Creating a High-performance Work Environment in A Hybrid Workplace

Creating a High-performance Work Environment in A Hybrid Workplace

|Sep 3, 2021

Shifting from a standard working model to a hybrid workplace requires changing your leadership ways. Thus, to create a hybrid work model that promotes high-performance work, we first got to look deep into the managing strategies we’re currently using. Things have changed greatly since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and we’re all experiencing how this event is affecting all businesses. However, something is clear – organizations and leaders are adapting to survive in the new world that surged as a result of the pandemic. Thus, creating high-performance workplaces has become something that most business leaders are looking forward to achieving.

This entire situation resulted in most companies using a hybrid work approach to their activities. This model refers to alternating between in-person attendance and remote working (hence, “hybrid”) based on the availability of the company and eligibility of certain positions. Top-down leadership and hierarchical decision management have been proved to be not so helpful towards company development. Instead, a high-performing hybrid workforce needs leadership where everything is equally distributed, and everyone has access to the same kinds of information.

We described above as levels four and five of a framework known as "The Management Shift." This framework defines five mindset levels and a determined organizational culture at each stage. In addition, each level has defined thinking patterns and a leadership style defined, for instance, among many other things. We can create high-performance work teams if we evaluate the approach we’re having to our employees as leaders and the current work culture we’re promoting.

The 5 Prevailing Mindset Levels and Organizational Culture

Level one” is described as a lifeless mindset whose leadership is based on fear. As a result of this, the work culture becomes apathetic, and the workforce becomes isolated “disconnected” from the company’s values and goals.

Things change a bit but do not get better at “level two." Each individual mindset is reluctant. Thus, the culture becomes "idle," and the workforce does the bare minimum to receive payment. This level is also known for promoting a blame-based culture, where each member of the team feels overwhelmed.

At “level three,” the mindset is controlled. The culture promoted is "orderly," and everything follows the traditional "command and control" leadership way. As a result, although employees obey what their superiors say, they are not wholly engaged or passionate about their responsibilities.

Level four" implies an "enthusiastic" mindset. Thus, the workplace promotes a collaborative culture where teamwork is highly encouraged. Here the workplace has acquired values like transparency and accountability. This stage is described as a big shift. As significant changes occur and employees become more engaged with the work they're doing, a more "ingenious" performance starts to appear.

Finally, “level five” implies a limitless mindset. Consequently, the workplace culture becomes unrestrained, where nothing seems to be too impossible to achieve. However, maintaining everything at this pace can lead to employee burnout, which can be counterproductive if the leader does not manage it correctly.

Taking all the information above, how do you, as a leader, start making that “big shift” that ensures that your company is taking great steps towards its development within the new hybrid workplace?

The 5 Prevailing Mindset Levels and Organizational Culture

Adopting New Leadership Ways to Achieve that Cultural Shift your Company Needs

Creating a high-performance workplace within a hybrid work model takes time and effort. Factors like changing our leadership manners and using the right virtual communication tools are crucial to ensure that we're walking on the correct path.

But how do you know that you’re doing the right thing to achieve a high-performance workstation? Although there isn’t a single valid variation of a hybrid workforce, it is important to adapt these principles to your company's goals, needs, and views.

1. Promote a Work-Life Balance at The Company.

For starters, it is important to understand that not everyone wants to work from home, but there will also be a great number of people reluctant to stay at the office. Therefore, if we want to understand the workforce outside the conventional workplace, encouraging your employees to achieve the so-called work-life balance is a great place to start.

You can start by making it clear what communication channels will be used at which times, make your vision and guidelines clear, and keep an eye on how your employees are doing emotionally. For instance, you can encourage them to pack up their devices by the end of their shift, even if they’re not at the office.

Promote a Work-Life Balance at The Company.

2. Support Autonomy and Collaboration

Every leader should be open to new ideas and experimentation. It’s possible to create the conditions for a mindset shift by influencing your employees positively. For instance, you can try using empowerment and inspiration. This way, you may achieve a workplace where you are not delegating tasks but responsibilities instead.

Whenever a leader delegates responsibilities to the rest of the team, they will be able to decide the best approach to their work. This way, they will hold themselves accountable for everything that may happen – as everything is based on trust.

Support Autonomy and Collaboration

3. Change Your Decision-Making Ways.

Good leaders know that everyone has something to offer. Thus, decision-making based on formal position within the organizational chart should be decentralized.  A decision-making process based on knowledge is a better approach to this situation.

For instance, someone with a clearer insight of what a customer needs may contribute with innovative ideas and may be better suited to make determined decisions than someone in a higher position in the organizational hierarchy but doesn't interact with customers at all.

Change Your Decision-Making Ways

4. Keep an Eye on Feedback.

A workplace that promotes high-performance work isn’t achievable without a leader that listens to what their employees feel at their workplace. The typical yearly performance review isn’t enough if you want your business to continue developing. This implies a frequent feedback conversation where your employees share with you the things that should be “changed” or “improved” within the workplace.

High-performance workplace


Leaders who choose to change their mindset and adapt it to level four described above will sporadically become level five leaders. Thus, they will be able to create the right conditions for a big shift to happen within their companies. This way, a high-performance work team will be possible to achieve.

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