The Best Gamers Standing Desk for PC & Console in 2024
Smart Products

The Best Gamers Standing Desk for PC & Console in 2024

|May 15, 2021

Relaxation is for everyone, and different people have different ways of calming themselves after a tough day. While you may be sick and tired of sitting in an office all day, sitting for a gaming session after work could be extremely harmful to you.

Gaming is a hobby, and to many people, it is a lifestyle. Either way, gaming also involves sitting in front of the screen and focusing on tough challenges in the virtual world. Sure no boss is watching you over to increase your stress levels, but the negative impacts of sitting can easily impact gamers too. Who would have thought standing desks for gamers would be the talk of the town. Thanks to the benefits of an ergonomic gaming chair for highlighting the importance of a gaming standing desk, now a known accessory in the market.

If you are a professional gamer or maybe love to hit a shot or two at the end of the day, then you need the best adjustable height gaming desk. So rather than sitting and harming your body while your mind relaxes, you don’t put negative stress on your lower back and even heart.

Why Should Gamers Use PC Gaming Standing Desk?

Even if you are a gamer who is not lazy with their exercise, the negative aspects of sitting for long hours will still get to you. Sitting for long hours is a leading factor towards many health issues. You can suffer from weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and many other mental or physical illnesses.

Why Should Gamers Use PC Gaming Standing Desk?

To flip your sedentary routine of sitting for hours, there is a great solution. No, we don't want you to quit one thing you love (gaming), but to do it in a better way. Standing desks let you have the same or even higher amount of fun while gaming. Rather than just sitting at the end of the day on your gaming chair, you can play while standing, and the fun part is you will feel fresher than ever. Gaming while standing is not just good for health, but it also offers many other benefits which you wouldn't have thought otherwise.

Better Action

Remember the 90s when we used to go to the gaming zones and play in the arcade boxes? Did you get tired of standing while playing back then? No, gaming is not a hobby made for people when they are sitting. Just because your game is virtual does not mean you have to compromise your physical activity.

Better Action

Playing while standing gives you a greater sense of action. You will feel like being in the actual game and enjoy the feeling wholeheartedly. Seems like a shot in the air? Then why do you stand while making a big attack or how standing close to your screen gives you a better action? It is because a standing desk for gamers gives you a fresh mind and increased energy levels. You can easily transform all this energy into virtual attacks on your enemies.

Greater Kill Action

Many studies relate the combination of pacing and physical strength to the strength of the mind. Being physically active removes the blockages from your brain, and you begin to think clearly. The imaginative spark is crucial for gamers. Every strategic advantage you can get is a blessing when you're trying to outsmart your rival or achieve your goal. Rather than curling up in your comfortable ergonomic chair, a standing desk keeps you alert, focused and lets you find the artistic spark you need to succeed.

Stronger Body

A body that is not suffering from backaches, neck pains, spinal pressure, high cholesterol, and uncontrolled sugar levels is strong. Isn't it? All these symptoms mentioned above result from sitting for long hours. When you skip the sitting part, you can let go of all these unhealthy results. Having a standing desk for gamers boosts the physical energy levels of a human being.

Sure it is not the only way to burn those calories, but it is a better substitute for sitting, which only damages your body. And who knows how many extra calories you burn with every extra turn you take in a game.

The Future of Gaming

The Future of Gaming

The future of gaming is far from the chair. The virtual reality experiences and AI technology have made gaming cooler beyond measures. And to have that subtle experience of the best, there is no need to sit in a traditional chair. If you are already into standing while you are playing, then you are halfway there for the new future of games.

How to Choose the Best Adjustable Height Desk for Gamers?

Choosing the best standing desk for the gamer is a tough choice. Even though all standing desks serve the same purpose, some are better suited to your needs than others. And you can get a pc gaming standing desk depending on your needs and the space you have. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a standing desk for gamers.



A large gamer adjustable standing desk looks cool, and you can accompany your friends on it, but a gaming desk should be suitable for your room. Buying a large gaming desk will only take up a lot of space, and some of it might go unused too. However, at a larger size, you can put on many gaming accessories. Please make sure you carefully evaluate the size of your room, then choose a standing desk that can fit into it.


The best thing about a pc gaming standing desk is that you can use them for many purposes. Please make the most of your investment by placing it in a place that can be used for various tasks. For instance, you can use the standing desk during the day for office work and use the same standing desk at night for gaming. Although this will require a broad vision as you will have to decide on the size and load capacity that works for both tasks.



Buying a gamer adjustable standing desk is no walk in the park. They range from $300 to $800 with varying features. Though the expensive gaming desks are pleasing and look more suitable for gamers, if a cheap one serves the purpose, there is no point in wasting your hard-earned money. So, when you go out to look for a gaming desk, it's a good idea to ask yourself how much you want to spend on one for your RGB gaming desk setup. It will help you narrow down your options and assist you in making an educated decision.

