What Is the Best Time to Eat, and How Can You Stick to An Eating Schedule?
Work Wellness

What Is the Best Time to Eat, and How Can You Stick to An Eating Schedule?

|Oct 16, 2023

It’s easy to overlook the significance of meal timings because of the fast-paced world we live in. Our typical daily routine involves eating on the go or skipping meals altogether. We prioritize work, meetings, and other activities over maintaining a healthy eating schedule. 

We often don’t understand the impact we have on our health just by deciding when we eat. Our eating time schedule is almost as important as what we ultimately decide to eat. 

This article serves the purpose of exploring the science behind the right time to eat, the benefits of a good eating schedule, and how you can create and maintain a routine where you eat on time and create healthy office habits

What Benefits Do You Get When You Eat on Time?

Mealtimes play a vital role in our overall health and well-being. Although many people believe these mealtimes to be about consuming calories, it goes beyond that. Mealtimes are about syncing our eating habits with our body’s natural rhythms. 

That’s because eating on time helps regulate your body’s internal clock, which is also known as your circadian rhythm. When you can regulate your circadian rhythm, you gain some incredible benefits. These include:

Weight Management

Studies have shown that individuals who maintain a regular eating schedule are less likely to indulge in unhealthy snacks between meals or overeat when it comes time for a meal. This helps prevent obesity and aids in weight management. You can better your weight management by including healthy exercise habits in your mealtime routines. 

Better Sleep

It’s widely known that your eating schedule affects your sleeping schedule. When you understand the best time to eat dinner, you promote a restful night’s sleep. 

Improved Energy Levels

Eating on time can help to stabilize your blood sugar levels, which prevents energy crashes. This means you can enhance your productivity throughout the day. You can maximize this by adding superfoods for energy into your meals. 

Improved Digestion

Your digestive system functions best when you align with your circadian rhythm, which you can only do when you have a good eating schedule in place. Consistently eating on time reduces issues like acid reflux and indigestion.

What Benefits Do You Get When You Eat on Time

What Is the Right Time to Eat?

Although there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer when answering the question, “What is the best time to eat?”, you can follow some general guidelines to optimize your eating schedule and make sure you eat on time. 

This is important because understanding when to eat helps you make informed decisions about your daily eating schedule. Here are some mealtime recommendations to help you find the right time to eat: 

Best Time to Eat Breakfast

It’s widely known that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You can easily jumpstart your metabolism by eating a nutritious breakfast within an hour of waking up. 

This is the best time to eat breakfast because it will provide you with the energy you need for your working day. Eating breakfast on time each day also helps improve concentration, cognitive function, and mood. 


  • Improves metabolism.
  • Supports better focus and cognitive function.
  • Prevents overeating and helps control appetite. 


  • Some individuals aren’t hungry immediately after waking up.
  • The morning rush can mean that it’s challenging to find time to eat a nutritious breakfast.

Best Time to Eat Breakfast

Best Time to Eat Lunch

It’s important to understand when the best time to eat lunch is because the timing of your lunch meal impacts your afternoon mood and productivity. The ideal time to eat lunch would be around 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. 

You can maintain a steady energy flow throughout the afternoon when you have lunch at this time. This helps prevent energy slumps and mood swings. Your lunchtime meals also serve as an opportunity to refuel your body and give it the essential nutrients it needs to power through the rest of your working day. 


  • Supports concentration and sustained energy in the afternoon.
  • Promotes consistent eating patterns and good work habits.
  • Prevents individuals from feeling excessive hunger, which could lead to overeating or unhealthy snacking. 


  • Work demands, busy schedules, and other bad work habits might disrupt your lunchtime.

Best Time to Eat Lunch

Best Time to Eat Dinner

The ideal time to eat dinner is at least two to three hours before your bedtime. That would mean that you should typically eat dinner between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. You want to allow for proper digestion, which is why it’s important not to eat too close to bedtime. 

When you eat dinner earlier in the evenings, you promote better sleep quality because this allows your body to digest food before you lie down for multiple hours. You want to avoid late-night meals because this can disrupt your sleeping patterns and can cause indigestion. 


  • Allows your body to recover and rest during the night.
  • Supports better digestion and sleep.
  • Decreases the risk of weight gain because late-night eating can cause excess calorie intake. 


  • Work or social commitments might cause individuals to eat later in the evenings.
  • Irregular work schedules might make it necessary for individuals to have late dinners.

Best Time to Eat Dinner

How to Choose Your Own Mealtimes?

An important factor in creating a healthy and sustainable eating schedule is choosing your own mealtimes. 

Even though there are general guidelines for when to eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, your work schedule, personal lifestyle, and preferences play a role in choosing when you eat your meals.

Here are some of the considerations to make when creating your own eating schedule: 

Keep Your Work Schedule in Mind

Your daily responsibilities and job typically dictate your daily routine, which includes when you eat and take breaks. It’s important to consider your work schedule so that you can align it with your mealtimes to make sure you have the opportunity and time to eat without any disruptions. 

