How to Raise a Shed Off the Ground with Ease?
Workplace Inspiration

How to Raise a Shed Off the Ground with Ease?

|Sep 24, 2023

Are you tired of dealing with a soggy shed or battling against pests that seem to have taken up residence? If you're in search of a solution to safeguard your shed, look no further. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the techniques and methods for elevating your shed off the ground with ease. By the end, you'll not only ensure your shed's longevity but also gain valuable insights into protecting your valuable belongings stored within.

Why Should You Raise a Shed?

Many office sheds and storage houses rest on the ground, which makes their base get direct contact with the soil and everything that exists in it. Now, the problem comes when your shed base is made of wood or a material that cannot withstand rot and mold. The material used in most sheds these days is, unfortunately, wood.

So, the only option you are left with is to lift the shed off the ground so there is room for fresh air to pass through. Fresh air will allow the base to remain cool even during hot summer months when humidity and chances of mold and rot are high.

Another benefit of raising a shed is its safety against animals like skunks and raccoons. These animals love to build homes in sheds and damage them severely over time. A raised shed won't allow them to climb your house and its roof. On the other hand, mice and rats won’t be a problem for you anymore, as keeping your shed elevated and away from the trees would automatically isolate it from them.

Why Should You Raise a Shed?

What Foundations Should You Use for Raising a Shed?

How to raise a shed? Now that you know why keeping your shed elevated is essential for peaceful living and the long life of your house, here are some of the shed foundations that you can use as a base:

Skid Foundation

A skid foundation is the most common foundation you would find under the sheds. The shed is placed over some pressure-treated wooden skids. They hold the shed over them as their thickness makes the structure lift off the ground; However, this is a foundation that most modern sheds come with, so it is not the most durable foundation you would find in the market.

Skid Foundation

Wooden Beams

Wooden beam foundations make better support for the shed than some other foundations. They are also popular for their support of the shed on uneven surfaces. However, this kind of foundation cannot be laid without an experienced builder. The posts or beams are made of wood that lifts the shed up from the ground, so make sure you don't place heavy equipment inside the shed.

Bricks and Blocks Foundation

Concrete bricks and blocks are the most popular foundations in the shed industry. If you buy a prefab shed, this would most likely be included in your delivery. The main selling point for this foundation is its availability and price, as you would find them cheaper than most of the foundations listed here. However, one side effect of using these is that the bricks are placed at a distance under the shed, which risks the overall strength of the house.

Bricks and Blocks Foundation

Metal Foundation Kit

Metal kit foundation, as the name suggests, is made of metal. A frame that sits under the shed protects it from the ground and keeps it elevated. However, keep in mind that you can only buy metal kit foundations separately while buying your house. This is due to the fact that the kits are only compatible with sheds from the same manufacturers.

Metal Jacks

Metal jack foundations are known for their easy installation and handling. The foundation raises the shed about 6" from the floor. You can easily assemble the whole base with the help of a wrench, drill, and screwdriver. However, one this to keep in mind with this base is that it cannot handle heavy weight, so you shouldn't use it with a shed bigger than 6*8.

Metal Jacks

Screw Piles

Screw piles are some of the oldest techniques for raising the shed and providing a solid base. In this method, large screws are anchored into the ground, and brackets are attached to their top. The skids of the shed make a tight grip with the bracket to hold it in place, keeping the shed elevated from the ground.

Plastic Grid

Plastic Grid has been in the limelight for quite a while now, mainly due to a number of brands offering the foundation. Brands like Gravalock, Standard Park, and TrueGrid are some of the big names to buy this base from. The type of foundation is the hybrid of gravel and pavers foundation, as you use both of them to complete the base. The pavers build the primary base of the shed, whereas the gravel adds to the strength by spreading through the bottom of the shed.

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How to Put the Foundation under a Shed?

How to raise a shed higher? After choosing the right foundation for your shed house ideas, here is how you can install it. Keep in mind that all foundations do not follow the same rule of installation, as some steps may vary.

Lifting the Shed

The first step is to lift the studio shed, which needs brute force of the lever. Make sure to place some wood under the lofted shed to provide some blocking support. One by one, place bricks on every corner of the shed to make it stay still above the ground.

Moving the Shed

You can place concrete blocks and bricks foundation by just lifting the shed and raising the shed. However, other foundations require you to move it from its place. One easy method of moving it is by using metal or plastic pipes underneath and rolling it somewhere else. Another method is to use a heavy-duty dolly, which can be a bit expensive.

Moving the Shed

Installing the Foundation

Installing the shed floor or foundation can be as simple as placing the bricks underneath to as difficult as moving the whole structure and removing around 4 inches of ground to set up a base. It all depends on the foundation you choose.

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