10 Great Back Stretches You Should Do After Workout
Work Wellness

10 Great Back Stretches You Should Do After Workout

|Jul 12, 2022

One of the workout components that many of us frequently "forget" about is stretching exercises and back stretches after workout. Fitting everything else in after your steamy, heart-pumping workouts might feel like a nuisance when you're right on schedule. Stretching, however, may help you reduce muscular tension, increase your strength and flexibility throughout time, and eventually benefit you while working out.

You can do this just after a gym session or on your leisure days. Although everyone has varying degrees of flexibility (thanks to heredity), the more you exercise, the more your body adapts to it, and your mobility will develop. Additionally, factors like overuse injuries might affect how flexible you are.

By religiously doing back stretches after a workout, your musculature will be able to move over a larger range of motion (ROM) as you get more flexible, which will potentially help you do much more activities with good form. Additionally, it will make it easier and more effective for you to perform daily tasks.

List of the 10 Best Back Stretches After a Workout

Stretching and core workouts can help you recover from discomfort, regardless of its source, such as a steamy gym workout, slouching over a smartphone, spending every day at a workstation, or even an accident. Ten exercises to relax and improve your lumbar muscles are listed below. Try including these lower back stretches after working out a couple of times each week for optimal outcomes.

1. Spinal Extension

From our seated exercises, sit with your ankles wider than your pelvis, lean forward at your lower body, and shake your head forwards. Take a regular breath. Draw your jaw towards your neck as you descend. Move back slowly to the beginning position whenever you flex through your spine. This is one of the most effective office chair stretches.

2. Kneel to Stretch

Remain with your feet slightly turned outwards and your thighs shoulder-width wide. Tighten your glutes and abs as you relax your body, folding your knees until your quads are parallel to the surface. Your forearms should be atop your knees. Your pelvis up. Later on, take three deep breaths and repeat.

3. Cat-camel back stretches

Cat-camel back stretches

This is another back stretche after workout for you. Slowly curving and bending your back while on your forearms will cause your spinal, thoracic, and cervical spines to lengthen and flex simultaneously.

4. Cross-legged supine lumbar twist

Extend your forearms towards your sides, palms facing down, while lying down on your spine with your knees slightly bent and your feet flat on the ground. (Consider this yoga stretching; while stretching, breathe; take four-second breaths in and out.)

5. Rotational stretch for the low back

Rotational stretch for the low back

This is a standing lower back stretch where you turn your upper body such that your shoulders spin to one side while seated in a seat with your toes flat on the ground. You can hang on to the armchair for assistance to accomplish a deep muscular stretch. Only venture as far as you can bearably do. Your mid-spine will be pulled forward from your lower spine. You can also invest in some desk exercise equipment to help with any desk ab workout.

6. Stretching mermaids

Kneel on the ground to the left of you and cross them. Grab your knees using your left hand. Inhale as you elevate your right forearm. Inhale as you sense the opposite stretch side of the body as you stretch and meet that arm past your head.

7. Bending forward when seated

Bending forward when seated

Here is how to stretch thighs after a workout, with your legs extended in front of you while you stay seated on the ground. It would help if you wrapped your feet ' soles in a yoga belt or towel; keep it in place for the time being. Take a deep breath and raise your forearms to the sky. After exhaling, gradually lean forth by turning your hips, bringing your tummy to your thighs.

8. Rotating the trunk's spine

Lay on your back with your legs up towards your breast to create the impression that you are sitting on a chair. It would help if you had a 90-degree bend in both your knee joints. Now lay your hands firmly on the floor with the palms facing up.

9. Wall slide stretch

Let’s do the next back stretche after workout with us! Position yourself so that your head, collarbones, and buttocks are forced against the wall. Keeping your elbows flexed at a 45-degree angle and your fingers pointing in front, keep your hands at shoulder height.