Listen to Your Body

You don’t want to only set an eating schedule and only follow that. Listening to your body is an excellent tool for finding the right eating patterns. Pay attention to your natural appetite patterns and your body’s hunger cues.   

Remember the importance of honoring your body and eating when you’re genuinely hungry. When you do this, you prevent indigestion and overeating. That’s because your body knows when it needs nourishment.

Plan Ahead

Meal preparation and planning make it easier to stick to your chosen eating schedule. When you plan your meals in advance, you have nutritious options readily available. This decreases the likelihood of you making unhealthy and impulsive choices.

How to Choose Your Own Mealtimes

How to Stick with Your Mealtimes and Eating Schedule?

Maintaining a consistent eating schedule and sticking with your mealtimes can be challenging. Nonetheless, it’s a crucial aspect of bettering digestion while offering stable energy levels and improving overall health.

Here are some strategies to help you stick with your eating schedule:

Set Reminders

You can stick to your eating schedule by setting alarms to remind you when it’s time to eat. These reminders can help you remain accountable and make sure you don’t forget when your designated mealtime is. 

Here’s how you can do it: 

  • Use your phone: Set notifications or alarms on your smartphone to remind you when it’s time to eat.
  • Get creative: If you’re not the biggest fan of phone notifications and alarms, you can use visual cues or sticky notes in your workspace to let you know when it’s time to eat.

Set Reminders

Make a Routine

Another great way to stick to your eating schedule is to create a daily routine that involves your set mealtimes. Routines are a great idea because they help solidify habits, which makes it easier to stick with your eating schedule. 

Here’s how you can do it: 

  • Be consistent: You want to try to eat at the same time each day to train your internal body clock.
  • Plan your day: Outline your daily schedule and include breaks, meetings, and work hours to allocate specific times for eating meals.
  • Communicate your eating routine: A great way to remain accountable is to let your roommates or family members know about your mealtime routine so they can respect (and even hold you accountable for) your eating schedule.

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Practice Flexibility

Even though consistency is crucial, you also want to practice flexibility when dealing with your eating schedule. That’s because life can be unpredictable sometimes. If you implement a rigid schedule, you might experience higher levels of stress if this eating schedule can’t be adhered to. 

Here’s how you can do this: 

  • Remember to make healthier choices when flexibility is required: Pick healthier options instead of eating sugary snacks or fast food if you can’t eat at your usual time.
  • Allow for exceptions: Understand that you might not also be able to stick to your regular mealtimes because of work commitments, travel, or social events. Remember that it’s okay to adjust your eating schedule when these occasions do arise.
  • Get back on track: If you have needed to deviate from your eating schedule, you want to make an effort to return to your regular mealtimes as soon as possible.

Practice Flexibility

Stay Hydrated

You can control your appetite and prevent overeating when you drink enough water throughout the day. This is because dehydration is typically mistaken for hunger. That’s why you might snack when you’re not truly hungry if you haven’t drunk enough water throughout the day. 

Here’s how you can remain hydrated throughout your working day: 

  • Drink water first: Before you start eating a snack, drink a glass of water. Eat a snack if your hunger doesn’t subside once you’ve finished this glass of water.
  • Limit your intake of sugary beverages: You want to avoid excessive consumption of sugary drinks. That’s because it can lead to energy crashes and spikes throughout your working day.
  • Always carry around a reusable water bottle: You’re more encouraged to drink water and stay hydrated throughout the day when you have water readily available in a reusable water bottle. 

Look for Support

You make it easier to stick to your eating schedule when you have a support system in place. This will be especially helpful if you tend to snack mindlessly or skip meals. You can easily create this support system by sharing your eating goals with family members and friends who can help hold you accountable. 

Here’s how you can create this support system: 

  • Partner up: You can work together with someone if you find another person who is looking to improve their eating habits as well. When you have this, you can hold each other accountable and also share mealtimes.
  • Communicate your goals: Let your loved ones know why you want to maintain a consistent eating schedule. Ask them for their encouragement and understanding so that you feel more supported in maintaining your mealtimes.

Look for Support

Wrapping It Up 

The best time to eat isn’t a fixed answer or a one-size-fits-all schedule. It varies from person to person. You can make informed decisions on your eating schedule when you understand the science behind mealtime and its benefits. This will help you create the best eating schedule for your body, preferences, and working routine. 

By listening to your body, customizing your mealtimes to align with your lifestyle, using motivational games, and incorporating strategies to remain on track, you can reap the benefits. This includes improved energy levels, better digestion, and enhanced overall well-being. 

Nonetheless, it’s important to remember that your meal schedule is an essential part of your daily routine. You can easily make it a habit that supports a healthier and happier you when you approach it in the right way.

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