8 Effective Employee Feedbacks and How to Use Them
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8 Effective Employee Feedbacks and How to Use Them

|Mar 19, 2021

Having effective employee feedback is an extremely powerful and useful management tool.  In today's industry giving feedback to employees is viewed as a strategy to build trust between employees and management. Providing performance feedback can develop your organizations, improve overall trust and communication, and strengthen bonds.

What is the importance of giving employee feedback? How do you provide feedback to employees in a positive way vs a constructive way? Why is it essential to listen to employee feedback?  This article takes a look at the value of employee feedback in the work environment and how to use it to your full advantage.

The Importance of Employee Feedback

The significance of employee feedback in the work environment is beyond valuable. It underlines the correct behaviors of employees, increases employee productivity and engagement. Providing constructive employee feedback is equally important. Constructive feedback reduces negative behaviors and helps employees identify and understand the weaknesses and strengths. Overall, employee feedback is vital as it can positively impact productivity, behavior, skills, build connections between employees and managers and ultimately impact career goals.

The Importance of Employee Feedback

How to Give Employee Feedback

Positive employee feedback

Positive employee feedback can be a manager reinforcing good work or the acknowledgment of diligence; there are several methods of how to give feedback to employees. Here are four effective employee feedback with examples. 

1. Expression of gratitude for employee performance

When an employee does a respectable job on a task, they should hear about it from the manager. It is a good option of non-financial incentives in the workplace. Express your gratitude for the hard work of an employee, that the correct behaviors are being noticed, and celebrate the positive results together. Be specific about the task, the skills, behavior, and business outcomes.

Example: "I appreciate the energy, hard work, and creativity you put towards the presentation for our clients; they were very pleased and may expand the project."

2. Take note of an employee's good qualities

Let the employee know what you have noticed about them and what work traits you appreciate. This step is going to build the confidence of the employee and strengthen the bond between manager and employee.

Example: "I noticed how well you responded to the managing customer concerns. You were helpful, patient and understanding."

Positive employee feedback

3. Let your employee know when they are setting a respectable example for others

Setting a good example is a quick way to ensure the right behaviors in the work environment.

Example: “John told me that you are using the new accounting software tools to keep track of stock and sales. Thanks for supporting the new software and setting an example to other members of the staff team.”

4. Call out positive employee actions

Calling out positive employee action when they happen is going to increase the chance of them becoming habits. If an employee is commended on doing something correctly, it is more likely they are going to repeat the action they have been commended for. It is a good way to manage remote teams while working from home.

Example: Thank you for using the new accounting software; it was helpful and is going to help us keep costs under budget. I would like to use it on all our future projects."

Call out positive employee actions

Constructive employee feedback

Providing constructive employee feedback is equally as valuable for the work environment as positive feedback. Constructive feedback is crucial as it helps employees adopt more successful behaviors and actions and help redirect them. Here are four effective employee feedback with examples:

5. Handle problematic behavior

When unacceptable behavior arises in the workplace, you should address it immediately. Feedback should be used to maintain respect, anti-discrimination, and to provide clear guidelines as to what is acceptable and unacceptable in the work environment. It is necessary to solve miscommunication in the workplace.

Example: "This company has very clear regulations. Any jokes or comments that may be found offensive to others are considered inappropriate and are not going to be tolerated."

6. Follow up when performance goals are not met

When an employee fails to reach the set performance goals, follow up directly with them to understand if there are underlying issues and get the performance and project back on track.

Example: “The goals that the company set for all employees are linked to company objectives. I am concerned that you did not reach the performance target; let us discuss why and what went wrong so that we might succeed in the future.”

 Handle problematic behavior

7. Changes in employee performance

Managers should track business results and individual performances. Check in with your employees if you notice the level of work and performance has changed.

Example: "You are one of the top salesmen for the company.  I have recently seen that your numbers have declined. Is there any reason for the change, and is there anything I can do to help you get back on track? "

8. Be productive about errors

Organize a productive discussion meeting about how the mistakes happened, what the impact of the issue was, and how to address it. Especially in the remote era, it is necessary to do that to avoid remote management mistakes.

Example: “Unfortunately, the invoice which was sent out this morning had the incorrect pricing on it. I would like to get your feedback as to how this error may have happened and how we can avoid it in the future?”

Listening to Employee Feedback

Listening to employee feedback is equally as crucial as providing feedback to employees. Creating a platform whereby the team can share ideas, concerns and thoughts are essential in building employee engagement and trust. Examples of listening tools managers may use when listening to employees:

  • Annual surveys – in-depth analysis of the company to measure the engagement and identify issues
  • Pulse surveys – a series of short questions in a survey format for employees to fill in regularly
  • Chat platforms – such as chatbots, WhatsApp groups, or video conferences, virtual meeting platforms to allow employees to share thoughts and ideas

Listening to Employee Feedback

Ergonomic Design Work Environment

Creating a work environment with an ergonomic design is going to make the workplace more comfortable and productive. As a manager, you need to consider upgrading your work environment to a smart office with smart office furniture. There are both physical and mental benefits for your employees when using Autonomous products, such as an ergonomic office chair and ergonomic standing desk in your workspace.  

Ergonomic Design Work Environment

The Final Verdict

Providing employee feedback is a valuable tool for a manager. People view it as a strategy to build trust between managers and employees. Giving feedback to employees increases productivity, improves employee morale, behavior, and skills, and is aligned with the company’s vision and objectives.

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