The Surprising Benefits of Screen-Free Time at Work

The Surprising Benefits of Screen-Free Time at Work

|Oct 3, 2023

How much time in front of a screen is too much? Most people in today's technologically advanced world spend more than five hours a day in front of a digital screen; those who work in offices typically put in closer to 9 hours each day. Nowadays, every job relies heavily on technology, so providing employees time to unplug every once in a while is necessary.

Realizing this importance, we'll talk about the value of unplugging from technology, how screen free time can improve productivity at work, and, most importantly, how to go screen free while on the job.

Benefits of Screen-free Time

Cutting back on screen time is a smart step to directly or indirectly increase productivity in several ways.

It Can Reduce Eyestrain.

Developing Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) from excessive screen time is possible. Knowing how far your monitor should be from your eyes is important.

Therefore, use the 20-20-20 rule for eyes as a guideline: Try to focus on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

It Can Reduce Eyestrain. - Screen free

It Can Help Prevent Headaches.

According to research published in 2015, young individuals' risk of developing migraines increased proportionately to the time spent in front of a screen. If you find yourself staring at a screen for too long, give yourself some screen free time by getting up for a cup of tea or going for a stroll to get some fresh air.

It Can Induce Out-of-the-Box Thinking.

Tunnel vision, where your field of view is restricted to within the constraints of a screen, can occur unintentionally. Allowing time away from screens can help you gain a more holistic perspective. In-person interactions, whether through conversation or direct experience, can help you see problems in new ways and provide insight into how to solve them.

It Can Help Your Physical Health.

Increasing screen free activities will help you avoid back, eye, and even finger strain that can develop from sitting for lengthy periods. Furthermore, studies have linked eating in front of a screen with increased calorie intake, which can be hazardous for your health.

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It Can Increase Your Focus.

Taking short breaks away from your desk and screen can help you get more done. Rearranging your workspace might be a great screen free hobby and help you get back on track. When you return to work, your brain and eyes will thank you.

It Can Foster Communication.

If you want to work better with others in your office, increase your screen free time. If we try to multitask in a conversation, we risk missing cues from others. As a result, limiting your time in front of a screen can increase your ability to interact with others and pay undivided attention to your coworkers, boosting your efficiency and productivity.

It Can Foster Communication.

It Can Enhance Problem-Solving Skills.

Time away from screens forces you to rely on your own mental reserves instead of looking for answers online. This shift encourages the use of one's own knowledge, experiences, and intuition in the face of obstacles, leading to more effective problem-solving. If you can't Google for answers right away, you'll have to use your critical thinking skills, try new things, and find creative ways to apply your knowledge.

It Can Prevent Information Overload.

We now have more information at our fingertips than ever before, yet with this advancement comes a burden: information overload. Screen free time gives your brain a break from the constant stream of information, allowing you to organize your thoughts and create new meaning from what you already know.

5 Examples of Screen-Free Working and Learning at Work

Here are five of our favorite methods to go screen-free while still getting things done. Use them effectively to gain work-life balance benefits.

Talking with Others

Instead of sending an email or instant message from the best computer monitor, try picking up the phone and calling the person or, even better, scheduling a face-to-face encounter. It's a less taxing way to go about things, and it can help you bond with others and liven up your routine.

Learning is greatly aided by verbal communication. If you want to make sure you fully grasp a concept, try explaining it to someone else. Moreover, conversations can enrich everyone's knowledge and spark fresh ideas.

Talking with Others

Reading Books, Magazines, and Journals

One of the best screen free hobbies is to read; you may find it more convenient to browse and understand longer materials if you print off or order a physical copy of the document or book you're working on.

There is also less risk of having your attention diverted by an alert showing up or a bright screen, both of which can cause eye strain and mental fatigue.

Reading Books, Magazines, and Journals

Listening to Podcasts and Audiobooks

Listening to content expands the times and places you can learn anything, such as when you're walking, eating, or resting. This way, you can get some eye strain relief and stretch your legs.

Doing Hands-on Work

To break up the monotony of staring at a screen all day, try some hands-on work.

This could be a job-related activity or a physical step like sketching your ideas. It's a healthy way to release anger, get around the office, and interact with coworkers.

Doing Hands-on Work

Using Puzzles and Games

Studies have shown that taking a short break from your work will help you return to it with renewed concentration. Games or puzzles are great screen free activities to give your eyes and mind some rest.

Check for any premade activities to aid your learning, or come up with your own!

Tips on Managing Screen Time

  • Set Realistic Goals And Limits: Limit your time in front of the TV, computer, or other screen. Please ensure they're reasonable, doable, and compatible with other aspects of your life, like playing outside, exercising, or pursuing other interests.
  • Take Regular Breaks: Taking frequent pauses from screen time and giving your eyes a rest helps alleviate weariness and strain.
  • Find Alternative Screen Free Activities: Do things that don't require screens, including working out, playing board games, taking a stroll in the park, etc.
  • Create Screen-Free Zones: Create "screen-free zones" in your home where using screens is strictly prohibited. At the dinner table, for example, everyone should put down their phones and tablets to encourage healthy eating and spend meaningful time together as a family.
  • Utilize Time-Management Apps: Apps like this make it easier for consumers to limit their digital intake and reclaim their life. Setting daily restrictions for screen usage is one of the many creative and user-friendly features built into these apps.

Tips on Managing Screen Time

Ending Note

As the world continues its digital growth, the value of screen free time becomes increasingly apparent.

Our discussion above reminds us that sometimes the way to innovation and productivity is to switch off the screen and give our minds some time to wander off!

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