Tips To Use Online Collaboration Tools for Your Team

Tips To Use Online Collaboration Tools for Your Team

|Oct 18, 2022

A sense of unity is provided by collaboration tools, which improves communication within the team. The communication between the team members is improving, for instance, when everyone uses online collaboration tools or software such as Google Docs. 

In an age when remote teams and cloud servers have become more common, project collaboration, which has always been at the heart of successful project management, has become even more important. However, what does collaboration mean in terms of project management? In simple terms, collaboration means achieving a common goal together using the best online collaboration tools. That sounds just like project work, doesn't it? That's not quite true. 

If you’re aware of why teamwork is important in a workplace, then you’re aware that you need a good amount of technology to make remote work happen. Investing in modern online group collaboration tools and work practices that make it easier for co-workers to share their work, wherever they are, is essential for companies. Your projects, your remote teams, and your clients are all under one roof with online collaboration software, giving you full control over everything while building a productive work environment.

The Era Of Remote Working

The Era Of Remote Working

When remote working has been implemented in your small conference room ideas, collaboration software has definitely been helpful. Some of its benefits include: New methods of problem-solving - reaching out to your team will become easier, allowing them to collaborate and contribute to the planning process. Different perspectives will reveal new methods of solving problems since everyone has different viewpoints.

The workforce plan will make meetings more productive - since everyone has access to the plan, it takes less time for everyone to agree on the plan during meetings. You can improve your team's flexibility by collaborating - collaboration can improve your team's ability to manage sudden changes. Here are some of the benefits we could think of when it comes to collaboration software:

Increased efficiency

Email is the primary means of communication for most teams. When it comes to any other type of communication, email is inefficient. Email is useful for short conversations that don't require much back-and-forth. Using collaboration software, team members can keep all their files and conversations in one place and don't have to waste time hunting for them.

Boost employee satisfaction

Boost employee satisfaction

In spite of the increase in remote workers, they don't always perform as well as their internal co-workers in terms of interaction and collaboration. Employees who work remotely benefit from collaboration tools because they're able to communicate more effectively with their team without feeling cut off from a supportive work environment.

Increase organization

Team members typically find it difficult to keep their documents organized so that they can all access them at a moment's notice. It is common for them to waste time and energy searching for it and become frustrated in the process due to remote work failing employees.

Tips For Applying Effectively

User-friendliness is important

User-friendliness is important

A tool that works but is difficult to use won't be helpful to teams (especially fast-growing ones). Look for tools that are easy to navigate and have intuitive interfaces.

Privacy options should be considered

It is not necessary to make all files and conversations public to collaborate in a workplace. You'll want your team to work separately when working on sensitive projects or having private conversations. You should consider all privacy options before selecting a tool.

Integrate and check for compatibility

Workplace collaboration relies heavily on integrations. It is best to choose tools that seamlessly integrate with other software and apps. In addition to compatibility, your tools must support all the file types used by your team.

Prefer cloud

Prefer cloud with online collaboration tools

The benefits of cloud-based solutions to smoothen out meeting challenges are numerous. The feature allows you to view recent edits and activities, which can help you solve your version control problems. Every team member can be on the same page, wherever they are because all data is stored online.

Buy-in and participation of employees

Team collaboration tools enable all relevant team members to contribute, evaluate, and improve each other's work rather than taking directions from a leader who determines what is best. It gives everyone a greater sense of ownership of the outcome.

Meetings anywhere

With the advent of online collaboration tools, people no longer need to gather in the same meeting room to discuss ideas.



It is not possible to check the clarity of a microphone and speaker during a live online session. Ensure that team members self-check these issues 10 minutes before entering the online environment. All members should use headphones. The speakers on a computer will cause echoes, affecting the clarity of the sound. Use mobile conference calls in case of internet problems.


It is not acceptable to dial into virtual meetings late if you are at home. Respect for everyone's time must be enforced strictly.

How To Choose The Suitable Platform

Communication between managers and team members is more efficient and easier using the most popular online collaboration tools (e.g., aiOla), especially during periods of pandemic restrictions and remote work. As well as clarifying the roles and tasks assigned to each team member, it provides a clearer picture of what each team member is responsible for and what types of online collaboration tools they need to use for accomplishing that goal. 

File sharing

It is great to be able to store files in one place and share them easily with others via Google Drive.

Project management

Jira is the tool we chose. Its many features are boards with to-do/in-progress/done categories, reports with real-time insights, roadmaps, and other tools for assigning work and managing team activity. Jira was the best solution for us to organize our workflow based on all these factors.

Audio / video calls

As part of Chanty's expansion this year, audio and video calls will be added. Our conferencing collaboration tool of choice is Skype, while these features are being developed.

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