Choosing the Correct Child Size Chair (Full Guide)
Smart Products

Choosing the Correct Child Size Chair (Full Guide)

|May 13, 2021

Like adults, kids need a comfortable space to study and do their homework. Spending a long time in an uncomfortable position produces bad posture issues such as back and neck pain. That’s why many office workers and people who work for extended periods invest in ergonomic products to help them. If parents want to protect their children from those issues, the most recommended thing to do is buying a child-size chair. Before doing that, as a mom or dad, you must know about the ideal height of the kids chair.

It’s crucial to select the right items when looking for child-size products since your children could outgrow them or stay in an uncomfortable position if you don’t choose the best products for them. The best way to help your kids catch the habit of reading, drawing, and studying is by providing them with a comfortable place to do those things. That way, their brains associate doing those activities with feeling good, making them more active when they need to study.

Regardless of that, choosing the correct child-size chair is no easy task. You need to consider many things while doing it to help to build an ultimate kid desk setup, such as the kid’s chair dimensions, its design, and the features it offers. Fortunately, we are here to help you with that, so keep reading this article to learn how to choose the correct child-size chair!

Should I Buy a Child Size Chair?

The short answer is yes; you should buy a child-size chair. Investing in that kind of product allows your kid to develop beneficial skills that help them grow as happy and successful people. Many children hate the idea of studying or doing their homework because they feel trapped and uncomfortable while doing it, so choosing the correct chair could make them like those activities.

Should I Buy a Child Size Chair?

Kid chairs' dimensions are designed to help them with their learning process while adapting to their average height and weight. That gives them excellent benefits that can even evolve to personal abilities that can be helpful in the long or short term. Take into account that everything counts when raising a child, so the best you can do is put an effort in to help them while they grow up.

To help you understand that matter, here are some of the primary advantages that purchasing a child-size chair offers you and your children:

It Boosts Productivity

As mentioned before, working or studying in a comfortable environment makes your brain more active while doing it; that also applies to children. Being productive and resourceful at a young age helps kids build strong self-esteem. That helps them get used to the idea of studying and adapting to new situations in the future.

It Boosts Productivity

You can make that happen just by giving them a chair that adjusts to the recommended toddler chair size. Doing a good job starts with feeling comfortable while working, and since these ergonomic chairs improve comfort and creativity, you can rest assured that your children are growing up in a healthy and productive environment that provides them with everything they need to keep learning.

Traditional and small chairs without proper height of kids' chairs distract children because they notice when a chair is not of the dimensions they require, so you can’t see improvements if you choose a chair that they can outgrow in some months. Try looking for a toddler’s chair size that adapts perfectly to your kid’s body characteristics and stays functional for a considerable time.

It Prevents Health Issues

There’s nothing worse for children than growing up with back pain and a bad posture. Those issues are detrimental to your child's health since they worsen after a time, producing more health problems. You don’t want your kids to go through such a painful experience, so it’s crucial to do something to prevent those issues from happening.

Physical health problems are not the only thing that your kids are in danger of catching. Mental conditions such as anxiety and stress are also prone to happen if your children feel physical pain while working, so you also have to keep an eye on that. You could ask yourself: How can I prevent all those things from happening? And the answer is as simple as investing in a high-quality child-size chair.

It Prevents Health Issues

These chairs do that by making your children study in an optimal position that allows them to feel comfortable and active. One of the main causes of mental and physical problems is going through a lot of stress and anxiety while working or studying.

That increases the risk of suffering from more health issues and worsening previous ones. However, you can solve everything by helping your kids with a chair that has an ideal child chair height. Investing in those products improves comfort, promotes health, and even boosts their mood, so you shouldn’t hesitate to try them.

It Helps Them Discover New Hobbies

No one knows if their kid could be the next Picasso or a famous screenwriter, not even the children themselves! That’s because many people don’t go through situations that allow them to realize they like doing those things, so they never notice it.

Everyone has the right to know what they are good at and pursue their goals, so, as parents, the best you can do is provide your children with the proper tools and toddler chair size to discover their passions and hobbies.

It Helps Them Discover New Hobbies

Kids tend to be creative, so they can take advantage of some products in ways we wouldn't even imagine. They deserve to have top-notch items they can use to study, draw, and even just to play with them. There are endless possibilities, so we assure you they can benefit from those kinds of chairs.

It doesn’t matter if you have the best writing desk for kids on the market and excellent teachers if you don’t give your children a proper place to sit. Considering that, you should take the time to choose a child-size chair with the correct kid’s chair dimensions for your children.

