The Best 12 Productivity Improvement Techniques for You

The Best 12 Productivity Improvement Techniques for You

|Sep 29, 2020

Companies often address their desire to apply productivity improvement techniques, allowing them to increase profits or make new investments. However, this notion of productivity, which is essential in business, remains complex to grasp. 

Increasing your workers' productivity consists of developing their work at all levels. Nevertheless, they should not be burdened with projects, nor put under pressure. A stressed employee is anything but productive. Specific productivity improvement techniques are suitable to improve work performance and increase their productivity intelligently. 

Let's discover 12 techniques and methods that can considerably improve productivity. Following this article, you can apply some of these productivity improvement techniques and significantly increase your work efficiency. 

1. Why Productivity Improvements Matter? 

Productivity is usually the number one issue for entrepreneurs or freelance workers. Creating maximum value in a minimum amount of time is often one of the keys to a competitive and profitable business. While setting challenging goals can help you work more efficiently, real productivity usually comes from reorganizing your work and time. 

However, increasing productivity is not just about making more cash. Money is only a means to an end. While setting financial goals can help you be more productive, having more concrete plans is much more stimulating.

Thus, to grow and obtain work performance, a company must continuously seek to optimize its work organization, apply productivity improvement techniques to its activity, and information technology. It must also strengthen management skills (managers, employees). Finally, it must take into account the expectations of its customers. 

2. How to Increase Productivity?

Do you sometimes feel that you are not as effective at work as you would like to be? Workplace productivity is one of the keys to success. Directors, managers, and team leaders seek to get the best out of their employees. If you don't perform at your best, you may be missing out on career development opportunities.

How to increase productivity

Therefore, you need to allocate your time optimally. There are many methods to improve productivity and get the best out of your workers. Read on.

2.1. Provide a Good Working Environment

Your employees are first and foremost individuals. In a company, the individual tends to merge into the collective for more efficiency and productivity. However, allowing your employees to refocus on themselves means improving their quality of life and giving them the keys to professional fulfillment. Creating a productive in the workplace and a pleasant work environment also means offering a choice! 

2.2. Break Time 

By encouraging your workers to take breaks away from their workspaces, you improve their performance. They are more confident, rebuild their strength, and avoid falling into work exhaustion. Some employees consider coffee breaks to be a motivational tool and productivity improvement technique. 

2.3. Choosing a Recreational Area

Indeed, coffee breaks are much more than a moment of relaxation. A calm place is an ideal option to forge social ties, exchange ideas with other employees, and strengthen team spirit. There is no need to spend a fortune offering the perfect relaxation area; a simple water fountain, and a coffee machine can do wonders! 

2.4. Recognition and Encouragement

In our private or professional lives, we all aspire to a particular recognition. By recognizing the work done by your employees, you allow them to stay within your company. Recognition can be conveyed by a simple "thank you," an invitation to participate in a different project, or a salary increase. No matter how you express your gratitude, this should only do good to your employees. You should quickly notice some ways to increase employee productivity.

2.5. Communication Is the Key

Corporate communication is often one-sided: you demand at the top of the pyramid, and you execute at the bottom. This unilateral communication's immediate effect is to build barriers between the different hierarchical levels and provoke a feeling of exclusion in the teams. By promoting two-way communication, you prove to them that you trust them and trust you. They can find it easier to speak up freely, to share repressed concepts, or to ask for help when needed.

Communication is the key

It seems that creating a work environment where every employee feels productive means improving everyone's confidence, loyalty, and determination. The whole company gains in performance. We, therefore, advise you to apply some of these methods to improve productivity and see the result! 

3. The Best 12 Productivity Improvement Techniques for a More Efficient Workday

Whether you are a business owner or an entrepreneur, improving your employees' productivity is probably an everyday goal. So how do you ensure high-performing employees? By positively motivating your teams.

Contrary to what one might think, salary, while important, is not the only motivating factor for a company's employees. According to an Ipsos study, the most significant factor in demotivating employees is the lack of recognition. Stress, ill-being, working conditions, and the general atmosphere are all problems that affect their motivation. More than nine out of 10 employees believe that the quality of life at work substantially impacts their commitment, performance, and productivity.

Here are the best 12 productivity improvement techniques that you can easily apply and help you stimulate your teams.

3.1. Automate Your Routine

You should know that by automating your tasks, you can save a little more time each day. Moreover, automation can allow you to better focus on your most important tasks and those that require creativity.

Automate your routine

For example, instead of sending emails to your customers manually, opt for an auto-responder such as GetResponse.

3.2. Make Public Commitments 

Indeed, the more you commit to a project, the more you are motivated to complete it on time. 

This technique is certainly not very natural, but it is beneficial if you sometimes have willpower and discipline problems. Commitment helps to counter procrastination.

3.3. Opt For Monotasking

Unlike multitasking, monotasking is doing one thing at a time and doing it 100% before moving on to the next. You should know that doing several things at once doesn't mean you're productive. 

Opt for Monotasking

On the contrary, multitasking is counterproductive. The more you move from one task to another, the more your level of concentration decreases. Reading a book, replying to a message, and then returning to reading the same book is like your brain incorporating three different tasks. You automatically lose concentration and efficiency. 

