Design a Home Office Layout for Three Desks
Workplace Inspiration

Design a Home Office Layout for Three Desks

|Sep 3, 2021

Is there an office that you plan to add to your house? Your home office needs to be a comfortable and inviting space to spend time with family and work efficiently if you spend most of your week there. When creating a 3 desk office layout at home, you will need to consider a few essentials, no matter where it will be located - whether it is in an annex, the corner of the room, a small room, or a small master suite. The following tips will help you create a beautiful and functional home office setup.



There are many different types and sizes of a home 3 desk office layout. You need to consider where and when you are doing your work when selecting the ideal 3 person office layout site for your home office.

Having your central command post in your kitchen is ideal if you are a busy remote worker. However, it's important to select a workspace that's off-limits to your household's everyday activities and distractions if you're a professional.



Provide enough space for comfortable working in your three-person workstation. Consider if you will be able to move quickly from one side to the other, stand up, and sit down from your desk. You can easily underestimate the amount of space you need, even if it seems as if it should go without saying.

Make sure to use the same key measurements professional designers use when laying out the 3 desk home office layout allowing a minimum of 60" (150 cm) wide and 84" (210 cm) deep. Your home office should be free of distractions during working hours. Work and personal space should be divided by a door, as this will create a greater work-life balance.

Additionally, you should consider other distractions, such as the music, television, and appliances in your home. Work in a comfortable room at the right temperature. When you meet clients in your house, you prefer to choose a space that's near the entrance and can be separate from where you usually live.

Desk and Chair

Desk and Chair

Your desk and an ergonomic office chair are key components of your home office. You need to choose a desk that is large enough to accommodate your computer, triple monitor setup, and other equipment. It is ideal to have a desk that is approximately 48" (120cm) wide. However, most remote workers prefer a standing desk.

Even though you don't need much in your three person workstation, you can get by with a laptop if that's all you need. While an adjustable-height desk is ideal for a home office, it isn't always possible. Make sure the height of the desk you choose is not too high - 28"-30" (70-75cm) is a suitable range. Invest in a good-quality chair that is comfortable and adjustable if possible.

Desk Accessories

Carefully calculate the number of standing desk accessories and other desk décor you can place on your triple monitor layout. If you have a height-adjustable desk, there's a limit on the things you can place on it – excluding the duo or triple monitor layouts. If you do need to have a tablet, laptop, digital sketch pad along with the monitors, then consider extra storage.

Shelving or Storage

Shelving or Storage

It is easy to overlook storage when designing a home office 3 desk office layout, but it can significantly affect productivity. For your storage needs, be sure to have enough shelving, filing cabinets, or cupboard space. How does your workflow work - what comes in, where does it stay while it is being handled, and where does it go when it is done?

Your inbox should be near or on your desk. You should always have your current work available at your fingertips. Place your filing system close to your work area. Make sure you keep reference materials close to your desk - if you need manuals, books, or catalogs, keep them nearby.


Having adequate lighting in your home office 3 desk office layout is important. Look for a location with natural light and a view if possible. Make sure your desk faces the windows or stands in a place where you won't face any strain on your screen.

If you have transparent window shades or blinds installed, you can reduce any glare without dimming the room. In addition, if you include a mirror in your home and keep most of the walls light, you'll increase the amount of natural light.

Good general lighting can be provided by overhead ceiling lights. The same effect can be achieved by putting a pair of open-top floor lamps in each corner of your room. Provide extra light during the evenings by including a desk light to ensure shadow-free task lighting. You can boost the effectiveness of your lighting fixtures by installing full spectrum daylight bulbs.

Meeting or Relaxation Area

Meeting or Relaxation Area

During the day, will you have customers or clients? It would be ideal if you had a small meeting room to accommodate participants in your 3 desk office layout. To facilitate sit-down meetings, give your home office design some additional seating if you don't currently have any. Simply set up two comfortable chairs near your desk so that you can easily move them.

Technology and Devices

Wires hanging from your desk and running everywhere make a 3 desk office layout look and feel cluttered. You can control your technology by hiding your desk cords and keeping them out of sight. Certain tools, like a wireless router, for instance, can lower the number of wires lying around. Most desks come with attached grommets or underside trays that can keep wires in place.

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