10. Lumbar twist when seated

Lumbar twist when seated

Start by sitting tall, putting both of your legs out in front of yourself, and crossing the right knee across the left thigh before bending the left knee. Place the left elbow around the outside of your right thigh, put your right forearm on the ground beside you, and turn to gaze over your right side shoulder.

Back and neck discomfort can be excruciating and incapacitating. In certain circumstances, everyday stretches and resistance training might help relieve neck and back discomfort at home. However, because everyone's recovery is different, it can take longer to resume normal activities. Many people may find that consulting a physiotherapist will speed up their recovery.

There are several upper back stretches after a workout that you may do if you have back discomfort to assist and loosen the muscles. Before starting any home gym equipment workout program, as with any other, make sure you see your doctor. Experts will advise you on the appropriate stretches for your situation and those you should avoid.

Benefits of Back Stretches After Workout

Engaging in back stretches after a workout is beneficial for several reasons:

Increased flexibility

Stretching after a workout helps improve flexibility in the muscles and connective tissues of the back. This can lead to improved range of motion and overall mobility, reducing the risk of stiffness and muscle imbalances.

Muscle recovery and relaxation

Stretching the back muscles after a workout promotes blood circulation to the area, which can aid in muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness. It also helps relax the muscles, relieving tension and promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being.

Improved posture

Many workouts involve movements that can place stress on the back and contribute to poor posture. Stretching the back muscles can help counteract these effects by lengthening tight muscles, releasing tension, and promoting better alignment of the spine. This can ultimately lead to improved posture and reduced risk of postural issues.

Injury prevention

Regularly stretching the back muscles can help prevent injuries by maintaining flexibility and promoting proper alignment. It can reduce the risk of strains, sprains, and muscle imbalances that can occur due to tight or overactive muscles.

Enhanced performance

When the back muscles are flexible and properly conditioned, they can work more efficiently during workouts. Stretching after a workout can help optimize muscle function and performance, allowing for better movement patterns and reduced risk of overuse injuries.

Tips for Back Stretches after a Workout

  • Target the major muscle groups

Focus on stretching the major muscles of the back, including the erector spinae (long muscles that run along the spine), latissimus dorsi (large muscles in the mid-back), and the muscles of the upper and lower back.

  • Hold stretches for an adequate duration

Hold each stretch for about 20-30 seconds to allow the muscles to relax and elongate. Avoid bouncing or jerking movements during stretches, as this can increase the risk of injury.

  • Breathe and relax

Take deep breaths during each stretch, exhaling as you gently deepen the stretch. Relax any tension in your body and avoid overstretching or pushing beyond your comfortable range of motion.

  • Gradually increase the intensity

Start with gentle stretches and gradually increase the intensity or duration of the stretches over time. Avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially if you're new to stretching or have any existing injuries or conditions.

  • Consult a professional

If you have any concerns or specific back issues, consider consulting with a healthcare professional, such as a physical therapist or a certified fitness trainer. They can provide guidance on appropriate stretches and modifications tailored to your needs.

Remember, stretching should be done in conjunction with a proper warm-up before workouts and should not replace other important components of a well-rounded fitness routine, such as strength training and cardiovascular exercise.


Question: Why does my back hurt after exercise?

Answer: Your lumbar back's tissues and ligaments may get overextended or torn due to excessive regular exercise. Pain, tightness, and even muscular spasms may arise from this. Lumbar injuries are frequently treatable at home: For several days, reduce your physical activities.

Question: Is it okay to stretch after a workout?

Answer: Stretching is a good idea at such times. Most of the time, people are more flexible after exercising since they've moved their bones and tendons, improving their blood flow. You can surely benefit most from stationary stretches during this time.

Question: Is it good to stretch a sore back?

Answer: The two greatest approaches to relieving chronic back pain are getting stretched and targeted workouts for improving the back and abdomen. Healthy gluts assist the spine during walking, standing, and sitting, and healthy abdominal or hip flexion muscles enhance posture. Your mobility will increase if your muscles are properly stretched.

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