3.4. Work Little but Intensely 

It would be best if you thought of your day as a series of sprints, not a marathon. That's precisely how you can manage to work efficiently.

Work little but intensively

Is it better to work eight hours a day without taking a break or to work four hours a day in four series of one hour each? The second choice can make you much more productive. How do you expect to maintain an adequate level of concentration after working six hours without a break? It's simply inhuman.

3.5. Predict to Increase Productivity

Anticipate your future actions and how they can unfold. Try to imagine different scenarios that have a chance of happening the next day. 

One of the keys for someone looking to increase their productivity is to try their best to anticipate things so as to waste as little time as possible when the day comes. Indeed, it is impossible to know exactly how your day tomorrow may unfold. However, it is possible to expect certain things and act accordingly and not be surprised the next day.

3.6. Get up Early and Clear Your Head

This is one of the best productivity improvement techniques. Just bring your alarm clock forward a few minutes each morning to enjoy the benefits of the miracle morning.

Wake up early

According to Hal Elrod, inspirer of new early risers, these minutes saved would increase productivity and efficiency, provided they are used to meditate, write, take stock of your goals, play sports, or read.

3.7. Drink Enough Water 

Drinking water can be very beneficial for your performance at work. You may be thinking that drinking a little more water every day cannot increase your productivity, but it certainly can. 

According to one study's productivity improvement technique, water helps you sleep well. A better quality of sleep should boost your energy level. It makes you more productive. Also, better performance can help you reach your goals more quickly. Drinking water reduces stress levels and significantly increases your concentration.

3.8. Stay Organized to Increase Your Productivity

This technique is the key to constant progress in your activity, your business, and your life in general. Be aware that an unorganized person can move much slower than an organized person.

Stay organized

First of all, start by tidying up your desk and your entire work environment. Keep only the material that is useful to you and discard everything else. As for your tasks, try to create your task management system. Once all your tasks are methodically embedded, all you have to do is take action and increase your productivity.

3.9. Learn to Say No

You may have heard this advice before, but you keep ignoring it. This advice is essential to improve productivity. A person who can say no openly to someone who asks for a service can have all the chances on his side to succeed.

Indeed, there is nothing worse than using your own time to satisfy a person when you want to achieve your goals. One of the most significant barriers to your success is those around you. If you let them take a little more time each day, you condemn yourself to never becoming a productive person. 

3.10. Aim for the Jackpot

On average, 20% of your work is enough to produce the most of your results. Concentrate on high value-added tasks, which you perform at a lower cost in time and energy. To find out what your jackpots are, take five minutes to analyze your daily tasks. 

3.11. Take Advantage of Your Biorhythms 

Your level of concentration changes depending on the time of day. You should plan complex tasks, which require rigor and intellectual involvement.


You can spend the rest of the time tackling small assignments such as expense reports or filing. 

3.12. Write an Attention Chart

This document lists the general reasons why you let someone or something claim your attention. For each reason, you describe under what conditions and in what quantities you allow this commitment. 

4. Autonomous Home Office can Improve Productivity and Increase Work Performance

A comfortable and convenient work environment is a productive workspace. All companies should strive to create an ergonomic workplace for all employees. Poor ergonomic standards may result in decreased productivity. Discover some tips to improve the ergonomics of your workstation.

4.1. Adopt a Good Work Posture

The number one priority in ergonomics is good working posture.

Adopt a good work posture

The posture chosen should allow the employee to be relaxed and should not require excessive effort.

4.2. Adjust the Height of Your Chair and Desk 

Employees must adjust their desks and ergonomic chairs to promote good posture. There is no one size fits all when it comes to ergonomics. When working in a seated position throughout the day, you should alternate between sitting and standing. This helps to relax the muscles. Standing desk is a great choice to help deal with this situation.

4.3. Do not Remain Static

Taking a few breaks and moving around is recommended to avoid muscle pain. You don't need to take a long break, but only to walk for a few minutes in the hallway, for example, to stretch your legs and change the air.

4.4. Optimize Lighting

Good lighting is essential in an ergonomic office.  For example, a desk lamp is not a very expensive solution, and it is more suitable for reading printed documents. 

Optimize Lightning

4.5. A Change of Location Is Beneficial

Sometimes an employee may want to move away from their own office to a quieter place to work or need a change of scenery in their work environment to help them refocus. Folding desks attached to the wall are ideal for this purpose. The work surface is adjustable in height to give you the benefit of one size fits all, regardless of whether you are sitting or standing. When not in use, they fold against the wall, saving space, and are the ideal option for promoting dynamic and mobile workspaces.


Staying productive can seem like a big challenge. However, there are some efficient methods and convenient productivity improvement techniques that you can easily apply to improve work performance. Here are some habits you should consider developing to work better.

  • Start planning your day and weeks to maximize your time.
  • Get into the habit of going to bed earlier so that you can get up fresh and have more energy.
  • Improve your ability to concentrate and better control your attention to stay more focused on your work.
  • Improve your eating habits to maximize your energy level and be in better shape
  • Get some exercises to do at work while standing every week to stay in shape.
  • Take action to tidy things up as you have a minimalist office desk setup with no distractions.
  • Increase your self-discipline to overcome procrastination and waste less time.
  • Improve your time management skills to optimize your most precious resource.
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