Tips To Set Up an Ergonomic Gaming Workspace
Gaming Setup

Tips To Set Up an Ergonomic Gaming Workspace

|Dec 9, 2022

Gamers know their life is more about sitting in front of the screen and leading a sedentary behavior than exercising regularly. However, even if you have dedicated time for your exercise and physical wellness as a gamer, this doesn't mean that sitting at other hours of the day isn't doing any harm. Sitting is the new smoking, and this is because excessive sitting leads to various unwanted health issues that not only emerge as physical pain in the back and spine but also lead to long-term issues like obesity and heart problems.

This is why it is imperative to build a gaming workspace that only engulfs you in enjoyment within the game and doesn’t harm your health in any way. An ergonomic gaming and work desk setup can drastically improve the quality of life you lead when it comes to being on the desk and away. With a proper work/gaming setup, you can minimize the negative impacts of sitting and add some healthy activity to your life. But how can you be active and healthy in front of the desk? By setting up an ergonomic gaming setup. Ergonomic gaming and office setup is a hefty investment at the beginning, but soon you realize the benefits it brings to you. In this article, we will cover some productive and helpful tips for building an ergonomic gaming workspace.

The Right Gaming Furniture

Starting with the basics, gaming furniture makes the most important part of your gaming. From a gaming chair to a gaming desk, you need to be careful and thoughtful with your selection and not make a hasty decision. Your gaming chair needs to be fully ergonomic so that there are no physical stresses on the body. A chair is considered "ergonomic" if it has three essential adjustable features (lumbar, arms & backrest). These aid in keeping the spine in a sound standing position. This comprises a 0° neck tilt and a lower back curve of 25–45°. In addition, these chairs encourage a dynamic sitting posture closest to the natural body curves and comfort; hence you save yourself from twisting or pressurizing any body muscle in a harmful way.

Secondly, when it comes to a gaming desk, there is no better or right option than a standing desk. We were created to be active beings. Sedentary conduct has a detrimental effect on both physical and mental health. Regularly shifting from sitting to standing enhances circulation, eases joint stress, and lessens neck and back pain. And a standing desk is the only way to achieve this.

The Right Gaming Furniture in gaming workspace

Gaming Monitor

What difference does a screen make? Well, wait until you have to compromise your games with a poor-quality monitor. Gaming monitors are specially designed for long hours of use; hence they are coupled with features like eye protection and glare-free screen action. Both features are important in reducing eye strain and preventing issues like headaches. Moreover, a gaming monitor also comes with an adjustable neck to adjust the screen height to an ergonomic level. This helps prevent neck tilt that leads to upper back and spinal problems.


Gaming Keyboard

If you have studied gaming ergonomics in-depth, you will know a gaming keyboard makes an important part of the list. With a gaming keyboard, you can encourage healthy gaming posture and minimize the chances of repetitive strain injury, a common issue with office workers and gamers.

To ensure you are free from the risk of such injuries and wrist problems, ensure your keyboard and mouse are within easy reach, so you don't have to extend. When you type, your keyboard should be in front of you. When not typing, you can rest your wrists in the approximately 6-inch space at the front of your workstation.

A wrist rest, ergonomic keyboard, or mouse may be useful for some people in a gaming workspace. A nice mousepad and one of the top gaming mice may help, but every person is different.

Gaming Keyboard in gaming workspace

Protecting the Eyes

Computer vision syndrome, often known as digital eye strain, is a common condition in which our use of computers for work and gaming can result. We frequently unintentionally resist blinking when we stare at screens for extended periods, which puts a lot of strain on our eye muscles. Headaches, hazy vision, dry eyes, and even pain in the neck and shoulders can result from this. Hence for an ergonomic gaming setup, there is a substantial amount of attention given to the right type of gaming lights.

While many gamers are all about RGB lighting, with the right hues and brightness, RGB lighting can also help minimize eye strain. But gaming or working in darker conditions will only lead to various eye and brain-related issues. Thus, it is important to work in a setting with proper lighting.

Protecting the Eyes

Proper Posture

As much as the ergonomic accessories and the right selection of products can help with an ergonomic posture, they will not do the entire work for you. For an optimum sitting posture, one must actively pay attention to their sitting habits and correct them as needed. While sitting for work or gaming, actively pay and consider your posture. Your spine's natural alignment position, or neutral posture, should always be your goal.

This will help your body remain in the most comfortable and natural shape; hence there are no chances of fatigue in your gaming workspace. Your spine is straight from head to toe while in a neutral position. Your spine's natural posture is compromised when you slouch or hunch. This may result from injuries such as spine compression, nerve impingement, and muscle stress.

Proper Posture

Foot Support

How often do you cross your legs on a chair because the dangling feet make you uneasy? Well, more than countable times. Footrests are necessary in your gaming workspace for two reasons: they can assist you in sitting more upright when gaming and lessen the strain on your feet and legs.

This is because they don't prevent circulation in the legs due to dangling feet. As a result, long periods of sitting in an unpleasant position can cause pain in the lower back, neck, and shoulders. By giving your legs and feet support, a footrest can help reduce this discomfort. In addition, by supporting your thighs and keeping your feet elevated, a footrest can help you preserve better posture

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