Remember that your kids can accomplish any goal they have in the short or long term, so they just need the right tools to start their learning process.

What Should I Consider When Choosing a Child Size Chair?

Now that you know why you should buy a chair with the correct child chair height or toddler chair size, it’s time to know what to consider when looking for one. There are many things to think about before making your purchase, such as the chair’s size, material, cost, and even if it comes with additional features.

What Should I Consider When Choosing a Child Size Chair?

You don’t want to invest money in a chair that doesn’t meet all your needs, so take time to examine all your alternatives and decide which one is the best for your kid.

We understand that looking for the right chair among all the available options on the market is no easy task. That’s why we want to help you make a decision that you don't regret in the future. Taking that into account, here are the primary things you should consider when choosing a child-size chair:


Not everyone has enough money to spend on the most expensive chair they can find, and they don’t have to do it, either. Sometimes, the most expensive chair is not one of the best quality, so it’s essential to examine the features and details of every option before making a decision.


There are tons of budget-friendly alternatives available for you, so you don’t have to pick the first chair you find without considering the kid’s chair dimensions.

Additionally, the best thing about office chairs and child-size chairs is that you can combine them with other products to double the benefits they offer you, boosting your overall work performance and productivity. An item such as a desk chair for children is also useful for your kids, so consider saving money for one, too.

Ergonomic Features

We highly recommend you invest in ergonomic products like an ergonomic child size chair instead of traditional office items for your children. You may think it’s an unnecessary expense since ergonomic products are more expensive than standard ones, but we assure you they are completely worth it.

These kinds of items are highly beneficial to your child’s health since they support their back and correct their posture, which improves comfort.

That’s not the only feature ergonomic chairs offer, though. Some of these chairs can eliminate the risk of your children outgrowing them since they are height-adjustable, so you can modify them according to what you need at the moment.

Ergonomic Features

As we mentioned before, you can also purchase an ergonomic desk for kids that allows your child to study while standing or sitting, which lets them change their position when they feel like it. That feature is optimal for their learning process since doing the same activity in the same position for extended periods can bore children and cause mental exhaustion.

Additionally, many ergonomic chairs with toddler chair size and desks come with more functions and features that aim to improve your kid’s productivity and creativity. For example, some ergonomic desks come with storage space like a desk drawer to place pencils, colors, and paper, while some others even provide you with a dry erase board.

These types of products are sturdy, so even though they are more expensive than standard office items, they help you save money from repair and chair replacement expenses.


Child-size chairs with an appealing design are perfect for kids since they look amazing and fun. That encourages them to sit on them to study or do their homework. Child-size chairs are available in an outstanding variety of sizes, colors, materials, and designs, so we recommend you look for one that adapts to the place's modern furniture without looking off.


Purchasing a chair with the correct child chair height and toddler chair size is one of the most important things to consider when looking for child-size items. Sitting on a high chair can distract them from what they are doing, jeopardizing their job. However, using a small chair can be uncomfortable and makes them dislike the activity they are doing.

The easiest way to determine if the chair fits your children is by taking them to try the chair themselves. That could be a setback if you are using online stores, but some companies offer you fair warranties in case anything happens, so you don’t need to worry about losing your money if the chair you bought doesn't fit your kid's body characteristics.


Try noticing if your child's feet touch the floor when they sit back. If that happens, it means that the chair has the correct child chair height.

Regardless of that, we want you to make a good decision when buying a child-size chair or a kid desk chair, so we have all the information you need to do it. However, it's crucial to know your children's height and weight to determine which chair is best for them. We have your back, so here is a list of the most recommendable chair seat height depending on your kid's age:

  • If they are from 6 to 15 months, five inches.
  • If they are from 12 to 24 months, try chairs of six, seven, eight, or nine inches.
  • If they are from 18 to 36 months, try chairs of seven, eight, or nine inches.
  • If they are from 2 to 3 years old, try chairs between seven and 13 inches. 
  • If they are from 4 to 5 years old, try chairs between 10 and 18 inches.
  • If they are from 6 to 8 years old, try chairs between 16 and 18 inches.


Child-size chairs are highly an excellent purchase for classrooms and home workstations for kids. However, choosing the wrong chair can be detrimental to your kid’s learning process, making them avoid doing their homework and studying just because they feel uncomfortable while doing it.


Choosing the ideal height for an office chair or a child chair gives you visible benefits. Considering that, ask your kids to choose a chair with you and encourage them to use it, that way, you can see them grow up to be successful and happy people. However, make sure to pick a chair of the correct size to take advantage of all its perks!

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