Introducing λ Ring - Transform Your Life Step-by-Step
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Introducing λ Ring - Transform Your Life Step-by-Step

|Sep 27, 2023

All around us, there are gadgets and gurus telling us how to grow, maintain a healthy diet, or a balanced life. HIIT exercises, the 5:2 diet, Marie Kondo… In the world of overwhelming information, sometimes you just need a simple device to help you keep track of your goals.

And that’s where λ Ring comes in. 

λ Ring is designed to let you know when you hit those targets - whether it’s steps, sleep, or keep an eye on your calorie intake - glowing whenever you succeed. What’s more, it will help you keep track of the “untrackables” - like cleaning your room, reading a chapter of a book, or spending time with your loved ones. 

It’s small in size, but big in life-changing potential. 

The simplicity of λ Ring rings true in every way. The idea is to celebrate the small daily goals and to encourage you to form good habits. With each glow, with each step taken, you’re getting closer to your ultimate objective.

A balanced, healthy and productive life.

And it couldn’t be any easier.

Habit Ring

How λ Ring Works

The first step is to download the app. The λ Ring app will be available on Apple and Android devices. Designed for ease of use, simply enter your basic details and you’re ready to go.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to set your goals which will be color coded in the λ Ring. You can set the habits you want to follow and once you’re all set up, Ring will come into play.

Before you’ve completed any of your goals, λ Ring will just look like any other ring. Stylish and chic, with a high-quality metal finish.

Then, as you tick off the steps towards your goals throughout the day, λ Ring will begin to glow - gradually getting brighter as you get closer - spurring you on. Once you’ve hit your daily objectives, λ Ring will shine bright and proud, celebrating your achievements before resetting for the next day.

Habit Ring

October λ Ring Giveaway

As part of our launch, we’re giving away a limited number of λ Ring devices. To get your chance, visit the prize page and follow the steps there. In short, you need to hit 100 points, and the earlier you can hit those points, the better your chances of winning a free λ Ring! It will only run in October and once we’ve given our limited number of devices away, that’s it.

So get in now!

Habit Ring

Join the Community

The other way you can earn a free λ Ring is to join our vibrant Discord channel. It’s a community of fellow pioneers and innovators who seek to improve themselves each day. By joining this community, you’ll both be inspired and an inspiration. Learn about the latest ideas and life hacks.

You’ll also be the first to receive updates about new products and innovations from Autonomous. The community also have exclusive access to special deals that no-one else will get.

Join the innovation today!

Transform Your Life with λ Ring

λ Ring embraces the marginal gains approach, where 1% better every day can lead to exponential results. From sleeping to reading, cleaning to dieting - those hard to measure things that contribute so much to personal growth - can be tracked with λ Ring. 

And when you’ve hit those small goals, your life will be better balanced and healthier than ever before, allowing you to focus on the things that matter to you. 

A life transformed - by λ Ring.

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