Things to Know Before You Bring Your Pet to Work
Work Wellness

Things to Know Before You Bring Your Pet to Work

|Dec 6, 2021

To bring your pet to work surely seems like an unreal story and a new trend. But to take your pet to work day is part of positive work culture in many work environments. Especially in modern workplaces where employee wellness and focus on mental wellbeing is greater than ever, it is vital to combat the negativity in the workplace in many ways.

Sure, bringing a dog to work or even bringing your cat to work might require a few changes and some sacrifices on your part as you should be careful about the office safety tips, but by no means a pet at work is an unrealistic story. If you are also thinking of bringing your pet to work while adhering to work etiquettes simultaneously, here are some things to consider before making this move.

1. The Right Foot

Or we should say the right paw! Before you bring the pet to work, make sure it isn't against the laws and rules of your office. Avoid frustrating the boss as no matter how much you hate to admit it, your boss is the one with authority around here. And if you find your workplace's rules and regulations against the pet, it is safe to request.

The Right Foot

You can talk about the benefits of bringing a pet to the workplace or even interest your boss with a cute pawed animal. But don’t make the mistake of sneaking in your pet without permission. This is not a good idea to violate the rules.

2. Ask your Pet

Well, don't expect a literal answer, but this means to know your pet before you bring them to meet and greet tones of people all extending their hands towards them. You must know that your pet will enjoy meeting new people. If they get anxious around the new crowd, then bringing them amongst many new people at the same time doesn't seem like a wise choice.

3. Be Prepared for Any Mood

Just like a baby, your dog might start throwing fits too. However, you should be prepared for any workplace incident and thus plan a proper strategy to fight it. Consider taking your dog home if they become extremely noisy, angry, or withdrawn, or schedule a noon check-in visit with your professional pet sitter ahead of time. Under no circumstances should you leave your pet alone in a vehicle while you are at work.

4. Make Sure they are Healthy

Make sure your pet's vaccines are up to date to safeguard your coworkers and their pets. If you're not sure, talk to your veterinarian ahead of time and obtain any vaccines you might need. Also, just like you, make sure your pet is groomed for success.

Make Sure they are Healthy

5. Train Them

Although when your pet does anything and you have no other emotion than that cute aww, but pets can misbehave, especially in public places, because they might feel weird. You can control this by teaching your pet well to behave. Make sure to teach them the basics of being in public by making them follow your rules. They should also be neat and properly trained when they need to poo or even ask for food.

6. Don't Force your Pet on Anyone

Dog lovers will make their presence felt. Be considerate of your coworkers' time and space. To avoid pet accidents, keep track of how many treats your coworkers are giving your pet. Remember that dogs should not be given chocolate, candy, or other human food and that not all non-dog owners are aware that these foods can be extremely poisonous to your dog.

Don't Force your Pet on Anyone

7. Pack Properly and Smartly

Make a supply pack for your pet's first day at work. Include dog food, snacks, and food and water bowls for her daily meals. Add a couple of particular toys to keep her amused, as well as a favorite bed or blanket where she may slumber peacefully.

8. Check for Allergies

No, not yours; of course, you are not allergic because you live with your buddy. But someone in your office could have an allergy to a dog or cat. They might not be up for the idea of cat fur. While your office has an air purifier, it is still important to consider the allergies before bringing your pet to the workplace.

9. Keep an Eye on Them

You should always know where your dog is, and you should regulate where they are. If you want to let go of the leash, use a baby gate or other barrier to keep them contained.

Keep an Eye on Them

10. Pre-planned Meeting

If there are currently other dogs in the office, it is preferable to introduce the dogs outside of the office if they have never met before. If a new dog joins the workplace, it should be arranged for the new dog to meet the other current office dogs in the parking lot before going on a brief walk together. They will be more willing to accept the new canine into the 'territory' of the business.

11. Don’t forget them

While you are busy with work, it is likely you tune out of the surrounding world but don't do it with your pet. It is both hurtful and wrong. Allow enough time for restroom breaks and take your dog for a good walk or a series of walks throughout the day. Walking your dog over your lunch break is not only good for them, but it's also a terrific way to get out of the office and get some fresh air.

12. Pet Proofing the Workplace

After baby proofing, pet-proofing is also a thing. Prepare your environment to keep your dog from chewing on cords, tipping over trash, or eating that thumb drive with the report due tomorrow. Anything that could wind up being dangerous to your dog should be put away.

Pet Proofing the Workplace

13. Keep them away from the Kitchen

No matter how clean your buddy is, a kitchen is a place with food and drinks. And honestly, some people might not be comfortable with the idea of your pet roaming around the kitchen where they keep their food.

If they do happen to wander inside the kitchen, call them over to you (a food treat works well) and reward them when they come to you. Close doors and other barriers to prevent pets from accessing the area or other areas where they shouldn't be.

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