DIY A Fuzzy Desk Chair with Arms from Your Office Chair
Smart Products

DIY A Fuzzy Desk Chair with Arms from Your Office Chair

|Apr 9, 2022

A workspace has many things and tiny factors that all combine to impact the motivation level of employees. Especially when we are working from home, one has to go through many challenges and ideas to create a perfectly functional home office space. Your home office setup should be productive, focused and as quiet as possible.

Besides that, another factor that promotes employees' productivity is the type of space you are setting up. Since modern office layouts prove that productivity is related to personalization in an office space, one should always opt for what they like or might prefer in their work setting. This includes choosing the entire office design, the right colors, the type of computer chair, and your desk chair location.

Thankfully there are various DIY Projects when it comes to setting up your home office, and for people who love a touch of creativity, a fuzzy desk chair with arms is comfortable, pretty, and a unique option.

A fuzzy rolling desk chair is covered with faux fur, which gives a pretty look, and you can opt for this idea, whether for your office chair with adjustable arms or even a study chair for your kids. Below is a detailed guide to achieving a DIY fuzzy swivel desk chair with your desk chair with adjustable arms.

Choose the Fabric

Choose the Fabric for fuzzy desk chair with arms

When on a DIY Project for your fuzzy desk chair with arms, you must begin by choosing the right fuzzy desk chair cover for you that fits the theme. The choice of fabric depends on various factors. For an office chair, the fabric should be breathable, resistant to friction, washable, and breathable against the skin.

The color of the fabric also needs to be chosen skillfully because if you are making a fuzzy desk chair with arms for your kids, light-coloured fabrics are more prone to dust and stains, and you might need to wash them again and again. Dark-coloured fabrics require less maintenance.

Choose a Chair

Maybe an old chair is lying around in dire need of a DIY Project. Choose a comfortable office chair. Looks are important but opting for a chair with looks only gives rise to poor posture and bad sitting habits. An ergonomic chair with a simple fabric is ideal for your DIY fuzzy desk chair project.

You can opt for an office chair without arms if the fuzzy chair is not for long hours of use. A reclining chair is good for people who need to spend hours in front of the screen or desk.

Disassemble Your Chair

Disassemble Your fuzzy desk chair with arms

Before you get on all paint and stitch, the first thing you must do is learn how to disassemble your chair. Most chairs have a simple system in which the backrest and seat cushions are attached separately so you can loosen the screws and easily remove the seat. Please remember how everything was connected before you start disassembling it; otherwise, you'll never get it back together again.

Paint the Base

Fuzzy desk chairs with arms are associated with elegance and classy looks, so bases like black or brown might not go well. Hence your first step on the DIY project should be to change the base color for the chair. For example, the legs, armrests (non-cushioned area), and the wheel casters should be spray painted.

Silver or golden, both the shades are a great choice to go with a fuzzy office chair. Use a primer as an initial layer to make your base paint last, then spray paint over it. Before starting the paint job, it is important to wipe your chair clean with a damp cloth and let it dry. Make sure to paint it in an open environment to prevent the containment of fumes within a room.


Dimensions of fuzzy desk chair with arms

Noting and measuring the dimensions of your chair will help you save money and time. By knowing the exact dimensions, you can buy the fuzzy fabric as per your need and prevent any wastages. Make sure to buy a fabric a meter or two greater than your requirement and wide enough to prevent any seam in the front of the center of the chair.

Cut the Fabric

Finally, drape the fur fabric over the remainder of your chair and cut a rough shape to fit. Leave 2-3 inches of extra hair to secure the fur and tuck it under any plastic portions. Push raw fabric edges under the plastic with a butter knife for a polished effect.

Begin stapling after trimming the fur. Staple the sides and then snip and staple the corners to flatten the curve. Don't worry if it's not perfect; this fur fabric is incredibly forgiving. You may easily hide any seams by fluffing the fur towards the end.

Attach the Seat Again

Attach the Seat Again

Give it one final look once your seat is well secured, and the fur is tightened around the edges. Cut out any protruding ends or frays of fur fabric. Once you are positive about the finishing, put the seat back on the chair and secure it with bolts.

Use the Remaining Fabric

If you bought more than enough fabric, you likely have some spare after being done with the project. There is no point in wasting that fabric when you can use it for various purposes. Here are a few ideas. You can wrap a fuzzy desk chair cushion with the fuzzy fabric and pair it with your chair for back support.

You can also wrap the fuzzy fabric around a cup or glass to create a matching pen holder. If your fuzzy fabric has a grip underneath, you can use it as a desk pad to protect your laptop or desk from scratches or any damage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Easy To Reupholster Office Chair?

Reupholstering an office chair depends on the type of office chair you have. Some chairs have a non-removable seat, making it nearly impossible to reupholster them. Other chairs with removable seats are easy to reupholster.

Is Reupholstering An Office Chair Expensive?

Depending on the fabric you have chosen, the fabric required based on the size of your chair and the maintenance your chair needs, upholstering an office chair can vary in the cost. However, it is still cheaper than buying a new office chair if your old chair is in working condition and does not wobble or fall under your weight.

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