The Importance of Information Security

The Importance of Information Security

|Aug 19, 2021

The importance of information security in an organization cannot be stressed enough. In the modern world we live in today, so much sensitive data is stored digitally. While digitalization is an essential part of business in the 21st century, it does open up more concerns regarding information security.

As the focus on remote working increases, so does the level of communication that takes place online. It is more essential than ever for organizations to up their game when it comes to security. Information is a valuable commodity. You would not leave your suite of office computers and expensive equipment open for all to access, so don't do it with your data.

Let’s take a closer look at the types of information security risks out there and the steps you can take to keep them at bay. The importance of information security in organization and daily working habits is paramount, and here is why.

Why Is Information Security Important?

why is information security important

Part of growing a successful business is earning a trusted reputation. No matter what industry you work in, you can never hope to get far if your clients and employees don’t feel their personal data is in safe hands.

The level of information your company handles may vary, but the facts don’t change. Even the most basic data can be used for sinister purposes if the wrong person gets hold of it. Here are some of the most pressing reasons why you should be taking data security seriously:

The financial cost

Not only does a data breach cost money to plug and repair, but it is also likely to affect your business. Almost half the cost of repairing the damage is linked to lost business. Customer turnover and decreased productivity pack a financial punch. It also takes money to rebuild an organization after you take a hit.

The time cost

the time cost

You may need to shut down operations for a while until the breach is contained and the risk negated. It also takes a lot longer to track down and stop an attack than it does to set up preventative measures.

The cost to your reputation

Reputation is everything in business. Without it, the uphill battle because ever-steeper. If your organization allows client information to leak, that is difficult to come back from. It may not be your fault, but questions are likely to be asked about why stronger measures were not taken to protect it.

Types of Information Security Risks

types of information

Data security risks come in several shapes and sizes. Cybercrime is at an all-time high, and the people behind the attacks are only getting smarter. The only way to fight against them is to stay one step ahead. Understanding the types of information security risks is the first step in successfully evading them.

The five main risks to data security are:

1. Malware

More commonly known as a "bug," a malware program is harmful software designed to damage networks, servers, or computer hardware. These programs can invade devices and shut down their systems.

2. Phishing


False emails or messages sent to company employees are known as phishing attacks. The message could contain a link that grants the attacker access, or it could ask for sensitive information outright. It is essential to train your staff on how to recognize this type of risk.

3. Ransomware

As the name suggests, if this software gets hold of your network, it can hold your data for ransom. Some of the most infamous cyberattacks in history have used ransomware to encrypt data and paralyze business. If ransoms are not paid, a business can cease to exist. Even worse, all the sensitive data collected could be released to the public.

4. Password strength

password strength

A weak password may seem like a stupid reason for an information security leak, but it happens far too often. Short or predictable passwords are a piece of cake for motivated hackers and are one of the biggest risks companies face. It may be a pain trying to remember complicated passwords, but not nearly as big a pain and a data breach.

5. Internal threats

Every manager or business owner likes to believe their employees are trustworthy, and in most cases, they are. An internal threat comes from somebody inside the company who either leaks information or damages your network. It could be malicious, but there is also the ever-present threat of human error. Staff training is essential to avoid this.

How to Protect Information: Security Ideas

Update Your Office Automation Software

update your office

Using highly efficient office automation software is the first line of defense against attacks. By implementing a reliable system, you can free up your time and enjoy more peace of mind. Data management plays a central role in information security in an organization and is made infinitely easier when you use a top-tier system.

Familiarize Yourself with the Latest Workplace Trends

Modern workplace technology trends are always changing and developing. In the age of remote working, the importance of technology and digital connection is even higher. It also leaves you more open to attacks, so it is imperative to stay informed.

Take Steps to Protect Your Online Traffic

VPN providers become more advanced every month, with more servers and services been added all the time. Using a VPN shields your IP address and keeps your system linked to a secure server. Many of the leading providers use a kill switch to disconnect your network should the VPN drop out. This ensures you are never exposed to a risky, unsecured connection.

Educate Your Staff About Information Security

educate your staff

Security starts on the front line: your employees. Most of the threats to information security target employee emails, or those who are considered "weak links" in an organization's protective wall. Try to find creative and engaging employee training ideas. The more actively involved your staff feels, the more likely they are to take information security seriously.


Information security should always remain a central focus in any business, large or small. If you leave your data unprotected, it is only a matter of time until you fall victim to cybercrime. The leap in digital communication has caused an equal leap in malicious online attacks. Fail to keep up to date with the latest threats to information security, and you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

Take the time to protect your organization and the data it collects and save yourself a lot of trouble down the line.

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