Feedonomics: A Forward-Thinking Company With Ambitious Strategies
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Feedonomics: A Forward-Thinking Company With Ambitious Strategies

|Sep 1, 2021

Our full-service team of over 150 helps many of the world’s most prolific advertising agencies and brands, including over 30% of the top 1,000 internet retailers.

Tell us about Feedonomics

Feedonomics combines best-in-class technology and service to list your products everywhere people shop online, including Google Shopping, Amazon, and Facebook.
Our HQ is in Los Angeles, but we have offices around the world in Denver, Texas, North Carolina, Australia, and Manilla. Our full-service team of over 150 helps many of the world’s most prolific advertising agencies and brands, including over 30% of the top 1,000 internet retailers.
We are one of the top 100 fastest growing companies in America, and my brother and Cofounder, Robert, recently got awarded Forbes 30 under 30.

Tell Me a bit about the Founder's Journey...leading up to the Launch of Feedonomics? What Would You Say Uniquely Positions You and the Founding Team to Have the Desire and Expertise to Create This Platform?

Our story started when my brother Robert and I were working at a large agency in Los Angeles, managing advertising campaigns and product data for over 50 large retailers, including some very large publicly traded companies, whose stock price relied on our work! We tested and tried every legacy product feed platform out there in the marketplace. We became increasingly frustrated when we experienced firsthand the shortcomings of those platforms. Some of them were incredibly slow and couldn’t handle any kind of meaningful scale and others had terrible support. You would ask a question, and they wouldn’t answer it for a week, meanwhile your performance is suffering, and you could be out tens of thousands of dollars in revenue.
Armed with this knowledge, and the fact that my brother and I are software engineers, we set out with the vision of creating the leading feed platform in the industry.
We quickly realized that other agencies, brands, and retailers have the exact same problems that we had, and Feedonomics was born. We lived the challenges, and solved our own problem, so our pitch was very compelling.
It was a challenge in the beginning. We aren’t backed by any kind of venture capital. The money we put into this business came from our own pockets and we continue to reinvest in the business. Every major decision we made was carefully weighed. Our persistence paid off and we have made great strides since our early days.
There have been some growing pains related to our rapid growth (no pun intended) but we have taken these lessons and created a unique company, not only in terms of the groundbreaking technology and service that we provide, but in our commitment to our culture.

How Would You Describe Your Company Culture? How Do You Maintain a Strong Company Culture Focused on a Common Goal with a Fast-growing Team?

We have an amazing company culture that we came up with before we hired a single employee, and we based it on one of the most successful sports teams of all time, the New Zealand All Blacks. Despite hailing from a country with such a low population, this team has managed to have the highest win-rate of any rugby team, and it’s all based on their unique culture.
Our first principle is “Sweeping the sheds”, which is based on the All Blacks team captain being the one who cleans the lockerroom (shed) after a game, not a janitor! Can you imagine LeBron James staying to clean the locker room after a game? Think about the example it sets for everyone else.
We’ve been able to achieve an incredibly collaborative environment with other principles where leaders are teachers, and teachers are leaders.

How Do You Maintain a Competitive Advantage Over Competitors?

Constantly staying hungry and going for the gap (one of our culture principles)
Many other legacy feed systems were created in the early 2000s, and just stopped innovating, caring, and even using their own systems. Because our team “eats our own dogfood”, we are constantly improving the experience and making our platform better and more powerful.

What is the Future of Product Data Optimization?

More intelligent automation. Our engineering team now consists of 20, and we’re constantly working on new features that let you do more with less effort.
One of the biggest challenges with product feeds and optimization is categorization. Every channel has thousands of different categories, and it can easily take dozens of hours to categorize your products for each channel.
We’ve been working on game-changing Artificial Intelligence that does it for you with insanely high accuracy.
I’m actually really fortunate to be working with my dad, who is our Chief Scientist. He is one of the most prolific pioneers in the field of AI, and was previously on a Turing award winning team (that’s the Nobel Prize in Computer Science), and created chess algorithms that IBM used to defeat Gary Kasparov in chess.

What Benefits If Any, Have Our Autonomous Products Brought to Your Workspace?

We have dozens of happy users of the Autonomous smart standing desks, and they absolutely love it.
Not only do our employees improve their posture, but they also have better abilities to collaborate when standing as there is more room to have a few people huddle around one desk.
We also get fantastic support from the Autonomous team. When we moved to a larger office last year, a few power cables were lost, and the Autonomous support team got new ones over to us incredibly quickly!

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