Your Office Chair Smells: How to Get It Out?
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Your Office Chair Smells: How to Get It Out?

|Dec 11, 2024

If you work from home, it is important for you to keep your furniture in top condition so you can continue working comfortably in the long run. However, it's very common for people to deal with office chair smells, which can be pretty unpleasant if you tend to sit for prolonged periods.

It could be either a musty odor or perhaps a chemical smell. Either way, an office chair may start smelling after you’ve used it for a while, which can distract you from what you’re working on. Hence, if you want to learn how to clean an office chair’s smell and keep your work area as clean as possible, this article is for you.

Causes of The Smell of The Chair

There are multiple reasons why office chairs get "stinky." It could be either an accumulation of moisture, mold, bacteria or combined factors. Sometimes, new office chairs may have a chemical smell, almost like "plastic" or "acidic."

Although the last fact is quite common, it's common for the chair to lose that smell after a while. Still, keep in mind that sweat is the main reason why your office chair smells. Sweat is humid, which, combined with dust, bacteria, and other particles, makes it the right combination for bad odors.

Also, depending on the material, it’s possible for people to transfer some of their body odors to the office chair.

One of the reasons why your chair smells after sitting is perhaps living in a high-humidity environment, as it contributes to the growth of mold and mildew. That's why it is so important to keep your office chair dry, as it could help you prevent bad odors. Plush, fabric, and leather are some of the most vulnerable materials in this regard.

Causes of The Smell of The Chair

How to Clean Office Chair Smell

So, now it's time to learn how to get the smell out of the chair. The first thing to do is to identify the source of the smell. If you have a carpet, a sofa, an air conditioner, or any other similar object in the same room as the office chair, such as your standing desk frame, first make sure that your chair is the source.

Once you have confirmed where the problem comes from, it is time for you to remove the smell from the office chair. Here are a few methods you can use to deodorize it.

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1. Baking soda

Here is a popular way to avoid bad office chair smells. Baking soda has been used as a resource to get rid of odors and for general cleaning for a very long time. It can be used to get smells out of the chair fabric and other materials.

You can use baking soda to remove the smell from your office chair by sprinkling it around the area where it is coming from. For instance, let's say that it is the seat that smells bad. In that case, you can just add an even layer of baking soda to the chair and leave it to act on it for half an hour or overnight.

Once the period is over, you can dust off the baking soda or perhaps vacuum it up. Your office chair should now have a neutral smell.

Baking soda to remove office chair smells

2. Vinegar

Vinegar has a bad reputation due to the strong smell it has. However, it can be a powerful ally if you want to remove a strong odor. Also, don't worry about your chair having a vinegar aroma once you're finished. As long as you don't use such a big quantity of it, the smell of vinegar should go after it dries.

Here's how you can use vinegar to get rid of your office chair's smell:

  • Mix one teaspoon vinegar in 8oz water until the vinegar has fully merged with the water.
  • Put the solution you just made on a spray bottle.
  • You can now spray your chair with the new solution. Make sure not to soak the chair with it, but at least make sure it feels wet when you touch it.
  • You can now leave the chair rest overnight or until it dries.

Now, if you have an ergonomic white office chair that has gotten stains, perhaps you may have to do some deeper cleaning. Depending on the material of your standing desk chair, you may have to recur to other materials and methods, but wiping off stains is an entirely different topic.


How to Prevent Your Office Chair from Smelling Bad

If you want to avoid office chair smells and make sure that your office chair lasts for a long time, keep the following advice in mind:

  • Try not to eat or drink while on your office chair. If a spillage occurs, clean it immediately.
  • Make sure that moisture doesn’t reach your office chair.
  • Sanitize your work area and your office chair frequently.
  • If you’re a smoker, try not to smoke in your office as the smell of tobacco may stick to your furniture, especially your office chair.

It is important to keep your work area as clean as possible most of the time to prevent your furniture from being impregnated with bad odors. If you suspect that your office chair with a headrest has been growing mold, maybe having it cleaned by a professional can be a good option.

There are different ways to prevent your office chair from absorbing bad odors. However, as they get old, they can become more vulnerable to certain conditions. Hence, if your office chair is too old, maybe it is time to replace it and get something new.

Autonomous Employee Purchase Program

Are you interested in upgrading your current chair and being more comfortable while you're working? The Autonomous Employee Purchase Program is now available for you.

Our employee purchase program allows you to obtain high-quality office equipment at special pricing. You’ll be able to replace your old chair, upgrade your desk, and include many other office accessories in your setup that can make your work life much easier.


After making your purchase, we’ll take care of the rest along with the manager at your company. It takes less than five minutes to start upgrading your new setup!

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