9 Must-have Employee Engagement Survey Questions
Workplace Inspiration

9 Must-have Employee Engagement Survey Questions

|May 5, 2021

Having engaged employees is essential because they’re your top performers. They’re going to set a more positive tone, work hard, and be passionate about the company. In fact, other employees may gravitate toward them. However, those who are dissatisfied or disengaged can negatively affect the organization.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to focus on ways of improving employee engagement. You can do that through an employee engagement survey.

What Is an Employee Engagement Survey?

A staff engagement survey measures how much employees feel valued at a particular company. It’s essential to track it and consider ways of building employee engagement.

What Is an Employee Engagement Survey?

Generally, employee engagement questionnaires are directed toward the people working there to understand how they feel about the company. Happy customers go hand in hand with satisfied employees.

Why Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey?

Several critical purposes can be received from employee engagement surveys. Questions can be given anonymously, so employees feel more comfortable about being honest. That way, uninspired and frustrated team members can offer their real opinions without worrying about backlash.

Why Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey?

Many companies and employees wonder about virtual employee engagement surveys because there could be a way to see who said what. However, these are an excellent method if you all work remotely or have some people out of the office for specific reasons.

Employee engagement questionnaires are a great way to measure progress and happiness, and they can be combined with other things to produce a strong team that’s willing and able to handle what comes their way.

Must-Have Employee Engagement Survey Questions

Your employee engagement survey should come with plenty of questions that measure how a person feels. These can include future goals (personal or company-wide, alignment, and satisfaction). Let’s take a look:

Satisfaction Questions

Employee satisfaction could mean something different to your company, but you can measure it with a staff engagement survey. If a team member is happy, they are going to be eager to work, deliver more than average, and seek more from their job. However, it’s harder to detect dissatisfaction. These employee engagement surveys questions can help.

Satisfaction Questions

1. How Do You Feel about Working Today?

This starts things off fast by inquiring about the person’s attitude right now. It can open a door to a longer conversation and reminds the employee that you care about them.

How Do You Feel about Working Today?

2. Might You Consider Recommending Us as an Employer to Your Friends?

Word of mouth works for employment and other needs. Therefore, if your employees aren’t likely to tell their friends about you, it’s probably not a happy situation for them. You may consider doing some upgrades to the building, such as doing a bulk office furniture order to give everyone comfortable and ergonomic workspaces.

3. Do You Usually Feel Excited to Come to Work?

With this employee engagement survey question, you’re going to hear strong nonresponses and responses. If people are excited, they’re going to spread it. Those who are less engaged are going to give a neutral answer. Still, you can dive deeper and ask them what might make them excited to go to work.

Alignment Questions

Alignment questions are a great option for employee engagement questionnaires. They take those personal feelings from the first section to apply them overall for the organization’s environment. Do your employees feel like they matter and are appreciated? If employees are motivated with the right alignment, their personal and professional goals mesh.

Alignment Questions

1. Do You Find the Work You Do Here Meaningful?

When employees feel that the work they do is meaningful, they’re going to be happier and work harder. That means they can deal with bumps and challenges while staying committed to the company for the long term and improve employee productivity. This employee engagement survey question helps you see their work impact, and you can explain it to them and help them understand.

2. Does the Organization’s Values and Vision Inspire You?

With this question, you’re going to see if employees can relate to the goals and missing. Are they active participants and embody your organization’s values to the customers and others? Some employees might not know what the values and vision are, so you may want to enlighten them with an inserted page or a response that indicates they aren’t familiar with those visions and values.

3. Do You Receive Proper Recognition for Work Accomplishments from the Managers?

Recognition is the top driver for employee engagement. People crave it above all else, and they are going to do a lot to try to get it. That is a great motivator for them, but it can backfire if they never receive any.

You aren’t going to continue helping someone who is rude or never says thank you. The same applies for managers giving credit and praise when it’s due.

Do You Receive Proper Recognition for Work Accomplishments from the Managers?

If an employee doesn’t feel appreciated, they’re going to go elsewhere for the performance recognition they crave. It’s better to recognize employees frequently to improve employee engagement and appreciation.

Future Questions

It’s a good idea to use your employee engagement questionnaires to find out if people plan to stay with the company for the long term. The employee engagement survey questions here help you realize when you find more talented workers or try to reduce frustrations in the ones you have.

Future Questions

1. Do You Think You May Still Be Here After a Year?

Over three million Americans quit their jobs each month, and many people think about leaving. Consider adding a text box so that employees can write in their response as to why.

2. Does the Work You Do Challenge You and Promote Development?

This question can help you find out how interested your employees are in their work. Many people claim career advancement as the top reason to leave their current company (with lack of recognition following a close second).


Using an employee engagement survey is a great way to get effective feedback from the staff. However, the organization has to be willing to take those employee engagement questionnaires and make changes where applicable. That way, employees want to stay, and you’re not scrambling to fill empty positions.

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