” and the current height. Use the down key to reach the desired lower limit position. Press “M” to save.  

4. Changing the Height Unit on the Display Screen  

This control changes the displayed unit from centimeters to inches and vice versa. 

Change the unit height

Press “M” until “S—” appears on the display screen. Press the up arrow until you see the “Unt” symbol. Press “1,” which causes the screen to flash “Unt” and the desktop height. Press “2” to change the unit of measurement. Press “M” to save.  

5. Changing the Height Displayed 

This function changes the way the display shows the height.  

Changing the Height Displayed

Press and hold “M” until “Ur” and “OFF” flash alternately. Press the up button until the display screen shows “End” and the original height. Press “1” to change the 100-digit number, “2” for the 10-digit number, and “3” for the single-digit number. Press “M” to save.  

6. Anti-Collision Function 

This prevents the desk from colliding with anything while in motion.  

Anti-collision function

When the desk encounters an obstacle, the display shows “E-2” and slowly moves in the opposite direction.   

7. Plug Detection 

This function lets you know if the motors are properly connected.  

Plug Detection

When the display shows “E-3” and “rES,” check if the desk motors are connected. Unplug the main cable and wait at least five seconds. Connect all plugs and follow the manual reset procedure.  

8. Resetting the Desk to Factory Setting 

Press “M” until the symbol “FAC” appears. Press “S” to reset the desk and all its memory back to the factory setting.  

Factory Setting

How Does a Standing Desk Improve My Productivity? 

According to a study, people using standing desks felt 45% more productive than those sitting all day. Therefore, many standing desk users recommend you ditch standard desks. While the benefits are not proven entirely, you can burn almost ten calories more per hour than you would be sitting normally. Avoiding back pain, lowering the risk of heart disease, and preventing obesity are all some of the potential benefits that can help you stay on task.


Though some experts say taking a break and walking is just as effective, standing desks keep you on your feet and encourage you to be more active. 

It is important to remember that you should not be standing for hours on end. Your feet deserve a break now and then. That’s why our Autonomous Desk Connect control panel works so well. You can easily adjust from sitting to standing within seconds.  

Check out some more of our standing desk options from Autonomous. If you like the Autonomous Desk Connect, you may also like the classic Autonomous Desk Eureka.

The Pros and Cons of a Standing Desk

Pros of a Standing Desk

  • Lowers risk of weight gain.
  • Reduces back, neck, and shoulder pain.
  • Improves your mood.
  • Keeps you productive.

Cons of a Standing Desk

  • Benefits are not 100% proven by science.

FAQs for Autonomous Desk Connect Control Panel Symbol

Autonomous Desk 4 Control Panel Symbol

1. What Do the Symbols “E-1” and “rES” Mean on My Autonomous Desk Control Switch? 

If you see either symbol on your Autonomous Desk Connect control switch, they refer to the manual reset process.  

2. What Does the Symbol “ovr” Mean on My Autonomous Desk Connect Control Switch? 

If you see this symbol on the Autonomous Desk Connect control panel, it means that there is too much weight on the desktop. Upon seeing this, you should reduce the weight by removing some items.

3. What Does the Symbol “E-2” Mean? 

This symbol on your Autonomous Desk Connect control panel means that the desk is activating the anti-collision function. To make it go away, remove the obstacle interfering with the desk.

4. What Does the Symbol “E-3” Mean? 

If you see “E-3” on your Autonomous Desk Connect control switch, check to ensure that all cables are plugged in correctly. Once all is connected, you can continue using Autonomous Desk Connect.

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