Do Standing Desks for Lower Back Pain Work?
Work Wellness

Do Standing Desks for Lower Back Pain Work?

|Jan 28, 2022

The phrase "sitting is the new smoking" references the fact that sedentary living and sitting at a standing desk for lower back pain all day can be harmful to your health. In fact, many people have noticed how staying seated for too long results in back and neck pain, weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

A standing desk is advertised as an apparatus that improves posture, relieves back and neck pain, and boosts productivity. The question remains -is standing bad for your back? It all depends on how much standing you really do.

Plenty more evidence is needed for determining the benefits of standing desks and the optimal ratio between sitting and standing since they are still relatively new products. Standing during the workday appears to have some advantages over sitting. So, is standing better than sitting for lower back pain? Let’s find out.

Standing Desks Could be the Solution for You

Standing Desks Could be the Solution for You

Onto the next thought - are standing desks good for your back? It's likely not a cure-all, but a standing desk helps with back pain. Standing desks can be useful for improving your posture and relieving pressure on your neck and lower back; however, they cannot correct more serious issues like scoliosis and bulging discs.

Standing too much can also lead to certain health problems. Spending a lot of time on their feet can lead to serious issues like varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, even vascular or heart problems. Back pain might even be triggered by pains along the legs or feet, poor posture habits and legs that have a tendency to swell.

Choosing an L-shaped standing desk for lower back pain should also be based on the kind of work you do. The more weight that can be shifted back and forth while taking a phone call or typing, the easier it is for some people to concentrate. However, the problem with this is that some people's brains might not be wired that way, making it hard for them to write or design while standing.

In the event of back pain, while sitting, you may feel inclined to lie down and then slowly resume sitting. Even if you have the ideal standing desk height, that would be an incorrect strategy. If you're in pain, you should lie down, but it's more important to recover your ability to get up and move than to return to sitting. To get into the chair isn't the goal.

You want to get moving. Exercise is often the best remedy for relieving pain, and walking is better than sitting. By exercising regularly, the spine will become stronger, reducing future episodes. You can achieve this by using a standing desk or at least a stool for a standing desk.

Consider the advantages of standing vs. sitting. As well as strengthening and improving range of motion, exercises should ensure that both sides of the body are balanced since some back pain may occur when one side is stronger than the other.

Additionally, avoid sitting for long periods whenever possible. You should walk around every 30 minutes if you sit at an office standing desk all day. You can pick up your mail or get a drink of water while walking. Keep your pain at bay by taking breaks throughout the day.

Standing Desk Benefits

standing desk for lower back pain Benefits

A mild calorie burn

Compared to sitting, standing burns more calories, but not by much. According to a study published in Circulation in November 2017, standing burned an additional 0.15 calories per minute than sitting. Standing for six hours a day burns more than 54 calories for a person weighing 154 pounds (70 kg). That’s just one of the benefits of standing desks.

Productivity is increased

Standing desks can help you manage your budget and be more productive. According to a report from 2016, employees with standing desks in call centers were 45 percent more productive than those with seated desks.

The back is less painful

A standing desk and more movement during the day have been shown to reduce back pain. A small 2018 study found that patients who used a sit-stand desk and received counseling to improve their sedentary habits were 50 percent less likely to suffer from low back pain than those who did neither.

How it Helps with Lowering Back Pain

How it Helps with Lowering Back Pain

Adjust the height to your liking

As a result, we naturally slouch or arch our backs in a neutral position. This position can result in pain in either case as the bones and muscles are strained. Make sure your head, neck, and spine are aligned when you set up your standing desk.

You should have an "S" curve in your spine, with your head slightly back and hips straight ahead. When you sit at your computer, your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle as well as your wrists, and the monitor should be at or below eye level.

Take your time learning how to use the desk

Take your time learning how to use the desk

Suppose your body doesn't have a chance to adjust to standing all day, not after staying in a sitting position for over eight hours daily. The result is that you are taxing your back. Make sure you stand for 30 minutes now and then. In several weeks, progress to one-hour blocks, then two, and eventually four hours. You may eventually be able to stand for as long as you want.

Take care of your feet position

If the floor is cement or not carpeted, standing in one place can cause sore feet and legs. While standing, you should wear supportive shoes (such as athletic shoes, if allowed). You also recommend that you stand on an anti-fatigue mat, a cushioned mat designed to support the arches and reduce foot and leg discomfort.

Strolling and standing at different rates

Strolling and standing at different rates

It can be just as harmful to stand still as sit still. Every 30 minutes, you should move your weight, change your position, and take short walk breaks. Your lower back should be supported, your neck and head should be neutral, and your shoulders should be relaxed when you sit down. When your feet are on the floor or a footrest, your knees should align with your hips. Get in touch with your doctor to find out what's causing your chronic back and neck pain. Sitting too much during the day can cause pain, so standing desks could help alleviate this.

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