Negative Impacts of Not Having a Standing Desk for Gamers

Gaming is all fun and gold until you are addicted to it. Once you or someone you know is stuck to that gaming chair and spending hours in front of the TV or PC, then the water is above the head. Sure, many people compare sitting while gaming to sitting while working in an office, but truth be told, both of these things are different from each other. Sitting too long causes many health risks.



To sit while working may not be as pleasing as gaming. Nobody likes to work for long hours, and rarely do we hear someone being addicted to work. Even if you are in the most comfortable working chair in the world, you will be waiting for the clock to strike five so you can go home. As opposed to working, gaming is fun. You don't get tired of it easily. Besides straining your eyes, headache, and sleep taking over the mind, gaming doesn't bore you.

So the next time you compare your gaming addiction to work, think again. As gaming is more serious because it does not bore you until you are forced to leave, it is hard to say a person can stop playing games themselves.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

The physical stress of gaming is somewhat similar to stress in the workplace, but it is one step ahead. A repetitive strain injury is defined as an injury that happens due to constant strain on a body part. While lower back and shoulders are a common body part that is subjected to strain. For gamers, their wrist and thumb also experience a tough time. Besides that, eye strain is also common for gamers as they have to focus on changing figures and very bright colors for hours.

Improper Posture

Improper Posture

Sitting ruins your posture, and you don't even realize it when you are too engrossed in a game finding ways to defeat and conquer the next challenge. Many gamers hunch closer to the screen to obtain a clearer vision and slump their shoulders so they can kill their enemy better. All these postures are obtained unknowingly, but the back pain and neck pain speaks volume about the unhealthy habits you have had over the years.


Gamers frequently complain about headaches. Sometimes the physical pain of sitting for too long extends to the head and results in migraines. Or another huge contributor to headaches in gamers is the stress and anxiety during the games. Not all games are childish and fun; like candy, crush, some give serious anxiety and tough times. While you could be enjoying the adrenaline rush in your body trying to ace the next level, this leads to serious damage to your body.

Reduced Physical Activity

Reduced Physical Activity

As a result of sitting, the human body spends a higher time in sedentary tasks, thus developing greater health problems. From gaining weight to unregulated blood sugar level, not having a standing desk for gamers offers many disadvantages. Thus, it’s necessary to invest in an adjustable height desk for gamer.

Although it is nearly impossible to teach your kid or even get over the habit of gaming for yourself, a little lifestyle change can lower the percentage of damage done to the body. For instance, getting a standing desk for gamers could be the next big change in your gaming routine. An adjustable standing desk can take off a lot of physical and mental stress from your body.

The Best Gamer Adjustable Standing Desk in 2022

The race for the best standing desk for gamers continues as the market is full of choices. The truth is standing desks for gamers are not much different from standing desks for workspaces. Both of them serve the same purpose, and both offer better health. But standing desks for gamers are usually made to bear stronger loads and have a space for a higher number of cables. Those adjustable height desks for gamers are also more funky and cool aesthetically than a standing desk for workspaces that usually come in black or white.

1. L-Shaped Standing Desk

L-Shaped Standing Desk

If you already have an L-shaped standing desk in your home for work purposes, then you are lucky. An L-shaped standing desk is one of the best standing desks in the market. It is spacious, can accommodate various gadgets, and in this case, you can make half of your L-shaped desk for work purposes and the other half for gaming. Isn't it good to have a little motivation right beside you while you are working? 

2. L-Shaped Gaming Desk

There are specific L-shaped gaming desks for professional gamers. For your entire gaming kit, a basic standing desk might not be enough. This is where your L-shaped gaming desk comes in handy. With the main section and a side section, this standing desk for gamers provides a lot of room. And better, the entire surface is normally supported by a controlled lift system that allows the desk's height to be conveniently adjusted. You won't have to think about your game gear overloading it with a maximum load of usually over 300 is one of the best adjustable height gaming desk you should own.

3. Autonomous Desk Eureka

Autonomous Desk Eureka

Autonomous Desk Eureka is an evergreen choice from the family of standing desks for gamers. Not only it offers a strong frame and robust construction, but it also has a capacity for a large load. It can bear up to 300 pounds easily, so your gaming gadgets and console can rest peacefully over this gamer adjustable standing desk.

4. Smart Desk Corner

Autonomous Desk L-Shaped offers the same sturdy construction and high durability as offered by the Autonomous Desk Eureka. But the best thing about this kind of standing desk for gamers is that it is made ideally for the corner spaces. Rather than wasting the corner of your room with something unproductive, you can wisely utilize the space and make it into something you would love with a corner pc gaming standing desk.

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