What is Computer Elbow Pain? Five Tips to Prevent It
Work Wellness

What is Computer Elbow Pain? Five Tips to Prevent It

|Apr 27, 2021

If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer or laptop and type a lot, you may find that your elbow begins to experience some pain. You may be confused as to what this pain is, or even what could have caused it. The pain could be a result of placing your elbow in an uncomfortable position while you work, and could be resolved by finding a more ergonomic position for your elbow. This pain is often a sign that you are suffering from computer elbow pain. This article outlines exactly what a computer elbow is, as well as some tips that you can implement in order to prevent it from happening.

What is Computer Elbow Pain?

Computer elbow, also known as mouse elbow, is a problem in which the repeated movements involved in operating a computer, like grasping and pushing a mouse and clicking on a keyboard, induce muscle and tendon elbow pain from using the mouse.

What is Computer Elbow Pain?

A common source of elbow pain is computer elbow, which is also known as tennis elbow computer and clinically known as lateral epicondylitis. Tennis elbow computer risk factors have been thoroughly researched, and it is widely understood that in certain people, the onset may be linked to specific behaviors. Although strenuous activities over a short period of time, such as lifting heavy objects or trimming a garden hedge, may trigger it in some people, it is more commonly triggered by lower-impact behavior, like using a computer keyboard or mouse for several hours per day during the workweek and tennis elbow from typing is very common.

There are some hypotheses, as with all painful tendon disorders, but the exact cause is unknown. For several years, it was commonly assumed that a small injury to the elbow tendon or repeated movements of the tendon produces a tiny tear that does not heal, and the body's efforts to repair it fail. The tendon scar that results is thin, making it vulnerable to more microscopic tears. Our bodies become less effective as we age in organizing and connecting the proteins that make up the tendon, making it more vulnerable to injury.

Tips for Relieving Computer Elbow

If you suffer from a computer elbow you may be interested in knowing some methods or tips that you can implement in order to relieve or prevent the computer elbow from happening. Listed below are some tips that you can use to do so. These tips are all relatively simple to incorporate into your work routine, and the results should be amazing. Elbow pain from using a mouse or elbow pain from computer use is never ideal and you should be glad to know that you can resolve the issue.

Tips for Relieving Computer Elbow

Avoid or Reduce the Amount of Time Spent on the Activity that Caused the Pain

Your first priority should be reducing the amount of time that you spend on the activity that caused you to experience the pain in your elbow. Now, for many people it is not a possibility to completely avoid the activity as it is how they earn a living; however, you can implement a schedule that allows you to better manage your time and spend less time at your computer. Having to spend too much time in front of your computer increases the risk of you getting a computer elbow and can also aggravate the injury.

Avoid or Reduce the Amount of Time Spent on the Activity that Caused the Pain

Try Taking Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Should you find that the pain is too intense for you to deal with, you may want to consider taking a short course of anti-inflammatories. This type of medication is great for helping the pain and is generally pretty accessible. You do not need to get a prescribed anti-inflammatory as an over-the-counter option should work just fine. It is important to note that if you do not feel as if you are in too much pain, then you do not have to use any medication to treat the condition.

Try Taking Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Move the Elbow to Avoid Stiffness

Experiencing any form of elbow pain can be rather uncomfortable, and because of this, you may be tempted to just keep the arm still and not move it at all. This is a bad idea in general and can even lead to the pain becoming more severe. Stretching exercises can prove to be useful in this scenario. One of the most effective exercises that you can employ is holding your arm straight while facing your palm to the floor, you should then use your other hand to pull your wrist towards your body and hold it for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeating this four to six times a day can really do wonders for relieving the pain as well as speeding up recovery.

Massaging the Affected Area

A massage is another great way to reduce any pain in the affected area and can have some amazing results. When massaging the area, you should start just above where it is painful on the outside of your elbow and use your middle and index fingers to apply pressure. You should firmly rub the area and employ a side-to-side motion in order to ensure that you get the best results. You can repeat the massage as many times as you find necessary. You should also gradually move towards your hand while applying the massage for the best results.

Massaging the Affected Area

Improve the Ergonomics of Your Workspace

Computer elbow is an example of one of the ergonomic injuries in the workplace and can be resolved by improving just how ergonomic your working area is. You can improve the ergonomics of your office by acquiring an office ergonomic chair or gaming chair with armrests depending on what you mainly do in front of your computer. This provides you with more support for your elbows, allowing you to work much more comfortably. It is important that you take the ergonomics of your desk area seriously, as a failure to do so can result in you experiencing recurring health issues. So whether you need an adjustable armrests office chair or a keyboard tray, you should make the decision to put your health first.

Improve the Ergonomics of Your Workspace

The Bottom Line

After reading this article, you should have a much better understanding of what a computer elbow is, as well as how you can deal with it should you ever have the need to do so. By following the tips provided, you can ensure that you do not have to deal with the pesky injury at all.

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