5 Unforgettable Employee Anniversary Gifts for Years of Service

5 Unforgettable Employee Anniversary Gifts for Years of Service

|Apr 11, 2021

Employee anniversary gifts can often be challenging to come up with. This is especially true when you must give a gift for years of service. Imagine getting a 10-year employee anniversary gift for someone who has been with the company for a decade. In such a case, managers and business owners are often unsure what to do.

A good way to go about this is to designate an event planning committee, which can suggest the gifts to management. The said gifts can be awarded at one of the various staff events you may have throughout the year. Regardless of the way you choose to go about it, everyone understands the importance of getting a good gift.

You could try to establish designated work anniversary gifts by year, but that would probably cause things to feel a bit less creative than they can. As you are likely aware, recognizing long service in this way can encourage employee motivation. This applies to those who have been providing the service and other newer employees who may wish to get to that point so they can also be awarded.

While there are great non-financial incentives for employee engagement, the focus here is going to be on the ones that have a price tag, whether it be big or small. Once you are finished, you should have a great idea of some unforgettable things that you can give as employee anniversary gifts the next time around.

Bill Relief

Bill Relief

While this is along the line of unconventional employee anniversary gifts, everyone enjoys relief from financial obligations from time to time. That is why persons tend to jump at programs that allow them to skip a few credit card payments, for example. Instead of giving a tangible gift for long-serving employees, you could give them the gift of bill relief.

To do this, establish a period and budget for it. Most likely, this is going to be done for a year. If you really want to show your appreciation, feel free to extend it for even longer. Your next step is to select one or more expenses that the employees may have and cover them from the business budget for the designated period.

Examples of expenses you could select are an electricity bill, car fuel expense, Internet bill, etc. Every time the employees do not have to make the payment alone, it is going to serve as a reminder of the immense level of appreciation that the business has for the dedication. 

Hotel Pass

Try as hard as you can, but you are not going to be able to quantify the value of an effective breaktime. This is especially true when the said break includes allowances, such as consistent free food, pool access, and the ability to take advantage of various attractions. Though you may not be able to put a price on rest, you can pay a price to allow your long-serving employees to get some in.

Not all employee anniversary gifts must be tangible, and this is an example of a very enjoyable one where nothing is handed over unless the hotel pass happens to be physical. Here, you are going to choose a nice resort with all the bells and whistles that the employees could want.

Then, pay in advance for the whole stay and award the pass as a way of saying “thank you for your years of service.” The level of job enrichment that you can give by making such a gesture is astronomical. 

Gift Baskets

Gift Baskets

Gift baskets are traditionally used for simpler gift awards. Sometimes, employees do things that are one-off events at various organizations, and they are rewarded with gift baskets for their efforts. So, you may be wondering how a basket is appropriate for rewarding a staff member who has been giving an invaluable contribution for ages. 

The thing about the gift basket is it can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. If you have noticed, you can establish a clear value difference in the kinds of gift baskets that different people get at different events and for different reasons. 

So, what you are going to be doing is going all out in getting the various elements that make up the package. Do not opt for the usual cheap items that many others do. This gift basket is supposed to say, “you have been a valuable asset to us for a very long time, and this is our way of telling you that we appreciate you.” A bottle of lotion and some shampoo is not going to cut it if that is the kind of message you want to send. 

Autonomous Smart Desk

Autonomous Smart Desk

A bulk office furniture order seems like a normal thing that you would do to ensure that your employees have the right equipment in the office. So, how does getting a standing desk feel like an employee anniversary gift? Well, what if it were not for the office? Remember that your employees have things to tend to at home as well. If nothing else, it is a perfect home office standing desk that caters to comfort and health.

An ergonomic standing desk from Autonomous is sure to do the trick. Whether it is one of the typical Autonomous Desk 2 variations or the L-shaped Autonomous Desk, you are sure to make happy employees out of those who have been with you the longest. 

Autonomous Office Chair

Autonomous Office Chair

You do not have to provide your employees with a smart desk and nothing to sit on. Lucky for you, Autonomous has the full package, as there are several stellar office ergonomic chair options for you to choose from.

Though you are pushing the health benefits of a standing desk, they are not discovered if the person must stand consistently. Since the human body is made for movement, what you want to encourage is sit-stand sessions using an interval method, such as the Pomodoro technique.

Whether it is the Kinn Chair, Autonomous Chair 2, MyoChair, AvoChair, a host of adjustability options make for a sitting experience that is conducive to the mitigation of chronic strains and pains, which can make work that much more uncomfortable and unproductive.they are such an incredible employee anniversary gifts. 

Autonomous Chair Ultra - First 3D-Printed Chair

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